major problem please help quick


Well-Known Member
So im not sure whats going on here but looks really serious ill keep this short this is only on the top leaves of the colas started out just one but now its several

Mg moisture control soil
156 w cfl
80 degree temps
Watrr every third day mg bloom booster half strength everyother watering ( i did switch too full strength the day before this happened )
40 precent humidity
Ph is at 7 to 7.5 on runoff

Also the same morning i noticed this i also noticed my exhaust fan died sometime during the lights on cycle to its possible it got way to hot for one 12hr light cycle im only about 3 to 4 weeks from harvest and everything has gone perfect so far and dont wanna have to take her early i also added a can full of charcoal to the box to lower thr humidity about a week ago not bc iy was to high but just tryimg to lower it the last few weeks


Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
Go out and get pH adjuster ASAP.
Get that thing down to a 6.0-6.4 pH..
Also flush that fucking soil Lol.

Edit: It's at the top so.....
Probably from heat lol...


Well-Known Member
Go out and get pH adjuster ASAP.
Get that thing down to a 6.0-6.4 pH..
Also flush that fucking soil Lol.

Edit: It's at the top so.....
Probably from heat lol...
lol ok next water ill flush next watering anyone else had a prob like this?


Well-Known Member
Plz help it seems to be spreading so i know its not a heat or light burn issue it starts out as small copperish colored spots never see anything yellow then turns a shinier brighter copper color like the pics to dried curled up brown and dead its still only happening at the tops of the budsites but has spread to all of them except the very small popcorn buds that came up late in lsting

Im going to try to flush and was thinking maybe i should do this with an h202 mix to kill anything unwanted in the soil is there any way this could hurt her more?


Well-Known Member
Flush it and make sure your lights aren't too close, seems like nutrient burn though since it's spreading so quickly. It very well could be a heat stress induced problem though.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
Your ph is wack man. Ducksfooting like that as well as the skinny/cupped leaves.

she looks pretty gnarly for sure

get your ph under control and don't change too other or she's bound to go hermie.


New Member
O.K. had a similar incident earlier this year. Your 40% R/H is what caught my eye. A client had what he thought was the start of bud rot and asked if I would stop in, I found similar, just at the very top of the tallest parts of the plants...first. The problem was a combo...low relative humidity(his was 30% due to the install of a second unit)and the girls got a little too tall. Dry and hot was the issue. If you can raise the lights a little and get some air movement on the tops. Personally I would leave your R/H alone and correct your ph issues with your run off. JAS


Well-Known Member
Can i make some sory of lime solution to watrr with? And if i can should i flush with it or just plain phd water? If it is a nute burn would flushing it with three time water to container size clear it up on its own

I was planning on flushing her in about an hour when lights come on unless i get a different response before then

Thanks for the replies i was starting to get frustrated

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
not a dirt expert but I suppose you probably could. Be careful you don't overdo it tho. Liquid ph down is easier dispersed. I know you can use lime tho, just not sure as to mix ratios and such. Hopefully someone else chimes in.


Well-Known Member
not a dirt expert but I suppose you probably could. Be careful you don't overdo it tho. Liquid ph down is easier dispersed. I know you can use lime tho, just not sure as to mix ratios and such. Hopefully someone else chimes in.
thanks yea hppefully before i flush


Well-Known Member
well if noone else helps my advice is to add your lime a little at a time to your flushing water. Ensuring you get it mixed thoroughly. keep checking the ph of the water until you get it to your desired level. Maybe a little higher than 6-6.4 as these things tend to swing after mixed. Let it sit for a while with a pump or airstone in it to ensure the water is stabilized before you flush with it.
thanks a ton for your help i guess im going to try well see what happens i would appreciatr some more opinons tho


Well-Known Member
I flushed w just water phd at 7.5 i was nervous about the lime bc i do not know much about it ir even wat kind i have i did get a soil ph moisture duo tester and tested the soul instead of the runoff and it come to 5 in threr spots so hppefully this flush will bring it back fingers crossed


Well-Known Member
garden lime can be had at lowes or mennards home depot places like that for 5 bucks a bag. You cannot over do it with lime it adds calcium to the soil and will set the PH at 7 that is good ph for soil.But i think its too late for your plants with the single leaf retardation.the tops look like a little heat burn . lights to close when you spray your plants probably.


