PC Gamers!


Well-Known Member
lol thats fucked up, I didnt even start playin pc games till 23. Already fucked chicks didnt have that prob.
yup. ever watched a CPL match, or ESTV or something similar? Look at the fucking members of the squads, like k-sharp from 3d, just to give an example.. nerdy as fuck, acne, glasses, high pitched voice..except most cs players are obese.. BF2 was the shit though!!loved that game, haven't played in so long. keeping my eye out for a good mmorpg to sweep me off my feet again..waiting for the SWGEMU to finish it's Pre-CU emulation and be back off to the starwars universe..that game is the pinnacle of online gaming


Well-Known Member
remember the buzz about Huxley?.... apparently its finally been given a release date... 2 years after the E3 teaser. Ill probly check it out. I play cs source, cod4, tf2, or w/e it is... If its an FPS ill check it out. Its all a time killer between work anyway ;).

PS. Join the group.....:cry:


Well-Known Member
remember the buzz about Huxley?.... apparently its finally been given a release date... 2 years after the E3 teaser. Ill probly check it out. I play cs source, cod4, tf2, or w/e it is... If its an FPS ill check it out. Its all a time killer between work anyway ;).

PS. Join the group.....:cry:
huxley will always be just that--buzz--kinda like darkfall online. and i'd join but i don't have my computer up here in washington.. it's getting shipped to me should be here in a week or so..and then i need to buy a new headset..but i will be up n running in no time hopefully!


Well-Known Member
Ya i know what ya mean.... BF2 was good for a while, it was short lived compared to BF1942. Most Bf2 players went to COD4. when you get your pc we should get some games in.
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Well-Known Member
Ya i know what ya mean.... BF2 was good for a while, it was short lived compared to BF1942. Most Bf2 players went to COD4. when you get your pc we should get some games in.

fashoski broski. did you ever play swg? check out SWGEmu.com, they're emulating the game to how it use to be, before the combat upgrade which fucked it to hell after they brought out JTL.

as for BF2, I'm gonna have to buy another copy. haven't touched that game in at least a year or more.. shit haven't touched my computer in over 6 months since I started going clubbing and working n shit.. but now I'm full time student so I will have plenty of time to get back into my nerdy ways..giggidy giggidy


Well-Known Member
I fried my video card two days ago :evil:. So I'm just gonna replace it with a nvidia 8600 gt as I dont want to fork out too much with college coming up and I won't be living at home so ill have a laptop.


Well-Known Member
I played Evercrack for around seven years, hardcore. It started to devour my life, so I sold all my stuff off for eight grand before Sony caught on and banned my account. I was sad. But the money made me quite a bit less sad. Heh.