how safe is it using these types of forums?


New Member
Just Kidding!:shock: Highly unlikely...They may(with a search warrant) go into your computer and find info you have placed on the net if they really need evidence. JAS


Well-Known Member
I guess, you didn't get the Memo.

Once, your Data is on the Net, Always on the Net.

Big Brother is watching and his Cousins too.

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
Once, your Data is on the Net, Always on the Net.

Big Brother is watching and his Cousins

But you can get by their tactics.
Just keep saying everything is AFOAF's. And nothing will happen!
Just like if you rob a bank.. have the gun and cash on you... it's just a friend of a friend's!
And everything's OK!


Active Member
The US Government has far better abilities on the net than anyone can imagine, even they.

They know what site you are going to next and what you will post before you even turn your machine on in the morning (well, almost) and every keystroke you ever posted has been logged, filed and stored in a big algorithmic Yhatzee type cup...

That said, your local police force, 'not so much'.


New Member
If RIU is like most websites... when you connect to this website your ip address (which reveals your location) and mac address (the serial number of your actual physical network card) are logged in RIU's database along with a date/time stamp of when you connected. Normally this info stays in their DB (which is presumably secure and encrypted), and LEO would have to request log records from RIU with a warrant.

As far as I know no one has ever been busted from using these forums, but you can try to stay anonymous using proxy connections or Tor. Just google Tor or hidemyass. Basically Tor will route your traffic through 3 or more random servers using encryption in a way that makes it extremely difficult to trace back to you. Tor network also runs .onion pages which has all kinds of deep web shit.


Staff member
its safe. safer than other websites, no ones been busted and if youre medical its should be okay to use.

i mean , lets be realisitic
ive posted my exact location, photos of my face and plants and im still here 6 years later. riu is WORLD WIDE government has better things to do than find each and every 500,000 riu member


Active Member
Man in my country "Australia" people get 10 yrs for murder and suspended sentences for rape! (What a disgrace). Do you really think growing a few plants is that "bad".

Just do whatever you want everyone else does these days.

Freedom in norml


Well-Known Member one busted by riu yet....
yeah, alpha males (with big floppy man tits and goofy, cereal bowl hair cuts) just aren't what they used to be!

Showed some people yer past threads. I got your true IP address too. IT tech friend that works for At&t helped me get it. Doesn't matter if you changed it either.:-DI was never one to serve revenge.*

But your on the list too now.
still waiting on you, you "alpha male" (who smuggles a few plants in the woods like any garden variety teenager would do).
Well thats good to hear! Perhaps ill share a small guerilla grow with everyone. Swiss cheese(ones 6ft +). The location is North eastern US so theyre flowering:)

Lo Budget

Well-Known Member
Just make sure there's no gps data in your photos. No use handing them anything on a silver platter. Cameras are beginning to incorporate this 'feature' now too.