gnats during flowering

It is a well known fact that h202 IS organic and that it KILLS fungas gnats.. that isn't even in dispute.. .. Yet you said it is bad for organics and DOESN'T (you said this, over and over, and it is utterly wrong, you wont admit you were wrong, and why you want to mislead people is anyone's guess)

Anyone can get on any of the 'real' organics sites real quick and find out the skinny,.. the rest is just kid shit.

If you want to put that poison in your link in your body, then fine, but maybe other people might like to try just adding an extra molecule of oxygen and be done with it.

I'll let you have the last word, I've said everything there is to say on my end.

To the OP, sorry your thread had to turn silly. H202 works, is 100 percent organic and 100 percent effective.

hydrogen peroxide is not organic. Store bought commercial peroxide is a chemical. Chemicals kill bacteria and fungi and enzymes. Hydrogen Peroxide is made by the reaction of barium peroxide with sulfuric acid. It then goes through a filtering process, leaving the solution of hydrogen
hydrogen peroxide is not organic. Store bought commercial peroxide is a chemical. Chemicals kill bacteria and fungi and enzymes. Hydrogen Peroxide is made by the reaction of barium peroxide with sulfuric acid. It then goes through a filtering process, leaving the solution of hydrogen

Technically you are 100 percent correct that the stuff in the bottle is not created the same way as organic h202 in nature is (which still technically is not 'organic' because it lacks a carbon molecule), however the end result is the same. Just as hydrogen doesn't care if you extract it from water or somewhere else, it's still hydrogen. Oxygen does the same.

Looking at the MSDS sheet from a 3% h202.. ingredients, 3% h202 and 97%water. It doesn't mater where you got the extra oxygen molecule, the end result is an oxygen molecule. There is nothing in it but hydrogen and oxygen, regardless of source. WHen you gargle with h202 at the end of the night, rest assured, there is NO sulfuric acid or barium in it..
I will add I have been reading and enjoying Hyroots posts for years, quite often agree with his advice, and will continue to do so... If I came off like a dick, and I probably did, well.. I am old and sore and it makes me grouch.. back when I was young and healthy I was just a real asshole for no reason at all..
I hate when I feel I made someone else feel compelled to snap back.. I am really all about peace and love and guitars and well.. I dig chicks too.. heh

Hey there nice tip on the hydrogen peroxide. My girls have been infested with gnats the last 4 weeks and I haven't been able to shake them.

At what volume do you use the peroxide I have 3% and 20 volume 6% w/v. I'm a little unsure of amounts to add per litre as I have been reading a lot of different answers. Any help would be much appreciated.

Either way its a chemical. Hydrogen is a chemical element / gas. Even if its 1% its still a chemical. What ever its derived from determines that. Chems are no good for soil and organics .
Either way its a chemical. Hydrogen is a chemical element / gas. Even if its 1% its still a chemical. What ever its derived from determines that. Chems are no good for soil and organics .

What's worse having gnat larve snack on your feeder roots or using h202?
Either way its a chemical. Hydrogen is a chemical element / gas. Even if its 1% its still a chemical. What ever its derived from determines that. Chems are no good for soil and organics .

This is where your logic confuses me (and don't take ir personally, I confuse easily).. your own link on how to deal with these critters, gave the advice of using bifenthrin, cyfluthrin, permethrin, and lambdacyhalothrin to control the critters, yet you are advocating against the use of an extra oxygen molecule in your water.
Hey there nice tip on the hydrogen peroxide. My girls have been infested with gnats the last 4 weeks and I haven't been able to shake them.

At what volume do you use the peroxide I have 3% and 20 volume 6% w/v. I'm a little unsure of amounts to add per litre as I have been reading a lot of different answers. Any help would be much appreciated.

.. Heya.. I myself use 'about' (I never measure) a cup per gallon.

It will foam up just as you would expect.. the first time you do it your soil will dry a bit quicker than usual as you aerate it literally.

Go ahead and use some little nutes at the same time, H202 has been shown to encourage nutrient uptake.

It will also provide oxygen to your roots, but that part is fairly negligible as h202 breaks down into p2 and h so quickly.
I don't have either in my soil. Only bom vegan living organics.

I wish I could say the same.

My girls only have a couple weeks left till harvest so I'm pretty sure it's too late. The damage is already done. Just for next grow I'm going to have to use some more preemtive measures.
Still unsure if using hydrogen peroxide is a good idea at this late stage.
What are some ways to eliminate getting gnats in the first place. I always use a (good) potting mix maybe this is my downfall.
.. Heya.. I myself use 'about' (I never measure) a cup per gallon.

It will foam up just as you would expect.. the first time you do it your soil will dry a bit quicker than usual as you aerate it literally.

Go ahead and use some little nutes at the same time, H202 has been shown to encourage nutrient uptake.

It will also provide oxygen to your roots, but that part is fairly negligible as h202 breaks down into p2 and h so quickly.

