Club 600


Well-Known Member
We are actually getting some sleep. I've gotten the past 2 nights off cuz mom thought she'd be tough and do all the overnight herself. I am not complaining. :)

Got to smoke some nice SourBubble yesterday from a friend and that was nice. Glad you are getting to chill with your boy.

I miss the fam and should cruise out sometime. Your older one is gonna forget who I am.


Well-Known Member
Del Mar as in between La Jolla and Solana Beach?

This is where I live. You can appreciate why I do not need
to do much to the env to grow. (thank goodness, as our
power bills are government usury).

Take care,


strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
Me and the old lady want to meet the wee one. We should set up something in the next couple weeks. I dont do anything in the middle of the night for our tiny one.....I dont have boobs. Working down south is chill because I have a few friends in the Oside/Vista area, and I have been able to hang out with them a lot more. Now I just need to get my boss to get me a service truck that I can leave my tools in, and ride the scoot to work.

Yup that Del Mar. I work as an electrician based out of Encinitas. Crazy humid the past few weeks. Water temps have been nice though.


Well-Known Member
Yeah didnt mean it like that :)
Yep really am. And it just hit me how much i miss my girl. Shes home soon. Hope shes in a good mood :)
Gonna watch hangover 3 and drink some tee when she gets home.
Watched a movie called this is the end. Last night. Funny omg it was so funny. Id put it next to Tito and Rampage promoting their fight.
I feel good. When i dont cough :) But sadly when i get sick it tends to be weeks instead of days.
Oh girls here. From reading you seem to be good m8. And im very glad. Love your pics!


Active Member
A few more. These have to veg for about 2.5 months. My goal is for 1 pd per plant. (working progress). I decided a while back it was better to run a few huge plants rather then a bunch of little ones.. So I use 20 gallon pots, with happy frog soil. PBP, Liquid Karma & cal mag. It takes $25 worth of soil per plant.



Well-Known Member
thanks Whodat, man dem pies tho whoadie looking nice.... need to get to the NO.

HydroGp that snowcap looking good has me excited, i have a snowcapLA seed im dying to grow.


Well-Known Member
Evening slagggsss!! how are we all 2nite? i'm a bit pissed and smokin a mix of blue cheese and dodgy home made bubble hash and its fuckin with my mind lmao, just home from my kids friends 4th birthday where i was prob the soberist there, gonna have a few J's and bongs before bed, up at 7am for college at 8 tomorrow... gutted, fuck i forgot how shit it was to be a student again after 11 years !!!

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
Evening slagggsss!! how are we all 2nite? i'm a bit pissed and smokin a mix of blue cheese and dodgy home made bubble hash and its fuckin with my mind lmao, just home from my kids friends 4th birthday where i was prob the soberist there, gonna have a few J's and bongs before bed, up at 7am for college at 8 tomorrow... gutted, fuck i forgot how shit it was to be a student again after 11 years !!!
going throw the taacc program my self. 8 am to 430 pm. m,tu,wed,thr, and every other friday. taking mech diesel ag. that,s why i don't post much.


Well-Known Member
going throw the taacc program my self. 8 am to 430 pm. m,tu,wed,thr, and every other friday. taking mech diesel ag. that,s why i don't post much.
im pretty much the same, in Mon, tu,wed and thur every week, 8am-4.35pm till the end of feb doing a Carpentry course, fed up working in kitchens, been a chef for 11 years and fancy a change now so i can have more time at home with the wife and kids

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
got most my plants doing thisSAM_4407.jpgSAM_4406.jpg also losing older leafs first in the middle get yellow? feed it 16-16-16 reless 30 days and mollasses every week, once. used monster bloom 3 weeks ago, and stopped using bloom boosters.. sorry, also just started to use 511 fish poop evey week, as i thoght it was lacking n?


Well-Known Member
It is probably just sucking the goodies up from the leaves as it flowers. Once it stops growing and begins flowering it will suck nutes up from the leaves and the fans will start dropping.



Well-Known Member
Humidity last week got me I think, found bud rot on 2 of 24 NL's last night..They could of used a week or two more, but early test shows they will do fine ..:eyesmoke:
Here are a couple of em'...

