Is this worth harvesting


Active Member
Pffffft.. I've smoked and ate worse..

I mean c'mon.. you grew it.. you are not going to take the time to consume it?

It's just grass.., so what if it aint the perfect solution, ANY grass when you have no grass (if yuo like grass) is like manna from heaven.

you BETTER harvest it meeester.


Pffffft.. I've smoked and ate worse..

I mean c'mon.. you grew it.. you are not going to take the time to consume it?

It's just grass.., so what if it aint the perfect solution, ANY grass when you have no grass (if yuo like grass) is like manna from heaven.

you BETTER harvest it meeester.
LOL yes I will. It does smell great, good enough to eat it. I still have a few weeks before it gets cold here.


Active Member
As it will dry rather quickly, I might get a diluted rubbing alcohol (4 water, 1 part alcohol) solution and hit it with it to knock down those mites.. just to 'control' them for a few weeks.. Good luck mate~!


Well-Known Member
What is going on out there in riu? Iwould mow over that if it was in my yard.
Sorry not trying to be harsh, but no I would not smoke that even if I had no other bud. Just like I would not smoke mexi brick weed. Much rather just wait till I have quality buds to smoke. And that is no where near enough bud to make hash or edibles. Mow it, son.


mow it? i would dry that sumbitch out and get some dry ice and easily get a half oz or more of kiefer sutherland! lol, but seriously tho, 20% of something is better than 100% of nothing all day every day.


Well-Known Member
I got no shame, I've puffed worse and laughed twice as hard about it... after I was done coughing of course! Not the quality of the grass, but the quality of the company you decide to share it with. Blaze on my friend! :weed:


Well-Known Member
Yeah I would not be smoking that sorry call me a bud snob but that plant is sick and if it has mites you really want to be smoking bugs and bug shit??