What nutes are best?


Could anyone let me know that nutes i have been using, chempak 20:20:20 1\4 the strength diluted, i also use jungle juice micro 5:0:1 also cal/mag in every other feed.
If someone with a bit more experience can suggest anything better, ill also be using some treacle when she starts to bud.
Please could you remember that I live in Scotland UK.
Thank people, we were all newbies at some point.:confused:


Well-Known Member
Could anyone let me know that nutes i have been using, chempak 20:20:20 1\4 the strength diluted, i also use jungle juice micro 5:0:1 also cal/mag in every other feed.
If someone with a bit more experience can suggest anything better, ill also be using some treacle when she starts to bud.
Please could you remember that I live in Scotland UK.
Thank people, we were all newbies at some point.:confused:
email nutrient company's and ask for samples and then you can find out :)


Well-Known Member
a lot depends on your style of grow, what's best in an organic garden isn't what's best in a coco grow.

i personally grow in coco hempy buckets and i feed using Jack's Pro Hydro made by J.R. Peters, unfortunately, i'm not sure if they ship to your side of the pond.

another good nutrient for beginners is MaxiBloom and that i know is available through Amazon so should be available to you.

...both of those are inexpensive, effective and easy to use and when you are new, easy is good.

peace, bozo

btw, Craig Ferguson has maybe the only television show worth watching, period, all the rest are Hollywood tripe.


Well-Known Member
Hey, im in scotland too and i think i know the stuff that is 20:20:20, is it the complete one? As i remeber the only thing it dosnt have is zinc, if its the brand im thinkin of, its in dobbies, they also have a few other products which you could mix up. Seem alot cheaper than hydro store nutes but is a granular. Note on dobbies, there westland epsom salt isnt mgS but mgO, also saw about ten different packets of plant food with just the name, it was blue packet white writing,,could always have a look and see.
Where did you get your cal/mag? Is it botanicares or other? Just im having a hard time finding it here, could get it shipped for the same price as the bottle, anyway, yeah i use calpow,
im using the jj too but with the bloom, no grow though, working good for me.
I think you have everything covered with that mix. Maybe keep going and dont shell out till you think you would need too,
if you wanted you could always get a bloom nute, or some liquid seaweed,thats not to replace the feed just a nice light feed/stim.
im also learning... so i thought id ask a question that is relevant to the thread....

i have a wwXbb from seed that is a little over a week old... any suggestions... also have two blueberry's bag seed... that sprouted a day ago..... when is it best to start feeding?.... and what do i feed it


Hi bunnyface, aye that 20:20:20 is a high {n}feed, chempak. i have the jj bloom also,used black treacle to fatten those buds up a little. ill check the packet and if there isn't zinc ill hed over to dobbies is that where you got ur bloom nute.
TA for getting back 2 me.
p.s. cant remember where I got my calmag,soz mate:joint:


im also learning... so i thought id ask a question that is relevant to the thread....

i have a wwXbb from seed that is a little over a week old... any suggestions... also have two blueberry's bag seed... that sprouted a day ago..... when is it best to start feeding?.... and what do i feed it

good question , i thought once they popped up that was when you fed them,but i have asked on another forum and the consensus was that any half decent potting soil has enough nutes mixed in with it, you should just water for 2/3 weeks then introduce the nutes,in a diluted form and increase it over time .
on the other hand i'm asking all the same questions. hope i helped out a bit:leaf:


Well-Known Member
im also learning... so i thought id ask a question that is relevant to the thread....

i have a wwXbb from seed that is a little over a week old... any suggestions... also have two blueberry's bag seed... that sprouted a day ago..... when is it best to start feeding?.... and what do i feed it
good question , i thought once they popped up that was when you fed them,but i have asked on another forum and the consensus was that any half decent potting soil has enough nutes mixed in with it, you should just water for 2/3 weeks then introduce the nutes,in a diluted form and increase it over time .
on the other hand i'm asking all the same questions. hope i helped out a bit:leaf:
...yeah, 2 - 3 weeks at least, in soil i often didn't feed for nearly a month from the time they emerged from the soil, first, the seed has SOME nutritional value by itself so the first week or so that's all they need.

...if you have good organic soil then it should contain all the food needed for 3 or 4 months but that won't be until the seedlings grow strong enough to be potted up into larger pots.

