drug test in one week


Well-Known Member
not really i have a job interview in one week.just found out today the 5th of june. i smoked about a half a gram to a gram 8 days ago and the day before but havent since. and before that i hadnt smoked in a month. so ill have at least 15 days since my last smoke before any possibility of test. i weigh 180lbs im 5'9" and i work up a good sweat evryda by playing bball. im gonna flush with water by drinking about ten ouces every hour on hour while im awake plus what i normally drink. is there anything at wally world or target or a local place i could get to help out? or am i good?


Well-Known Member
you can buy stuff on the internet you drink right before the test thats supposed to prevent the toxins they look for from entering your urine or w/e. i dunno if they work but if ya got nothin else i would give it a shot. drinking vinegar helps to as gross as that sounds


Well-Known Member
Ok heres the facts, a person smoking weed can obtain up to 10% of total THC in your urine in one day. Saying that you can go up to 100%. So if you smoke every day for 10days reaching your point of saturation you will have to wait for 100 days for your urine to be clean. Lets say that .5 will make your urine go to the 10% then that means that in 10days you will lose that. This is not written in stone it is just a general guideline



Well-Known Member
im sure you will be fine. 15 days is a good time to get clean since you haven't smoked that much. when my brother joined the navy he failed his drug test. they told him to go home for the weekend drink a gallon of water a day and return monday..well he passed it. fuckers told him how to pass it. haha. he cleaned himself in 3 days. u'll be alright just don't smoke anymore until then.


Active Member
Ok heres the facts, a person smoking weed can obtain up to 10% of total THC in your urine in one day. Saying that you can go up to 100%. So if you smoke every day for 10days reaching your point of saturation you will have to wait for 100 days for your urine to be clean. Lets say that .5 will make your urine go to the 10% then that means that in 10days you will lose that. This is not written in stone it is just a general guideline

Holy shit. If thats true, Im fucked. I have been needing to get a job, everyone has been driving me insane about "Get a job get a job" and I CANT because I've smoked. Smoked my last bit yesterday. And I've smoked for nearly 2 weeks straight, everyday. Shit. The bad thing is, since I dont have a job, I dont have money for detox! :cry:


Well-Known Member
Holy shit. If thats true, Im fucked. I have been needing to get a job, everyone has been driving me insane about "Get a job get a job" and I CANT because I've smoked. Smoked my last bit yesterday. And I've smoked for nearly 2 weeks straight, everyday. Shit. The bad thing is, since I dont have a job, I dont have money for detox! :cry:
i dont believe that is true. i know people who cleaned their shit in 3 days by drinking a shit load of water. like a gallon a day. it works. just lay off the weed or find a job that doesnt piss test.


Well-Known Member
I would recommend picking up some cheap thc test strips and test yourself. You're a good candidate for dillution the morning of the test. Don't drink tons of water now.THC is not water soluble so lots of water does no good.
Proper Dillution:
Drink 48 ozs of gatorade the morning of the test.
Take a couple aspirin a couple hours before the test.
Take some B complex vitamins to color your urine
If you can find some creatine tabs take them a week before the test.
Pee 3 or 4 times before you take your UA
Use the midstream of your urine.

The other option if you really need to pass is sub with some synthetic urine.
Don't waste your time with detox drinks. They are very unreliable.


Well-Known Member
I take pantoloc for acid reflux..it gives a false positive for THC...tell your Dr. you have acid probs. or the internet pharmacies...or you can just claim passive exposure...at a club, show...... Good luck


Active Member
I stopped smoking 3 days ago and have been a habitual smoker, smoking multiple times a day, for several years.

I stopped smoking the very moment that I was informed I'd be subject to pre-employment drug testing via a urine test. I have read literally hundereds of pages worth of information on the best way to beat a urine test. Obviously anything that is TOXIC to the human body, I.E. BLEECH is absolutely not a good idea at all unless you have great health insurance and can afford a trip to the ER for ingesting very toxic chemicals- BTW when you get to the ER expect to be laughed at as you will probably be the laughing stock of the ER for weeks and perhaps months to come.

Here is my plan for passing the urine test.

1. Each day I turn my bathroom into a Sauna 3 seperate times. I let the shower run on HOT HOT HOT, and the sink as well. I wait 20 minutes before I go in. I put a towel over my head and shoulders and run in place for 30-45 mins until I am absolutely drenched in sweat. I am sweating to the point that my t-shirt is completely soaked in sweat. As I previously stated I am doing this 3 times a day as to try to burn as many fat cells as possible and get rid of the majority of the THC in my system.

