2013 bbq?!

I will be attending this years bbq with

  • one person

    Votes: 18 39.1%
  • two people

    Votes: 17 37.0%
  • three or more

    Votes: 11 23.9%

  • Total voters
Wish you were here.............[video=dailymotion;x284kd]http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x284kd_pink-floyd-live-8-wish-you-were-her_music[/video]
Be sure to mark your calendars, 3 months from today!............be there, or be square.....................:joint:
Well, I wasn't gonna make it but as I see this thing building Im on the fence for sure. Last time the drive home kicked my ass. If I do go Im gonna take a week of vacation to hang out up there and check out frisco and such and maybe go see Treeman. It really depends on what I have growing at the time. JJ is there a trailer rental place that will park the trailer on Friday and take it out on Sunday ? I forget the name of the place that does that. ABM your all ready not coming ?
Well, I wasn't gonna make it but as I see this thing building Im on the fence for sure. Last time the drive home kicked my ass. If I do go Im gonna take a week of vacation to hang out up there and check out frisco and such and maybe go see Treeman. It really depends on what I have growing at the time. JJ is there a trailer rental place that will park the trailer on Friday and take it out on Sunday ? I forget the name of the place that does that. ABM your all ready not coming ?
Aren't you driving your truck?...there's a trailer rental place in sac, you can just stop on your way thru & pick it up.
I'll be there guys haven't missed one yet! waiting to poll in to figure out how many. what kind of wood do you roast the pig with JJ? some kind of fruit tree? I can look around an see if my brother and I can cut a load if you don't already have that covered. Peach,apple or almond with big globs of dried sap work the best. let me know.
by "Wheezer" 12/10/2011.."Here's a couple pics today as the sun was goin' down. Not the best pics, but you get the idea. The BBQ went off without a hitch, everyone there was very cool, and am glad I got to meet everybody. It will be nice now, to be able to put a face and REAL personality to the cyber person we chat with on here. It's still goin on as I'm typing this at home, but I had to come home and tke care of my indoor and green house grows that need tending. I'll be going back out in the morning to get my generater and stuff and smoke out with whoever is left. We for sure need to be planning the next one. I had a great time and scored many seeds and many buds and many friends!! PEACE!! "........
good to know there is more than 1 fat man in the pictures. lol