TGA By Others


Active Member
you-re a legend, thanks for the free info that helps many people improve and thanks for the diverse gear, sad ur sick to the point you cant even smoke marihuana any more. Your amazing fotos inspired me to step up and start taking pictures, and what better place than a tga by others thread.. here are my first pictures of our local Machupichu and Super Sour strains, I would love some feedback on how to take better pictures, I-m using a Canon G12 powershot, but I-m interested in getting a new one.. what camera could I get? or what lense is better? I-m thinking of putting purple cartboard on the walls as background for the pics, I-ve also read in this thread you modify or increase the intensity on greens and whites, am I right? my TGA garden is on the way, here are some picks of it, I had lots of seedling wilts (I think thats how it-s called) and have a few survivors, what can I do to prevent wilt in seedlings? next time the pics will have purple background and tga strains
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TMG Genetics

New Member
This is some Jack The Ripper I have going. It's all organic, Just using actively aerated compost teas and bat guano to feed it. It's frosting up real nice and has a real lemon smell going on. I cant wait to smoke this. Thanks for the killer genetics sub!



I'm on my 3rd pack of ace of spades now... my opinion is any combination of the parent traits is available if you pheno hunt enough. the purple phenos don't always have the same buzz, so if you liked the purple pheno except for the high, you just need to grow more of them :) If I don't find the pheno I want in this batch (and I probably won't since I only got 4 girls) I will probably buy 4 or 5 packs of seeds to grow out next year to find it. I've found all the traits I want in different phenos, just not the right combination yet :)
what is the right combination you are looking for in AOS?
001.jpg The Apollo 13/Wonder hybrid turned out to be a male. Bill Wonder had originally made 500 of these crosses actually. But unfortunately Bill Was arrested again, and they took all the seeds... However, I am going to pollinate a few females with this male to see what happens with it... I would say it has the genetic code for yield. As I will flower anything new at a pretty small size, just to see if I like it or not, or to show me something that impresses me.
Personally I wouldn't have made this cross, as I wouldn't rate the Apollo 13 as very good smoke... It's super hard on the lungs for one thing. And the high isn't very good either, I tried smoking just the Apollo for 24 hours. And I couldn't take anymore of it... But Mr. Wonder seemed to like it. And it does remind me a lot of the Bros. Grimm product. (I didn't care for the Bros. Grimm product either to be honest). So it's a good recreation of what The Grimm Bros had I guess... I expected a lot better though, when I read Subcool saying over and over again, it was the best weed he's ever seen in seed form...


Well-Known Member
AOS Flower. I really like this strain. All three phenos i have are mos deff staying in my garden... Thank u subcool..