2. I am drinking LOTS of cranberry juice and green tea. Cranberry juice will help clean your kidneys of toxins and the green tea will help excreet even more toxins as it has a great amount of antioxidants.

3. I am drinking lots of water. I am not drinking water for the purpose of "flushing" my system but simply to stay hydrated as I'm sweating out both water and toxins.

4. The day before the test and of the test I will be taking 2 multi-vitamins each day containing vitamin B and B12 along with naicin. I will also be taking a shot of vinegar each day- the vinegar is taken with approx 8-16 ounces of water.

I am hoping that this will do the trick. Obviously there will still be THC in my system though I am hoping by the time I take the test that the majority of THC will have been removed via excerise and what THC is left will be masked by the vinegar and naicin. Also most of the THC should be filtered out of my kidneys with the cranberry juice and water.

To anyone who has passed a urine test or knows all about them please take a look at my plan and let me know what you think. I absolutely need this job!!!


Active Member
Dude all I can say is that im in the same boat, I have to pass a test to get this job I REALLY need. Ive been drinking water took some detox pill things and running my ass off any help from anybody would be AWESOME


Active Member
I take Niacin tablets, found in the vitamin section of any drug store. I'm a nurse so i get tested on a regular basis, every month like clockwork. I take niacin 2 days before my test, 4-5 tabs each day for 2 days, 1 every 45 minutes/hour. Along with huge amounts of water with every pill (you'll def. need it while taking Niacin). Atleast 20 oz of water every hour. Niacin sucks big fat hairy nasty sweaty monkey nuts, but it works. I smoke daily and have never failed a urine test ever since I started doing the niacin trick (few years so far). If you are not familiar with the Niacin affect... you will turn red (im white and its like having the WORST sunburn ever, even hurts to move because it feels like my skin is about to rip open lol) and you will sweat buckets, but it completely flushes your system. Its like every cell in your body flushes everything. Some people don't get it that bad, but I've seriously considered quiting smoking because I hate taking that stuff so much.
My sister drinks Apple Cider Vinegar and she swears by it. I have not tried it so I can't say for sure or how much to drink, but its much easier to drink than regular vinegar.
And some people do the gelatin trick. Go to any grocery store and by the straight gelatin (for making preserves and such). No flavor, color, etc. and mix it in with a full glass of water an hour or so before you take ur test and down it along with a load of water. Supposedly it creates a coating around your stomach and you will piss clean. Again, I don't know if this works. Never tried it. I just stick to what I know, and Niacin works everytime without fail. Hope this helps, sorry for the book:joint:


Active Member

Come on...nobody knows about urineluck?? It works every time for urine tests, trust me I know truck drivers, airline mechanics, myself, and many more have cleared multiple tests with the additive product.C'mon I want to hear some other urineluck testimonials. I do not sell or work for the company but shit all this other advice seems so fucking complicated. Get it through the mail or most head shops sell it- just make sure its the most recent formulation (recipe) they stay on top of it and change the formula when necessary so get the most recent formulation.


Well-Known Member
I have smoked every day for a few years now and have gone without weed for about a week and a half, it seems like forever but I don't want to chance it by smoking. I just haven't smoked and stayed away from friends who smoke because they would probably tempt me. Anyways, I have just kept myself busy by doing other things and have tried to drink a lot of fluids.

I don't really know a whole lot about drug tests or how long the shit stays in your body but the longer you smoke the longer it stays in your fat cells (from what I've heard) so just drink a buttload of water. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
not really i have a job interview in one week.just found out today the 5th of june. i smoked about a half a gram to a gram 8 days ago and the day before but havent since. and before that i hadnt smoked in a month. so ill have at least 15 days since my last smoke before any possibility of test. i weigh 180lbs im 5'9" and i work up a good sweat evryda by playing bball. im gonna flush with water by drinking about ten ouces every hour on hour while im awake plus what i normally drink. is there anything at wally world or target or a local place i could get to help out? or am i good?

try www.urineluck.com and get the quick fix. its synthetic urine and works for male or female. 100% pass rate. I have used it ALOT and it always worked for me. Best thing is you dont have to quit smoking ever.


Well-Known Member
i play sports too and sweat it out and alwayz pass the piss test and the oral test.. key rule if ur urinating clear piss . most likely the machine will not read the thc in the urine ..........i smoke other stuff too ... hehe