I've got 2 females flowerin.
They are doing fine. I'll post some pics when the lights are on. Do you have any pics? I'd like to see them.how are they doing sasha ? got photos ?
NIce Nice .. got 4-5 weeks left to harvest , .. hopefullyI got 2 original bubblegum seedlings growing right now i'm on week 3 and having a bit of trouble with them. my kali mist seedlings looks nice and strong while BG looks a bit wild, i'll prob post pictures as I'm a bit concerned.
But anyway after my trip to amsterdam I fell in love with bubble gum! Its the main reason I started growing. Very nice high doesn't bring you down, you feel good. We smoked that all night and stayed out drinking till 4am without getting tired or getting the munchies. Just a nice pleasent high.
lol .. so does it worth the trouble ?I just smoked my last gram of a 200g yield BG, good stuff, heavy body stone, and munchies? hell yeah!
Indeed and then some! If you vaporize it your only going to taste that sweet bubblegum and its just amazing, some of the best you´ll find anywhere, anytime, anyhow! your going to have a hell of a time in your couch, giggling away.
lol .. so does it worth the trouble ?