Growers- 1 Cops-0: This morning I was Nearly Busted


Active Member
So they Jakes just left.
My wife and i were having a particularly spirited argument, shes a spitfire and I'm a loudmouth so occasionally we can accumulate some volume...
Well apparently the landlord down stairs called the boys, and moments ago they came a-slammin on the door as they like to.
Mind you, my setup is a ghetto grow closet 7 feet high sitting in the corner of my room, BLATANTlY there with HPS light leak signaling its position.
They roll in two deep on some false report of a domestic, and separate me and her to talk. In doing so, he walks right past my wide open door.
Then after coming back foul-5 on both of us for warrants and protective orders, he checks to see nobody else is here...
Heres where i figuratively ceased living for a brief few moments, as my heart stopped beating and the breath was caught in my chest,
I watch him stand in my doorway, lean in and push the door flat against the inside wall for a full view of my room.
Luckily, it is tucker in the far corner the very same side as the door, and a milk crate full of nutes and grow supplies stopped the door from opening fully.
It was not within his field of view. I stood where he was moments ago after they left, and i could see it.
"Well, theres nothing here and they are both clearly fine. We're good to leave. Don't let it happen again".

As the door closed behind them, i shat. I shat to the fucking moon, and with a deep sigh of relief snatched my bowl and computer, and here we sit...
Wow, my head is spinning. That was almost a VERY, very bad day. Like, me and her both in cuffs, losing our jobs and our lives bad day.
Good thing this bag seed's odor only gets palpable once lights are on for a while, and the timer only just kicked on 2 hrs ago.
I've now resolved to never argue with her again... Any takers on how many days that will last? Lol.
Im regaining my sense of humor, and my hands are steadying. Those are good things. Still a bit... Tweaked.
How about you're all's close calls, had any recently or ever?
And do they dwarf what i just experienced, or am i rightfully shook? Lmk.


Well-Known Member
I was there a few years back. Cop stops by, cuz some stoner twisted a blunt by my door (it was a dark little entry, hidden back bedroom apartment.) He dropped what they call a "tear off." Anyway, they were also looking for someone who didn't "belong" around there. A hood apartment, all either black, or Mexican. Um, I guess I fit that description enough to warrant a questioning (they were looking for a black guy that had warrants and ran into the building) My timer clicked OFF when he knocked, the closet was behind me, like 1 foot behind me, when I opened my door... Cool as a cucumber, I asked him if I really looked like a guy that would try getting away in that neighborhood? Demanded his badge for race profiling, and slammed the door. Fuckin' close. I decided to move shop that day. Lost 12 girls.


Well-Known Member
So they Jakes just left.
My wife and i were having a particularly spirited argument, shes a spitfire and I'm a loudmouth so occasionally we can accumulate some volume...
Well apparently the landlord down stairs called the boys, and moments ago they came a-slammin on the door as they like to.
Mind you, my setup is a ghetto grow closet 7 feet high sitting in the corner of my room, BLATANTlY there with HPS light leak signaling its position.
They roll in two deep on some false report of a domestic, and separate me and her to talk. In doing so, he walks right past my wide open door.
Then after coming back foul-5 on both of us for warrants and protective orders, he checks to see nobody else is here...
Heres where i figuratively ceased living for a brief few moments, as my heart stopped beating and the breath was caught in my chest,
I watch him stand in my doorway, lean in and push the door flat against the inside wall for a full view of my room.
Luckily, it is tucker in the far corner the very same side as the door, and a milk crate full of nutes and grow supplies stopped the door from opening fully.
It was not within his field of view. I stood where he was moments ago after they left, and i could see it.
"Well, theres nothing here and they are both clearly fine. We're good to leave. Don't let it happen again".

As the door closed behind them, i shat. I shat to the fucking moon, and with a deep sigh of relief snatched my bowl and computer, and here we sit...
Wow, my head is spinning. That was almost a VERY, very bad day. Like, me and her both in cuffs, losing our jobs and our lives bad day.
Good thing this bag seed's odor only gets palpable once lights are on for a while, and the timer only just kicked on 2 hrs ago.
I've now resolved to never argue with her again... Any takers on how many days that will last? Lol.
Im regaining my sense of humor, and my hands are steadying. Those are good things. Still a bit... Tweaked.
How about you're all's close calls, had any recently or ever?
And do they dwarf what i just experienced, or am i rightfully shook? Lmk.
That was a good read, i would of shat to the moon aswell


