

Well-Known Member
theres only a few kinds of frogs that eat plants and they are treefrogs found only in tropical areas, and they eat sweat fruits mostly.
I posted a quote from the bullfrog website of al the things they eat, and no kind of plant was on the list :) hope this helps you sleep better :P


Well-Known Member
theres only a few kinds of frogs that eat plants and they are treefrogs found only in tropical areas, and they eat sweat fruits mostly.
I posted a quote from the bullfrog website of al the things they eat, and no kind of plant was on the list :) hope this helps you sleep better :P
lol i have tree frogs im in WV


Well-Known Member
we have treefrogs in brooklyn, not many but some, I ment the kinds of treefrogs that eat fruits live mostly in tropical areas.


Well-Known Member
here in sacramento we have little sand-colored tree frogs. they poop on my buds. not fun. they also eat all my bugs, but thats just neat-o.


Well-Known Member
here in sacramento we have little sand-colored tree frogs. they poop on my buds. not fun. they also eat all my bugs, but thats just neat-o.

those are the ones i want. i grew up in rocklin and we used to find them in the sandbox at the playground. they like to burrow. i want a bunch of those. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Search for Hyla regilla (formerly Pseudacris regilla). These tree frogs (aka Pacific tree frog) are found across the state and in many, many color morphs. Just in our county alone I've found the same species in three different color varieties--green, brown (including a buffy color), and red (an earth red). :)

I asked some herpetologist friends of mine and they linked me to a site with sound recordings and everything, it was pretty cool.


Well-Known Member
I google imigaded hyla regilla, it looks like a treefrog I cought a few years ago, kept it for 2 years than let it go, he was cool it would change colors from white, grey and black, to green, brown and lots of inbetween colors, he was pretty kick ass!


Well-Known Member
I google imigaded hyla regilla, it looks like a treefrog I cought a few years ago, kept it for 2 years than let it go, he was cool it would change colors from white, grey and black, to green, brown and lots of inbetween colors, he was pretty kick ass!
Wait a minute, the same INDIVIDUAL changed its colors??? This really changes my concept of these frogs! That's almost chameleon or cuttlefish-like (although, ain't NOTHIN' on this planet gots anything on dem cuttlefish, those things kick ASS). (Ok, I like cephalopods.)

I was assuming that environment during maturation was the influencing factor in their coloration.


Well-Known Member
I dont know man it was cool, when I got it it was really small like the size of my pinky tip, then when I got rid of it it was bigger than my thumb tip, it would change colors like hank said to mimic its background or when it was cold it would turn white too. and it would be a really dark brown if it was really hot