Can I Get 10+ ounces with this?


Active Member
This will be my first grow ever.. all of the equipment is being shipped as i type this for a dwc grow... so heres whats im working with and here are my goals..

My Closet is 3 ft deep x 2.5 ft wide by 9 ft tall. wrapped in mylar I have a 600w dummable MH/HPS light on the way, along with a 165 cfm intake fan and a 400 cfm exhaust blower with filter and all the.. the intake will pull air from the year round 72* master bedroom and the exhaust will tie into my dryer exhaust out the side of the house.. at least the first 1-2 grow i will be growing from clones my buddy is selling me (bubblegum).. i had originally planned to have 4 plants in 3 gallon pots in soil but i have since decided against it..

The setup: 2 (or 3 plants (havent decided yet), in 5 gallon buckets, using 10" net pots, hydroton for media, with an airstone bubbler in each bucket, fox farm nutrient trio, distilled water (will be gettin an osmosis filter after a few grows).. veg for 6 weeks 24/0 or 20/4 schedule.. while topping, fimming, lst etc.. nutrient change every 6 or so worry of overwatering. will be taking it slow and east with the nutrients as well.. also throwing a SCRog on it.

the question: how much do you think i could possibly get out of the first grow? how about the 3rd grow? i want to keep the plant count at 3 or less. i'd love to see at least 10 ounces every 3-4 months...
so please... lend your thoughts and opinions.

side notes: i will eventually have individual veg/flower rooms to make it as optimal as possible and i will also be ordering some good seeds after i get through a grow or two. thanks for the input! much appreciated..


Well-Known Member
It's impossible to predict with any accuracy what your dry weight will be from 3 plants. Alot depends on the strain and you as a first time grower. I can say that I don't think you're going to get 10 oz from 3 plants, five gal pots or not. I wish you well and good growing.


Active Member
thanks for the quick replies.. i appreciate it.. a pound would be badass... 2 or 3 plants? even first grow? or am i just being gullable and that was sarcasm? lol

brotes grandes

Active Member
My advise would be to not hope for ten ounces but to wait until the plants have finished and dried until you get ahead of yourself as my first time I grew I hoped for pounds n pounds but was disappointed at the end as I built myself up that I would pull shit loads off and didn't even come close. Not trying to bring you down mate I hope you do get what you want (and yes if everything goes mickey mouse for you in the grow id say you will get 10+ some) I'm just saying don't count ya chickens before they've hatched,so to speak.. Best of luck mate and every grow after the first is usually better and if you follow your mistakes and watch the what not to does you will impress yourself.


Well-Known Member
Honestly though, I would expect a 2-3oz minimum per plant for your setup. Normally first grows average 1oz if that in soil. Hydro you obviously get more but that's if you're doing it right. Sounds like you know what's up. If you're running 3 plants, 2-2.5oz would be a comfortable number. Just think, anything above that is gravy. Expect lower and the more then expected results are that much more appreciated. I know people pulling 4oz-6oz+ off DWC setups, but they are very experienced people.


Well-Known Member
if you look around on here, at least in soil, the average is 2 to 5 oz a plant per 5 gal bucket. maybe hydro is a bit more? lots of variables: strain, lights, etc. be skeptical about guys saying they grow a pound indoors in a 5 gallon bucket. if you're not making a business out of this just enjoy growing.

Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member
"Can I get 10oz with this"? "This will be my first Grow ever"

No probably not... Get some Experience and let us know how you do.

Good Luck


Active Member
I'll def be letting you guys know how it goes.. Should be set up and ready to go no later than oct 1. Hopefully next weekend though.

Thanks for the replies guys, keep em coming.


Well-Known Member
If you keep topping and veg aslong as you can you could be looking at 10, I think that before you do the setup look at first grow errors people make and keep reading reading reading!
Goodluck with it, hope you get your 10 ounces buddy!


Well-Known Member
The journey is the adventure not the destination. How healthy can I keep my plants? How well will I be able to read them? Will I abuse them? I would say just take care of them and they will take care of you in the end. Good outcomes are great but when we concentrate on that we forget to do what we need to do.


New Member
thanks for the quick replies.. i appreciate it.. a pound would be badass... 2 or 3 plants? even first grow? or am i just being gullable and that was sarcasm? lol
If this is your first grow then I would worry more about learning and understanding what is going on and why. Do this and you will reap well and will easily be able to pull 550-650g off that one 600 watter with a little experience. The basics are all you need right now...nutrients, water, light and environment control. Focus on these more and you will hit your marks. JAS


Well-Known Member
can you? yes its possible, will you? Maybe, 4 plants would probably do it and you will need to veg for at least 2 months. If you do your homework and try to avoid common first grow mistakes like overfeeding or not monitoring your ph and ppm then your goal is definatly possible. Do it right and you will definatly get more then 10oz