...i personally no longer use soil preferring coco in a passive hydro pot which eliminated most of the problems i was experiencing with soil because it put me in control and not the soil, coco isn't exactly inert but it is close to inert in that it contains NO food so you control what your plants get and if there is a problem it is MUCH easier to diagnose and to deal with.

anyway, good luck to you both and i promise, if you stick with it you WILL succeed, ...this grow is only practice for the next.

peace, bozo
I have successfully seeded my last 10 seeds by nuteing from 1week and i have a few monster seedlings while the ones i didnt nute are pretty far behind but thats me personally i am not a pro so i couldnt suggest anything


Well-Known Member
oh god thats awesome.... i wish i was that handy im more of a ghetto handy lol.
lol, yeah, i know how it is, i'm not really skilled, just handy and determined, ...i was a dedicated stoner with an abiding need, lol.

anyway, if stealth isn't a concern then i recommend a tent, they are relatively inexpensive especially when you consider the increase in yield with the added space so they pay for themselves in very short order plus they are easy to setup and they are pretty versatile allowing you to configure it in a variety of ways.

peace, bozo


Well-Known Member
I recently changed from coco back to organic soil. I got tired of the daily ppm and ph meters.

The best nutes are the ones you make yourself.

Mother Mary's Tea Recipes

*The measurements below are for a one gallon tea bubbler.

When making teas in smaller containers,simply adjust the recipe or dilute the final tea with water.
*In these recipes,brew the tea with an airstone in a one gallon container for 24 to 48 hours.
When you're done brewing,strain it through a nylon stocking (for topical/sprayer applications)
or a standard strainer (for normal watering applications) and cut it 50/50 using dechlorinated water.
*Fungi-dominant tea compost should be mixed together and kept very wet for three to seven days prior
to brewing.Store it high in a room,near the ceiling and in the dark.The microlife and fungi
populations will really bloom if you place a heating pad-set to low-below the container
(shoot for 68-75 degrees).After three days,it will be visibly booming with fungus
(what I call "Santa's Beard"). Put this in your tea brewer and bubble it (in place of regular compost).
*Prepare for the container to foam up and bubble over.You should place a tray under your
tea bubbler and avoid any electrical or other items that may be damaged or unsafe around the bubbling water.

Vegetative Stage Recipe

*One Gallon Water R/O water, rain water, distilled etc. etc. If using tap water add a teaspoon of dirt and bubble for 1 hour to
remove chlorine/chloramids

*One Teaspoon Black Strap Molasses (unsulfured, organic)
Be sure to use only the unsulfured variety. Sulfur kills microlife, especially fungus.

*One Teaspoon liquid Alaskan Fish Fertilizer (5-1-1)

*One Cup Earthworm Castings (vermicompost) or good outdoor compost

*One Teaspoon Fox Farms Peace Of Mind All Purpose (5-5-5)

Flowering Stage Recipes

*One Teaspoon Black Strap Molasses (unsulfured) (1-0-5)

*One Teaspoon Fox Farms Peace Of Mind All Purpose (5-5-5)

*One Teaspoon High Phosphorous Bat Guano (0-4-0)

*One Cup Earthworm Castings (vermicompost) or regular compost

*One Teaspoon Maxicrop liquid or 1/2 teaspoon water soluble Maxicrop or kelp/seaweed extract (dry)

*1/4 Teaspoon Micronized (soft) Rock Phosphate

Fungus Dominant (halfway through flowering) Recipes

*1/2 Cup Earthworm Castings

*1/2 Cup Mushroom Compost

*Two Tablespoons Powdered,100% Natural rolled oats

*Two Teaspoons Kelp Meal

*1/4 Teaspoon Micronized (soft) Rock Phosphate
The earthworm castings,mushroom compost,oatmeal,and kelp meal are first mixed together and made very wet.
After fungus has grown on this blend,place it in your tea bubbler for 24 hours with some additional liquid
(or water soluble) kelp/seaweed extract and Micronized (soft) rock phosphate.


Well-Known Member
i use coco hempy's so the hardest thing is the daily feedings but i don't bother with ph and ppm testing daily, i just mix it up the same way and i'm good to go, ...i've tested it enough times so i only test maybe once a month, just to double check but it always tests out exactly as i expected.

i love the idea of organics but maintaining a living soil indoors in several smallish bins is problematic and making teas, and the cleanup afterwards was way more trouble than what i'm doing now and it didn't yield as well either. ...my grow is so fucking easy now it's almost like cheating.

and Jack's Pro Hydro ftw, ...shit is awesome!

peace, bozo


Well-Known Member
photo (5).jpgShooting Powder by House and Garden is a see to believe thing. Its a finisher and a tad expensive but stellar impact. It's out of the UK.