Last year I had my grow in an walk in closet in my apartment. Apartment was kind of set up like a 4-plex with two apartments above mine and one on the bottom floor sharing a wall with me. Well one of the top apartments burned down on Thanksgiving day, destroyed the apartment directly above mine and ruined the one I shared a wall with from water damage. Luckily - mine was the only apartment unscathed! Everyone else had to move out but me. As a result of the fire - which was caused by domestic dispute - there were fire crews, news teams, and police all around. They (fire dept) kicked down my door to make sure no one was in side (I was at my girls house for the night completely unaware) and pulled out my dog incase the fire spread and ran through the apartment looking for me. Mind you, I was fully into flower mode with over 20 plants. I had my 2 foot bong plus a quart jar FULL of bud sitting on the counter which was the first thing anyone would see if they walked into my apartment. Not to mention I had a full grow tent full of 4 moms and clones and seedlings. They turned off all the electrical to prevent any electrical fire - which fucked my light cycle up - but that was it. I know they had to have seen everything and from that point for the next few days I was paranoid as shit that they would either narc on me or worse, roll back through and steal all my shit.

Nothing of the sort happened - I was just glad my entire apartment didn't burn down in the end. What a thing to be thankful for on thanksgiving day haha.


Well-Known Member
damn Headie! you must be careful when doing battle with your partner - more than a few shows have had the plug pulled because of domestic situations. I have zero room to speak, my wife and I used to have spectacular fights and it's a miracle nobody ever called popo on us. probably because the neighbors would also get into it from time to time. once I heard an angry diatribe that was entirely impossible to understand save for the last two words, "nutrients, bitch!". oh man wifey and I got some mileage out of that one. you are right to be shaken, it sounds like you got lucky. go buy a lottery ticket. ok here's a story for ya: when I was in high school, I got pulled over one night for turning right on red when there was a sign saying not to do that. in my wallet was a half tab of acid, I had eaten the other half a few hours earlier. in the glove box rested my pipe and bag, right next to the registration. I made lots of really good decisions in high school! knowing the cop would request my reggo - I thought I'd be clever enough to beat him to the punch and not even let him look inside the glove box. I pulled the registration out and layed it on the passenger seat. he strolled up to the window, all big and friendly, and asked to see my license and registration. I hand him my license, and reach over and grab my reggo. I pick it up, and to my horror, realize I have also pulled my very obvious bag of weed out as well and it's now dangling next to the reggo mere feet from the cops face. somehow I had the dexterity to open two fingers and drop the bag onto the seat right before I handed him the paper. he took it all back to his car and I quickly threw the bag under the floor mat and started praying. he came back and returned my license and reggo, gave me a ticket, and bid me good night. hell, for all I know, he saw the bag and just didn't care, these things do happen.


Well-Known Member
I just got too cozy... Like lately, got pulled over for swerving (cuz of my hand being burned, and driving a stickshift and all) but, I had left my roaches and bowl in the cup holder. Good thing there were a couple knives covering them! :dunce: No warrants, good insurance, plausible reason for erratic driving (I was really looking for a song in my phone.) No search. No rookie, just too comfy in my usage.


Well-Known Member
I hate my landlord for that exact reason ha, but yea me and ma girl stay real quiet now. I grow low odor strains and don't run carbon filters or anything. I've had a few close calls, some like yours, very scary..I would lose my career as well as my wifes.... we need to get legal huh


Active Member
rookies,geeze I swear.....
Wish i was born with a green thumb and balls of steel like slowbus.
Apparently Chuck Norris Posts on RiU, and he has really lame and inconspicuous forum name
Because thats the only person i can think of who was simply just born awesome, and never started out at one point as something less than they are now.
Him and Jorge Cervantes. And Frank Zappa. Okey, so there are a few...

Holy shit are you Frank Zappa?
That would be a fucking trip, mate :D

Amen Qwizo, i medicate for Severe Anxiety/Panic condition, and PTSD. Normal situations get me more flustered than they should, something like this?
Pfft, I'm providing myself with cheap medication i can afford with my bills and my wifes tuition expenses, i end up exacerbating my condition.
We need safe, legal access. We need our rights.


Well-Known Member
You never let police in your house. thats rule #1

If theyre allowed in theyll kick the door down with a warrant. If anyone has police who come to there door and knock then refuse them entry, or dont talk to them. Unless they have a warrant they have no right in your house. The "domestic disturbance" might be under something different but for any other reason


If theyre legally allowed in your house youll probably be woken up at 6 am by your door hitting the wall or floor.

That being said great escape!