Is that 3% hydrogen peroxide you are using? I only have 2 weeks till harvest so I'm worried its a little to late.
its not the oxygen molecule Im against. Its the hydrogen chemical and the chems its derived from. I will never use chems of any kind. It makes for harsher buds. I do pure organics. True living organics. Using peroxide will kill off everything in my soil. You have to go through at least 1 grow to develop living soil. It takes months. So ..... All my soil is on its 4th and 5th round of recycled living oganics

on the subject of chems, not peroxide though, the USDA released a report months ago about using chemy and synthetic nutrients having chemy or synthetic potassium silicate, copper, and boron, then consumed fruit, vggeies. Medical mj, etc... Grown with those could lead to cancer and upper respiratory problems.

if you want to know what's really in your nutes. Go to the Oregon department of agriculture website. All nutrient companies have to register and disclose all ingredients to each state to be able to legally sell. There is really no such thing as organic bottled nutes. They all have heavy metals and chems except for liquid karma. Pure blend, and Kyle kushmans vegan line. Bio canna has recently been banned from California. Its not vegan as they claim.
All my soil is on its 4th and 5th round of recycled living oganics

Then by all means keep doing it.. sounds like a cool gig actually wish I still had the kind of room to cook amended soils n such,.

That said, far away from what most of us are doing including at least us 'hobbyist' organics guys. Most of us don't latch on to soil and don't get rid of it ever, I grow plants, not soil, I just toss that shit and start fresh every time. .. for those that do, in your case.. do what you do.. You are on top of it, not me, I wouldn't touch a thing.
Is that 3% hydrogen peroxide you are using? I only have 2 weeks till harvest so I'm worried its a little to late.

Ya.. 3%... just do a bit of math for your 6 or 20 and reduce accordingly.. You know, once upon a long time ago, to demonstrate to a friend it was really impossible to use too much, I watered my clones with strait h202.. needless to say, the next morning the plant was a plant and was ready to do more plant things..

I have used h202 in LATE late budding to help break up and aerate soil that wont drain well anymore.. the plants love the (short burst) extra oxygen and responded accordingly.

So while I wouldn't ever suggest using 3.2 strait, I would take your 6% and use about a half cup.. your 20% and use about a 7th of a cup and so on and so on..

Lite does wont hurt your plants at this stage and it doesn't sound like you are worried about growing soil, o if it were me, and I can only speak for myself, but I HAVE done this many many times (h202 I use all the time for just about everything in the garden) to no ill effects.. and in your case you will be getting rid of the varmits.. it will feel very very good..

That's just me.. but I have been growing on and off since 1963.. (well, in 63 I planted my fist seeds behind the pool hall and actually managed to get a small harvest of seeded bud) and I know how important this shit is for folks and I would NEVER tell them something I thought was going to hurt their work in any way, and I would never suggest something I haven't done myself in many occasions to great benefit.

I may of spoke soon if a guy is growing 'soil'.. Me, I am growing a harvestable crop, not roots and not soils .. I DO understand there is a difference.. this may not be the way for some of us fanatical soil growers (by fanatical I mean I wish I had that kind of space and ability too), but for a good mahy of us, it is a great quick effective fix to the lil nasties..

Good luck~ I myself would do it without hesitation, I couldn't live with a few more weeks of the little critterswhen i see them I want them gone totally in hours, I don;t like to fuck around that way.
I know a few people who grow chemy hydro that use peroxide for flushing. Or they use madfarmer which is peroxide.
I know a few people who grow chemy hydro that use peroxide for flushing. Or they use madfarmer which is peroxide.

You don't flush in organics do you? I can't imagine you do if you are working your soil like that.. I would think the idea of flushing your soil would kind of piss you off?
You don't flush in organics do you? I can't imagine you do if you are working your soil like that.. I would think the idea of flushing your soil would kind of piss you off?

kinda sort of not really. The 2nd to last 2 waterings. I water with molasses. That helps break down any nutes left faster and gets a nice fade going. Just water on the last. I could use just water all the way through. I topdress with dry nutes so the nutes are in the soil. Ie super soil

living organics is much easier, cheaper, less work. After you harvest. Pull the stalk. Leave soil in the container pot. (smart pots) top dress with worm castings and compost. Water pot(s) with compost teas and enzyme teas over the span of a few weeks. The roots will break down. dig a hole big enough to pot a plant. The top dress with castings and compost. Water . Then before next watering top dress with nutes. The container of soil can be reused over and over. Each time its recycled it gets better quality soil and buds. Farmers have been doing this for generations and generations. It was popularized in the 70's. No more buying anymore soil. No work emptying pots. No throwing out soil or moving it to outside garden. Far less work

I have a couple worm bins making my own vermicompost.
Hey hyroot.. been good conversation, even at my age I learned a few things.. thanks for rapping with the likes of me.. Don't get me wrong, still doing things my way because it works for me and my space, but I respect and can really dig what your doing there.. If I had space (reduced to apartment life now) I would do 'some' of the same again myself.

I totally love when two cat's are kind of bickering at each other, yet that is all it is.. a simple bicker.. thanks for the inputs.. I'll look forward to reading you as I have for many many months (a few years it seems).. Peace~!