Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
Just shot you a text, someone responded to inform me you are SLEEPING! FINALLY! lol...

Hope you feel better when you get on later/tomorrow. :)

GDP-male:) gonna be used for Purple Dream creation.(already put into the closet with the BD clones 12/12 to start tonight)
everything else that is old enough are female.
All 3 my White 88s
1x Cocoa Puffs
1x Original Blueberry(topped itself twice now. Take pics later.)

the only things that are not sexed are; Sour Blueberry, Kerala x Skunk, Blueberry Yum yum, and SxI. :)
8 Regular seeds left UNKNOWN lol...


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. Sorry I hadbnt been on here recently. Hadn't been getting enough sleep, guess I'm trying to run myself ragged. Lol. Anyways, I have another damn Dr. Apt this eve, go to go back and get more shots!! Apt is at 5:30 this eve, so after that is finshed, I will be back on to do an update for everyone, that and catch up with everyone, and answer a few pm's. I sure hope to see/talk to you guys then. You guys take care till then.
Your bud, Dank.


Well-Known Member
Hey Dank. Glad to see you up and going. Can't wait for the update, always love seeing your plants. Good luck with the shots; I always got to close my eyes and look away :lol: Talk to ya later mane! :)


Well-Known Member
Hey Dank. Glad to see you up and going. Can't wait for the update, always love seeing your plants. Good luck with the shots; I always got to close my eyes and look away :lol: Talk to ya later mane! :)
Haha.. Hey bud! How's life treating you :??: good I sure hope. Been ok here I guess. Just been wore out! Lol. That and feeling slugish. Been taking B-12 for it, may have to tell the Dr to give me yet another damn shot 4 that! Lol.
Yeah, will be kicking that update out tonight.
Gotta do some massive cleaning tonight! ** The 1000 watt Apollo system has made its way here** haha! Can't wait to get this bad boy up & going.. :)
I plugged it up already & checked all the bulbs that come with it already, just to make sure everything works good. And it does. ;) damn that shit is SUPER BRIGHT!! Like the sun up in here now!! :mrgreen: going to have to where shades up in the grow room from here on out! Lol


Well-Known Member
Well guys, hate to run, but gotta get ready 4 that long ass drive to the doc again! Don't be mad Peach, a Dank has 2 do what a Dank has 2 do. ;)
I promise I will be back tonight though once I get the pictures took. So hopefully we all can catch up then..


Well-Known Member
Well well. Speak of the devil.. haha.. ;) boof!! I didn't see you on at 1st, then blam! There you are..
I sent you an email, trying to let you know what was up.
What email did you use? weird..never got it, still:??:
hope that you get through the shots ok babe, I know how painful they are:(
just remember to breathe;) see ya later


Well-Known Member
Haha.. Hey bud! How's life treating you :??: good I sure hope. Been ok here I guess. Just been wore out! Lol. That and feeling slugish. Been taking B-12 for it, may have to tell the Dr to give me yet another damn shot 4 that! Lol.
Yeah, will be kicking that update out tonight.
Gotta do some massive cleaning tonight! ** The 1000 watt Apollo system has made its way here** haha! Can't wait to get this bad boy up & going.. :)
I plugged it up already & checked all the bulbs that come with it already, just to make sure everything works good. And it does. ;) damn that shit is SUPER BRIGHT!! Like the sun up in here now!! :mrgreen: going to have to where shades up in the grow room from here on out! Lol
Oh it's been alright, pretty laid back last couple of days I suppose. I'm about to get myself some B-12 too, been feeling super sluggish lately, but it's probably from all the damn sleeping pills I'm on :lol:

You lucky duck gettin' a new 1000w light! Wish I had the room for one of them bad boys, or at least the money to get one and super vent my closest haha. Saw on a website once that they sell special HID shades for grow rooms haha, they are like blue or something.


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone,

I just got a text from Dank himself. He is working on the ladies and may NOT have the time or ability to get on here tonight for the update he mentioned earlier.

He had to get more shots at the doctors, so he's not feeling too good at the moment.

He wanted to apologize to everyone for not being able to make it on. And as we all know, If he finds the time he will be here to at least say hello.

Take Care

PS Dank:


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone,

I just got a text from Dank himself. He is working on the ladies and may NOT have the time or ability to get on here tonight for the update he mentioned earlier.

He had to get more shots at the doctors, so he's not feeling too good at the moment.

He wanted to apologize to everyone for not being able to make it on. And as we all know, If he finds the time he will be here to at least say hello.

Take Care

PS Dank:
I know he don't know my name but tell him Ben says take care.

And by the way, your new camera is going to be a hit, such better pictures then before. Great quality, super jealous! ;)


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone,

I just got a text from Dank himself. He is working on the ladies and may NOT have the time or ability to get on here tonight for the update he mentioned earlier.

He had to get more shots at the doctors, so he's not feeling too good at the moment.

He wanted to apologize to everyone for not being able to make it on. And as we all know, If he finds the time he will be here to at least say hello.

Take Care

PS Dank:

Nice. Thanks for the message.


Well-Known Member
Haha. Thanks bro.. You know me, can't resit from coming on and atleast saying hello. ;) nice pic btw. That's the Spyder isn't it :??: Looking super good buddy.
Well, hell I might aswell drop a few bombs myself.. haha.. :mrgreen: hang tight everyone and I will do a quick update.
Hey everyone

I just got a text from Dank himself. He is working on the ladies and may NOT have the time or ability to get on here tonight for the update he mentioned earlier.

He had to get more shots at the doctors, so he's not feeling too good at the moment.

He wanted to apologize to everyone for not being able to make it on. And as we all know, If he finds the time he will be here to at least say hello.

Take Care

PS Dank:
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