Well-Known Member
garden lime can be had at lowes or mennards home depot places like that for 5 bucks a bag. You cannot over do it with lime it adds calcium to the soil and will set the PH at 7 that is good ph for soil.But i think its too late for your plants with the single leaf retardation.the tops look like a little heat burn . lights to close when you spray your plants probably.
ok thanks. I never spray my plants and what do you mean by too late ? To late to fix this ph problem , after the flush they looked much better i trimmed all the dead leaves and so far no mores have died , with that much stress is she for sure ganna turn hermi? Maybe thats what you meant


Well-Known Member
i had a blue berry strain that would throw single leafs like your plant is doing.lack of light or anything would cause it with this particular plant.Im not sure about yours but a ph out of wack on the blue berry anything would cause it to that particular plant.Any time a plant is throwing leaves one at a time like yours there is something wrong with it.It will pull out perhaps if you re vegetate this plant back under the MH lamp.It will never pull out of the problems it has in the flower room it will take to much time.That being said i have had some HUGE production on a retard plant before.But it will not pull out very easy even in veg it will take a long time.I fought to keep that plant i had alive, it was a kushberry from DNA seeds.It grew great and productive with some of the best dope ever on it.I never had one of my kush berrys go hermi.But do keep a eye on it.especially if it is a feme seed.There are people on here who will tell you not to use miracle grow soil.There are others on here who will swear by it.I think for my next grow id look into some fox farm or happy frog soil..BUT ALL SOIL NEEDS TO BE amended with garden lime and also if you can get it azomite.The garden lime will PH the soil and add needed calcium to the soil the azomite will add every mineral known to man your plant needs so you will never have a mineral deff of any type.One of the best dirt organic growers around is on this site..he is also the best seed breeder on the planet subcool (personal opinion)Go look up his soil mixture over in organics you will spend hours reading and reading and learning.let me know if i can help.


Well-Known Member
i had a blue berry strain that would throw single leafs like your plant is doing.lack of light or anything would cause it with this particular plant.Im not sure about yours but a ph out of wack on the blue berry anything would cause it to that particular plant.Any time a plant is throwing leaves one at a time like yours there is something wrong with it.It will pull out perhaps if you re vegetate this plant back under the MH lamp.It will never pull out of the problems it has in the flower room it will take to much time.That being said i have had some HUGE production on a retard plant before.But it will not pull out very easy even in veg it will take a long time.I fought to keep that plant i had alive, it was a kushberry from DNA seeds.It grew great and productive with some of the best dope ever on it.I never had one of my kush berrys go hermi.But do keep a eye on it.especially if it is a feme seed.There are people on here who will tell you not to use miracle grow soil.There are others on here who will swear by it.I think for my next grow id look into some fox farm or happy frog soil..BUT ALL SOIL NEEDS TO BE amended with garden lime and also if you can get it azomite.The garden lime will PH the soil and add needed calcium to the soil the azomite will add every mineral known to man your plant needs so you will never have a mineral deff of any type.One of the best dirt organic growers around is on this site..he is also the best seed breeder on the planet subcool (personal opinion)Go look up his soil mixture over in organics you will spend hours reading and reading and learning.let me know if i can help.
ok thaanks so much for all the info ive also read alot of mixed reviews on mg i think it works better than the dirt in your backyard if you werent to fertilize on top but it seems like all the time released nutrients release so randomly it is easy to over fert. So not good at all gor a grower trying to get the most out of there plants but good for someone who just lets them do their thing
That being said next time i def think i will go more organic or atleast something that doesnt habe time released nutes i really didnt think the moisture control would have many nutes guess i shouldbe checked oh well rookie mistake ... but aside from that what ive gather from your story and others that she should make it until harvest time just might take a while longer to mature is that right? And from other stories ive read about stunted or retarded plants they took longer but some of the best smoke theyve had .... maybe like wine amd whiskeys a slow aging makes for a better quality.... just a thought