wtf is this.SOMEBODY HELP


Active Member
With almost 2 weeks left until harvest i went to check on my girls n this is what i found...... I had.alot of.wasp on them also i dnt no wst to do because this shit is destroying my buds i mean some buds are just completly dead somebody help me.....CAM00026.jpgCAM00025.jpgCAM00024.jpg


Well-Known Member
What the FUKK is that? That is the weirdest issue/problem I have ever seen.... That's for sure weird ass growth... I can not help you... Did aliens, attack your plant? Picture 2/3 WTF??????


Well-Known Member
In, an 'Outdoor' grow anything is possible... and by the looks of it... your plant proves the point....


Well-Known Member
Lol cut one them bumps off.thats crazy stuff.deff seen them on tree branches in woods but they were black not green

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Deja Vu but anyhow. Scale Insect. Sucking all the sap from your plants. That is why the buds are just dying like that, no nutrient or water actually reaching them. All defences down so the fungi are having a field day too.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Lol cut one them bumps off.thats crazy stuff.deff seen them on tree branches in woods but they were black not green
You get scale insect in many, many forms. You never see a head or legs or anything but they are insects. Kinda characteristic of them. Do a quick googling. Ants usually plant them on your plants (ants love to farm) as they secrete honeydew. One of the worst infestations I have ever seen but that is what it is.


Well-Known Member
Yea i did look up just to see.glad i grow plants that are in woods got murdered by insects and are growing slower to


Active Member
Thanks alot guys but ya i ft o have hella ants... I grow infoor too but out door is so much better.... Im gonna harvest asap new indoor pics coming soon


Bad mold scale. It's trash smoking bud w/ mold will make everyone really sick. I know that's not what you want to here