The behavior of the right vs the behavior of the left, a study in contrast.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member

You do know this is the politics forum right? So why the hell do you come in here all the time? How is it possible to have over 8,300 posts, but have only typed 8,000 sentences? Does that officially make you a troll? ...I think so.
You better watch it or he'll drive by you on his Yamaha bike a few time revving his engine.


Well-Known Member
Know how I know you're a statist?

Your avatar.
My avatar? Article V of the constitution makes me a statist? LOL I've never seen somebody jump to conclusions faster than buck before. How is it that you know so much about me that isn't so? Every post you make gets stupider and stupider. I've never seen a display of such ignorance. You're the epitome of an uninformed voter. Please respond to this post because I know you can't help but make yourself look like an even bigger idiot.

Article V is the only way the states can take back their power from the over stepping federal government. I know all about statists. So does Mark Levin.



Well-Known Member
This is where you're wrong. There are several factors besides number in the sample that affect a poll's accuracy, such as: wording of the question and randomness of the selection process; which is what Buck mentioned.

The margin of error: 1000 = +/-3.1%; 700 = +/- 3.7%; 291 = +/-5.1%.

At some point there's a diminishing returns. But the other factors make the confidence interval go way below 95% (supposed industry standard, but who questions the polling agency's method?)

That 50% poll might be as low as 44.9%. This is where Buck can be wrong. But what if one of those 5% confidence intervals is the real percentage because of: zero call back policy, a mostly RDD with very few cell phone, etc. They don't give their methods usually. It's all about marketing. NBC has no reason to influence public opinion?

So in short, both of you are wrong on some aspect of this. Except, Buck trusts his man is correct! So he'll do the automatic, "silly rabbit, you don't know shit about how polls work!"
only 5.1% is all?

i kinda thought the margin of error would be a bit higher.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
only 5.1% is all?

i kinda thought the margin of error would be a bit higher.
5.1% is if the poll were perfect. Meaning: perfectly worded questions, perfect understanding by all polled, and perfectly randomly picked respondents.

Assuming a confidence level of 95%, all eligible US voters voted ( 207,643,594 as of 2010 census. ) and a 291 sample size.

Plug those numbers into this calculator:

But it gets much more complicated if support isn't exactly 50% like you said.

Z*= 1.96
support for = 0.5
support for or undecided = 0.5
sample size = 291

1.96 * sqrt((.5 * .5) / 291) = 0.05744861741

So MoE or CI = 5.7%.

El Tiberon

Active Member
The only way you take back control is to fight violently....which none of you are willing to do because you are all gringos. You people can't have a decent protest without the police sending you home. If you can't handle your own police and make a statement with them, you are nothing as a nation and the nation owns you. You are slaves. Admit it.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
The only way you take back control is to fight violently....which none of you are willing to do because you are all gringos. You people can't have a decent protest without the police sending you home. If you can't handle your own police and make a statement with them, you are nothing as a nation and the nation owns you. You are slaves. Admit it.
yes we should be more like colombians, who "protest" by setting off car bombs and murdering the families of judges who dare send narco-traffickers to prison, or otherwise offend the Cartels.

yep. colombia is awesome.

in fact mexico too, and guatemala, and cuba, and nicaragua, and honduras....

yep you beaners are doing a bang up job.


Well-Known Member
Still haven't figured out that politics is just another form of mind distraction theater- 2 sides of the same dirty coin? Sigh

Apparently mj is not making some people smarter


Well-Known Member
not sure if he's flipping burgers, but he is making minimum 45 years old.
So do you know what everybody makes per hour, and what line of work they're in? You keep better records than the government. Maybe you should give up selling treadmills and go work for the NSA. Sure it would be tough as the new guy, but as long as you keep sniffing Obomber's butthole, everything will work out just fine.


Well-Known Member
Anarchism is not synonymous with lawlessness. It isn't mutually exclusive either, but certainly not synonymous. Anarchy is misused in modern vernacular however, which may be why you have that impression. Anarchism means no rulers, no lords, no archy.

"The more laws, the less justice." ~Cicero