Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

so i'm standing on my porch, out of view from anyone coming down the street from the north. specifically, it was a middle aged hispanic male in darker clothing, riding a teenager's BMX bike with a large backpack, his protruding cheekbones and withered skin clearly displaying his years of meth use.

his nose was up in the air, and just as he got to about my property line, he must have caught a huge whiff and his face lit up with a smile. his eyes stayed on my property and towards my greenhouse as he rode slowly by.

i had a good notion of what was gonna happen next, so i went out back and waited for him to ride by on the road behind my house. like clockwork, there he came, slowly riding by, trying to peer past my neighbors' driveways and my withering sunflowers and into my backyard.

i decided he needed to know that i knew what he was up to.

"you lost?" i screamed.

he just put his head down and rode away at that point. i'll be keeping my eye out for that asshole tweeker.

told my neighbors about the guy and they've seen him around before too.
Fucking tweekers. :fire:

I've got one down the street, I wouldn't trust that skinny, sketched out fucker as far as I could throw him.
i live 6 blocks from a methadone and drug recovery clinic. luckily the tweekers tend to confine their scummy scum scumbag stuff on the south side of town, and not the north.

but all it takes is one tweeker to start talking to the rest.

lucky for me that i'm surrounded by cop shops, and they would be here within 30 seconds if i called. i'm pretty sure the tweekers know that too.
Once a year I go buy fresh cow manure from a farmer. I spread the manure in my three flower beds in my front yard. I then pile some in a wheelbarrow and leave on side of house. I leave the rest in the trailer on the other side of the house. I also give some to the guy next door. Then each year I go around to each neighbor and ask if the want some free manure for there beds. I just say I bought way to much again. If the take some it spreads the manure smell even more. If the say no it still lets them know where the smell is coming from.

You want fresh manure not composted manure. After harvest dump the rest in your garden and till in.

This is the only solid way I have been able to mask large backyard grows. Just give the wheelbarrow and trailer a stir every day. People walking by just smell the manure in my flower beds right by the street.

Manure is cheap at the farm. I think you can buy it in bags but not sure on fresh. The bags may be composted. I only used fresh and it's ripe. In my case I only need to worry about people walking by. I only have two neighbors and nobody behind me.
It would be nice to sleep in my own bed tonight, oh well. Ain't no rest for the wicked, especially if your money grows on trees :)DSCN3476.jpg
:-D Yeah I got trip wires and jingle bells from the xmas box. More Sensors and shit, I am going a little overboard since I heard that potential ripper.