If you think homosexuality is an unnatural condition...

You're creating a false dichotomy when there are many factors that contribute to the sustainability of a species, not just strictly reproduction.

A very small percentage of drugs cause birth defects. Most drugs don't affect DNA at all. They create inhibitory or excitatory electro-chemical responses in your brain which alters your body's chemistry; but not your actual DNA.

I know it is not only reproduction but that is key to thesurvival of any species.

You are likely right about some medicines not reaching theDNA. Some may not have to, to do their job but when you are talking aboutaltering the body chemistry then I would think that most drugs go into our DNA.

From what I have seen of modern medicine, it looks like theywill be targeting the DNA much more in the future.

If gay is a genetic defect, how does that explain bisexuality... wait I know... split genes?

LOL As I stated before for thousands of years men and women have been having good times with both sexes, just look at Craigslist plenty of married men looking to enjoy a man, lesser the amount of women but that could be due to the fact that they don't have to do it in secret, men LOVE watching another woman with theirs, especially if they can join.

I am sorry that you're sexual experiences must be limited to the 2 or 3 times you had it to create a kid, fuck man I'd go insane and be fucking watermelons if that were the case for me. Be safe, wrap it up, use a dental damn if you need to but GO enjoy SEX, with whomever, whenever, wherever you want!!!

Sex is awesome and should be had be all as often as possible, hell get it where you can!! If you're traveling and some dude offers you an old fashion hell who's gonna know, surely it would feel better than your old righty or lefty, Greatest is it not?
I know it is not only reproduction but that is key to thesurvival of any species.

You are likely right about some medicines not reaching theDNA. Some may not have to, to do their job but when you are talking aboutaltering the body chemistry then I would think that most drugs go into our DNA.

From what I have seen of modern medicine, it looks like theywill be targeting the DNA much more in the future.


See, the great thing about science is it's true whether you believe it or not. In this case, I'm correct.

Drugs, other than chemotherapy drugs and a few others that do actually damage DNA, act on proteins not on DNA.

See, the great thing about science is it's true whether you believe it or not. In this case, I'm correct.

Drugs, other than chemotherapy drugs and a few others that do actually damage DNA, act on proteins not on DNA.


I agree and already stated that some drugs do and some not.

This does not take away the fact that gayness is in thegenes and that it is defective DNA that causes the genes to act as they do.

I am not married to this notion but see no other cause forgayness and no one has given me anything to kill the logic trail I set.

If heterosexual are normal and following their genes and DNA,then gays are also normal and following their genes and DNA. There DNA in termsof keeping the species going just happens to be defective towards that end.

Bigots always have a reason for supporting their perspective. They always attempt to sound as if they are understanding with an open mind. Yet even when presented with evidence they never are willing to change their minds. They always have an excuse to justify their backwards position and that excuse is always impenetrable in their minds. Never does it occure to them that they could be misinformed and inexperienced. They will continue to shit into their own hand and rub it into their hair while laughing at you for not doing the same. You can expect nothing more from a bigot.
How is the survivability of a species that depends onreproduction enhanced by having members who will not reproduce?

It obviously is not.

All drugs work at the cellular level and that means it affectsDNA.


I lol at your idea that " all drugs work at the cellular level ,so it must mean it affects DNA " that statement is simply not true.I can acknowledge that our species top priority is to survive and by reproducing being one of the prime objectives to do so,even at the most basic level of instincts, the survivability behavior traits are ingrained within our DNA very intricately.But,you dont seem to think about the fact that if our instinct for procreation were left unchecked, we would overpopulate,homosexuality is but one of mother natures answers.Yet you still call it defective DNA,when the "defective DNA" is one of natures checks and balances for that survivability through not freely allowing overpopulation,if it were defective DNA truely,,then how is it that this "defect" was never bred out of our strain all of this time we have been here?
Nature preserves homosexuality not only in humans, but in hundreds of other species, as well -

Here are the mammals, click my link above to see the full list of reptiles, fish and even insects...


Damn! This defective gene is ubiquitous. I had no idea nature was so stupid...
I lol at your idea that " all drugs work at the cellular level ,so it must mean it affects DNA " that statement is simply not true.I can acknowledge that our species top priority is to survive and by reproducing being one of the prime objectives to do so,even at the most basic level of instincts, the survivability behavior traits are ingrained within our DNA very intricately.But,you dont seem to think about the fact that if our instinct for procreation were left unchecked, we would overpopulate,homosexuality is but one of mother natures answers.Yet you still call it defective DNA,when the "defective DNA" is one of natures checks and balances for that survivability through not freely allowing overpopulation,if it were defective DNA truely,,then how is it that this "defect" was never bred out of our strain all of this time we have been here?

I also said above that not all drugs work at the DNA levelbut more will in the future.

We did not and cannot bread out a defect when the defect isbased on chance and where and when subatomic particles happen to fly and damageDNA.

As to gayness being a check against overpopulation, twothings. Look around and recognize how small a % of gays were produce.

Nature preserves homosexuality not only in humans, but in hundreds of other species, as well -

Here are the mammals, click my link above to see the full list of reptiles, fish and even insects...

This defective gene is ubiquitous. I had no idea nature was so stupid...

Natu re does not think so cannot be called bright or dumb andyes, all animals and their DNA can be affected and damaged to produce aberrationsof the norm.

Natu re does not think so cannot be called bright or dumb andyes, all animals and their DNA can be affected and damaged to produce aberrationsof the norm.