Active Member
Yeah round here, if the call says anything about domestic they mandatorily send out 2 units, and if you don't answer they are bustin the door in.
Then everybody goes down... But trust, i know.
Any other time I'm answering the door and its a cop hes not pushing in past me, were speaking outside.
This is a small, suburban town. The cops here legitimately have nothing better to do than harass EVERYBODY.
Theres like a .2% racial diversity in population deviating from Caucasian. And no murders, or anything particularly interesting to speak of.
Same mayor for the last god knows how many terms, as long as i can remember.
One of those small towns where cops just bust balls and as a result from doing nothing particularly menacing I've a record to show for it.


Well-Known Member
Wish i was born with a green thumb and balls of steel like slowbus.
Apparently Chuck Norris Posts on RiU, and he has really lame and inconspicuous forum name
Because thats the only person i can think of who was simply just born awesome, and never started out at one point as something less than they are now.
Him and Jorge Cervantes. And Frank Zappa. Okey, so there are a few...

Holy shit are you Frank Zappa?
That would be a fucking trip, mate :D

Amen Qwizo, i medicate for Severe Anxiety/Panic condition, and PTSD. Normal situations get me more flustered than they should, something like this?
Pfft, I'm providing myself with cheap medication i can afford with my bills and my wifes tuition expenses, i end up exacerbating my condition.
We need safe, legal access. We need our rights.
have some respect man, franks gone.. hes obviously dweezil zappa


Well-Known Member
so I'm gonna go out on a limb here and mention not all cops are fucking morons. Had the thought of them coming back with a warrant entered your mind?


Well-Known Member
few of you need to step up the grow and lose the light leak and other stupid shit.. i dont know about you, but id be pretty upset if i got busted because i was to cheap to buy a tent or to lazy to build a room. dont get caught for something so retarded..


Active Member
few of you need to step up the grow and lose the light leak and other stupid shit.. i dont know about you, but id be pretty upset if i got busted because i was to cheap to buy a tent or to lazy to build a room. dont get caught for something so retarded..
I assume you've no financial burdens of your own, then?
I congratulate you, we're not all so fortunate.
Some must toil, and further some ceaslessly so to provide for the ones they love.
Although i do have a tent on the way, as I'm not that strapped atm.
I spent just as much on the requisite materials for this haphazardly made one as a cheap pre-fab tent cost.
But that was because of the expansions, as i outgrew my area. Live and learn.


Well-Known Member
I assume you've no financial burdens of your own, then?
I congratulate you, we're not all so fortunate.
Some must toil, and further some ceaslessly so to provide for the ones they love.
Although i do have a tent on the way, as I'm not that strapped atm.
I spent just as much on the requisite materials for this haphazardly made one as a cheap pre-fab tent cost.
But that was because of the expansions, as i outgrew my area. Live and learn.
i made my filter. works perfectly, theres so many DIY's on here... take a poke around the DIY area, some really cheap ways to step up the grow if the pockets are light. better safe then sorry ya know


New Member
Wish i was born with a green thumb and balls of steel like slowbus.
Apparently Chuck Norris Posts on RiU, and he has really lame and inconspicuous forum name
Because thats the only person i can think of who was simply just born awesome, and never started out at one point as something less than they are now.
Him and Jorge Cervantes. And Frank Zappa. Okey, so there are a few...

Holy shit are you Frank Zappa?

That would be a fucking trip, mate :D

Amen Qwizo, i medicate for Severe Anxiety/Panic condition, and PTSD. Normal situations get me more flustered than they should, something like this?
Pfft, I'm providing myself with cheap medication i can afford with my bills and my wifes tuition expenses, i end up exacerbating my condition.
We need safe, legal access. We need our rights.

whoa~ did I strike a nerve?If you can't do the time,don't do the crime.Or at least don't be a dumb ass about it...dumb ass


Well-Known Member
cops around here come into the buildings with K9 units. Not worried about the light, worried about the dog. Also, the light fan (the fan used to cool the fan, and circulate/dry the air) didn't make noise, but caused a noticeable presence of sound. (can't explain, more "feel" than "hear".)


Well-Known Member
That is why I refuse to have neighbors I'd have the cops called over some stupid argument people really can't just mind there business I could see if your obviously beating your girl but WTF. I like boondocks I never see cops and I can shoot guns out the window day night never any cops nobody calls the cops I've been caught smoking bud I don't know people just know how to mind there business in the sticks I've lived in the city and they call the cops for nothing out here they won't even call about a fight most of the time I had a few guys stop once just to watch the fight. really as long as you stay away from the fiends you won't see cops their always into something so the cops spend all there time on them so they have no time to bust small time growers.