Fml all bad


Well-Known Member
Just when I had everything looking good. I KILLED 5 CATERPILLARS Well what I could find. Every bud site damn near had one. And I guess the eggs look like black pieces of shit or brown? Looks like rotted dirt. FML the two I was going to harvest. I can't smoke that shit. IMG_20130910_181500.jpgIMG_20130910_181340.jpg

Should I even bother ? One bag seed and one 2 year olv mutated plant seed. I checked the sites if the two less mature plants. Didn't see anything. I hope. They have another 3 weeks I'm guessing. Sativas and the just started swelling 7 days ago ...Damn I'm sad. I need a DRI k....


Well-Known Member
Another one! And these are only the ones I felt like taking a picture of. My wife trying to say for me to go through each one and pick them all out. But I ain't smoking worm shit. Would you ? She doesn't smoke so she all "who cares- how you know the shit you get don't have worms"

Wow I see a whole new light. I need to do indoor or cover the pots with bags and keep predators in there. Damn...I see a bunch of little brown ones too


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear man. If they're too far gone there isnt much you can do.
What do you mean by gone ? The buds are all intact. I have to dig to get the worms. But I don't know if I can smoke that. I'm going to go thru again tomorrow. I will continue harvest dry and cure. Get some experience at least.


Well-Known Member
wherever the worms were eating the bud will die.. just pick out the dead part and the rest of the bud is fine.

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
Man it happens dude.
I'd still smoke that shit man. Fuck that, ain't throwing that away!
Anyways take the time with tweezers to clean it up.
If you did a good job your buds should be dense so they couldn't get too deep.
Dont sweat it my man!



Well-Known Member
Man it happens dude.
I'd still smoke that shit man. Fuck that, ain't throwing that away!
Anyways take the time with tweezers to clean it up.
If you did a good job your buds should be dense so they couldn't get too deep.
Dont sweat it my man!

You know actually they are dense. I went in by hand. Got every last one. Well on the one I harvest. The others I went in and got some. But it got dark. My wife is a trooper tho. She said she will go through them today for me. She likes doing that kind of shit. Problem tho we have to man handle the buds just to see the worms. Pretty dense. But its salvageable.

Plan on using compressed air to blow off the shit ....that parts tedious. Next season BT or that other worm killing stuff. And I'm bag them too.


Well-Known Member
If you really can't stand the thought of smoking caterpillar poo, you could just make yourself a big ass batch of BHO or qwiso. Just a thought.

Good luck. Sucks putting all the time and worry in just to have a little creepy crawly ruin your work.


Well-Known Member
It's not fun went thru it, actually the worms started on the outside of bud and burrowed right thru to the stalk where they like to hide, and rot your bud, I just cut out what I could and kept some, your right had to man handle buds so much that will add to trimmings for hash


Well-Known Member
I have a question I have a major bud worm issue as well and I was wondering can you blow bho with the shit the worms rotted? I heard you can blow mold threw a tube and it iis moderately safe compared to jus smoking the mold straight?


Well-Known Member
First thing that crossed my mind was make BHO. I'm cutting down my other girl today. I was going to wait another week but she has brown worms. Not green yet. The trichs are cloudy so good enough. Try to save her. The other two still have about 2 1/2 weeks. Def gonna spray some of that sinosad (spelling). Clean and dry and use anything that hasn't been shatted on. Also I'm planning on taking a qtip and wiping down certain spot. That or just cut em out.

It does suck. I would inspect everyday but never thought of spreading the buds open to see. Lesson learned and I will be ready for next OD season. Spray, nets and buggy zapper light. Maybe a few frogs too.

On the brighter side my bro in law said he'll smoke it with worms , shit and all. Crazy bastard


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about buying that shit to make wedding vails from lol it's pretty cheap to. And it's real fine netting.


Well-Known Member
So I went to my local hydro shop and dude said I was the 9th person asking for caterpiller spray. And they don't have any. They made a special trip just to pick some up today. Hahah. Home depot has some stuff call organicide. I'm Google it now.


Well-Known Member
It's good stuff from what I hear and I also have heard that tea tree oil help? Haven tried any of them jus from word of mouth.


Well-Known Member
So I went to my local hydro shop and dude said I was the 9th person asking for caterpiller spray. And they don't have any. They made a special trip just to pick some up today. Hahah. Home depot has some stuff call organicide. I'm Google it now.
I picked up a bottle of Safer Brand BT on amazon for $10-$11 shipped. Check out eBay too, bought some Safer Soap from a seller there.

If memory serves, the amazon store that had the BT is called Hydroponic Market.


Well-Known Member
It's good stuff from what I hear and I also have heard that tea tree oil help? Haven tried any of them jus from word of mouth.
Ya I read that it smells like fish and the smell is hard to get off. But most what I read were indoor grows. I did font the Safer BT here but 26 dollars a pop. The amazon price sounds way better but the give and take is having to wait as opposed to having it in my hands immediately. Can't wait to get home and inspect. I hope my lizard likes THC worms