You sure do pick up on subtle sarcasm don't ya? Anyways, honestly man I would quit trying to convince everyone that gay people are gay because you think it has something to do with damaged DNA. Red heads have red hair and freckles and less melanin than most people; but does it make them weird or unnatural? You know how you were born attracted to the opposite sex and that's the norm for you, well gay people are attracted to the same sex and that's the norm for them. Leave it at that and let people love and live freely without trying to determine their "defect" that made them gay. It's just fucked up and very, very ignorant.

oh and sex isn't just for reproduction. Ever hear of rubbing one off? Every man has done it unless they were born without arms or feet...
Natu re does not think so cannot be called bright or dumb andyes, all animals and their DNA can be affected and damaged to produce aberrationsof the norm.


The exact same 'damage' on a consistent basis throughout millions of years? That seems like quite a stretch. Genes mutate at predictable rates, and the mutations are random AFAIK. If the random mutation offers a survival advantage, it is kept in the gene pool via natural selection. If homosexuality (or any genetic trait) is kept in a sea of random mutation for eons, it seems that it must have a survival benefit, the same as for any other successful mutation. What force could possibly damage dna in the exact same way in way all creatures on a consistent basis? That seems like an intelligent creator argument...

P.S. What's wrong with your space bar?????
You sure do pick up on subtle sarcasm don't ya? Anyways, honestly man I would quit trying to convince everyone that gay people are gay because you think it has something to do with damaged DNA. Red heads have red hair and freckles and less melanin than most people; but does it make them weird or unnatural? You know how you were born attracted to the opposite sex and that's the norm for you, well gay people are attracted to the same sex and that's the norm for them. Leave it at that and let people love and live freely without trying to determine their "defect" that made them gay. It's just fucked up and very, very ignorant.

oh and sex isn't just for reproduction. Ever hear of rubbing one off? Every man has done it unless they were born without arms or feet...
We are one on attitude and respect for all people but thatdoes not mean that I cannot opine on the cause of gayness.

I have heard nothing here to dissuade me of the notion thatit is caused by DNA defects. That is definitely a part of a natural occurrence andno gay should suffer discrimination or denigration because of it.

There is nothing wrong in stating the cause of gayness. Thatdoes not discriminate it just gives the facts.

We are all whatever our DNA produces. Gay or not.
If you are a product of your DNA, and you cannot deny thatyou are, then gays are also a product of their DNA and to not call theirparticular aberration a defect in a species that must reproduce with theopposite sex would be foolish indeed.


The exact same 'damage' on a consistent basis throughout millions of years? That seems like quite a stretch. Genes mutate at predictable rates, and the mutations are random AFAIK. If the random mutation offers a survival advantage, it is kept in the gene pool via natural selection. If homosexuality (or any genetic trait) is kept in a sea of random mutation for eons, it seems that it must have a survival benefit, the same as for any other successful mutation. What force could possibly damage dna in the exact same way in way all creatures on a consistent basis? That seems like an intelligent creator argument...

P.S. What's wrong with your space bar?????
Nothing. It happens when I write and paste from works. Somehow the transfer takes out some spaces. I already have to fix the sizing in a separate operation and just have not bothered editing the lack of spaces.

Survival advantage has been mentioned but no one came up with how not reproducing is good for a species that must reproduce to maintain itself.

As to mutating or changing. DNA tries to reproduce exactly so to say it mutates at a given rate is inaccurate. I have heard of a DNA string that does mutate at a given rate but it is the part that decides how often DNA will reproduce.

Also. Please give a quick read to the post above. It may behelpful here.

Try reading what is written instead of just stupidly puttingyour garbage out here that targets no one.

Have you not noticed that you are the only one with thatview?

Get better and smarter or get lost. You are shaming yourselfas no one is discriminating of denigrating gays.

When you call a group of people "defective" for no other reason than your own bigoted ignorance then you are denigrating that group

I don't expect you to understand this or even care. your sort rarely does either
Try reading what is written instead of just stupidly puttingyour garbage out here that targets no one.

You would rather I target specific people and show them comics?

Have you not noticed that you are the only one with thatview?

I am the only one who says that homosexuality is still largely a mystery and that calling it a defect is a value judgment based on feelings? I must have missed all the people who are posting in support of your position. Have you noticed that you randomly run words together? What is your angle here, that I should feel ashamed and be quiet?

Get better and smarter or get lost. You are shaming yourselfas no one is discriminating of denigrating gays.

Ah yes so it is about shaming me into silence. Another typical tactic of bigots and denialists. If that comic is not pertinent to you then why do you feel the need to respond and shut me up? I realize you are for equal treatment of homosexuals but that does not excuse your arrogant and sloppy position on the science, and when trying to explain yourself you've only shown the ability to masturbate in the vomit of your mind. You will need to do more than repeat yourself and childishly deflect criticism if you want your rhetoric to be worthy of actual intelligent discussion. You do not respond to logic, you do not respond to science, and your mind is closed to new information. You are a bigot who can't even agree with other bigots, yet you claim my position is the lonely one?
I don't see homosexuality on this list of birth defects...


Could it be, and just stay with me G.I.A..... that there is absolutely zero scientific basis for your opinion and you're just clinging to it because of ignorance? Basically you're saying "I can't think of anything else that would cause homosexuality, therefore it must be defective genes.", but you're not in a position to make that statement with ANY aspect of credibility. In fact there're actual scientists that have opinions worth listening to, that disagree with you and also have the understanding and background in science to credibly make those claims.

"The mind of a bigot is like the pupil of the eye; the more light you pour upon it, the more it will contract."