Sickmeds William's Wonder: grow journal. review and all things Wiliams Wonder

Hey Jogro.........since you're you know anything about SickMed's Hash Plant X Green Crack? I have a 5 or 6 pack of these but didn't want to waste the space until I knew more about them????????
Indeed, I do.

The "official" strain name for this is "Pureghani Crack". Its a cross between clone only Green Crack x Breeders Choice Hashplant IBL ("pureghani"). The Pureghani father is an IBL from two excellent old pre-Soviet invasion Afghan hash-making indicas; this doesn't use the Sensi "hashplant" genetics.

Reddog from Sickmeds was (and may still be) giving these away as a freebee; they were never offered for commercial sale, and this is one of the few from Sickmeds I don't have beans for. So I can't comment from personal experience. What I can say is that this strain was good enough to take third place in the "indica" category in a local competition in the Canary Islands in Spain where Sickmeds is located. It definitely doesn't "suck"!

There is a gorgeous picture of a greenhouse full of these at the Sickmeds Canary Island facility if you want to see what the actual plants look like; just scroll down a bit:

Direct link to image:

The W.W. just keeps getting nicer and nicer.........
Those look great, and wait until you see what happens during flowering. Two suggestions, if I may be so bold:

-These will only double in height (or maybe a bit less than double) during flowering, so if you've got some space to play with, don't skimp on the veg.
-Make sure your odor control is up to snuff; especially the last few weeks!
1st day of flowering........very excited about these. You can see how nicely they filled out their space! Height in this room is limited, as is lighting so I typically don't go long-veg in here. There is a carbon filter in there but I'll need to double up I'm guessing, as there are also 10 N.L. #5 from British Columbia Seeds in there too. I remember you mentioning the smell, I hope it's not a mistake as the wife cuts off sex when the house stinks too much. LOL

I'll definitely be doing the H.P. X G.C. next time, along with Breeders Boutique "Cheese Chunks", another strain that sounds great I own in seed form. Thanks again buddy for all you do!


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1st day of flowering........very excited about these. You can see how nicely they filled out their space! Height in this room is limited, as is lighting so I typically don't go long-veg in here. There is a carbon filter in there but I'll need to double up I'm guessing, as there are also 10 N.L. #5 from British Columbia Seeds in there too. I remember you mentioning the smell, I hope it's not a mistake as the wife cuts off sex when the house stinks too much. LOL

I'll definitely be doing the H.P. X G.C. next time, along with Breeders Boutique "Cheese Chunks", another strain that sounds great I own in seed form. Thanks again buddy for all you do!

Those plants look like they're kicking ass! Anybody know if it's true that this strain won't flower outdoors?
On page two or three of this thread mentions grow it outside, and the buds will end up like footballs when finished. So, I guessing they do just fine outside too.
An addition........the SSSC catalog, copied below, stated this strain could not be grown outside without starting them to flower inside first. I believe this trait has been eliminated by the breeding process over the years.

[h=1]Super Sativa Seed Club - William's Wonder[/h]M31
A special Indica Indoor hybrid. Very suitable for commercial indoor growing when making use of the plantlet method. Pick out the plants you like the best and reproduce. Heavy yields of extremely resinous buds. The buds are, due to their structure and the amount of resin on them, weighting very heavy. Small, compact plants. You can easily grow 4 crops a year indoors. Experienced growers can yield 1500-2000 grams per square meter per year. Two people could not finish a joint. The plant on the picture has been taken outdoors after flowering was inducted indoors. The plant turned purple because of a very cold fall. Williams Wonder can't be grown outdoors without being inducted to flower artificially previously.
An addition........the SSSC catalog, copied below, stated this strain could not be grown outside without starting them to flower inside first. I believe this trait has been eliminated by the breeding process over the years.

[h=1]Super Sativa Seed Club - William's Wonder[/h]M31
A special Indica Indoor hybrid. Very suitable for commercial indoor growing when making use of the plantlet method. Pick out the plants you like the best and reproduce. Heavy yields of extremely resinous buds. The buds are, due to their structure and the amount of resin on them, weighting very heavy. Small, compact plants. You can easily grow 4 crops a year indoors. Experienced growers can yield 1500-2000 grams per square meter per year. Two people could not finish a joint. The plant on the picture has been taken outdoors after flowering was inducted indoors. The plant turned purple because of a very cold fall. Williams Wonder can't be grown outdoors without being inducted to flower artificially previously.

I believe I mentioned this upthread, but I'll expand a bit here.

So far as I can tell, that bit about requiring indoor flowering is completely false. I've never heard of any strain that won't flower outdoors when the dark hours are long enough, and it doesn't make fundamental sense. The strain is probably an Afghani indica going back hundreds of years when there was ONLY outdoor growing. How does a plant "know" if its indoors, outdoors, or in a greenhouse? I asked Reddog of Sickmeds why he included it in HIS ad copy and he said that since he never actually grew any outside himself, he thought it was safer to just include the warning until he did know.

More to the point, people *DO* grow Williams Wonder outdoors, its historically been grown outdoors, and its still grown outdoors. I haven't done it personally, but I know more than one person who has grown it outside, including at least one from "back in the day". A few posters in this thread have mentioned that they used to grow it outdoors. I also believe more than one person has reported to Sickmeds that they've grown his version outdoors successfully.

So yes. .. you CAN grow it outside, if you like, with only one caveat.

I think where this "rumor" comes from is that because of the extreme bud density, this strain is particularly susceptible to bud rot. So if you're growing it in rainy Holland, or in many places with rainy autumns, you have to start it flowering indoors early, so that it finishes early, because if it doesn't and it runs into humid September, the crop can easily get infected by botyritis (grey mold) and be ruined. Note that the same is true of many indicas. Afghani plants are acclimatized to arid (desert) climates, and don't like humidity

On the rest of the SSSC ad copy, its dead on.

-The "plantlet method" is the same as "Sea of Green"; just that the term "Sea of green" wasn't in wide use until the early 1990s. Because of the large fat central cola and minimal stretch, this plant would work great for SOG, and 20 years ago, this was one of the SOG "standards". The buds are full of resin, dense, and heavy for their size (see below).

-Yes, you definitely could grow 4 crops of this a year from seed (ie one every 13 weeks) indoors, if you wanted to. That's not particularly remarkable today with short-flowering hybrids that go even faster than that, but in the late 1980s it was a lot more interesting.

-In my experience one joint is definitely enough for two people. I've already related a story about how one joint couchlocked me and two friends. With this one, I've found that with a nice potent top bud, three puffs from a joint and I don't want any more. This wasn't called "Williams one hit Wonder" for nothing!

And here's another closeup from that last grow. Note the trichrome density:


William Wonder Trichromes.jpg
10 W.W. plants, 2 males, 8 females. WOW.......nice even canopy too. See pic below!

10 N.L. #5 plants, 2 runts were destroyed, 5 males destroyed, left with 3 females. Not WOW.


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OK, more than one person has asked me how to post images into threads on RIU, so I'm going to post detailed directions on how to do it here. The directions are long because I'm including a lot of detail, but despite the length of these posts, this is actually really easy, and shouldn't take more than a few mouse clicks and seconds per picture once you've figured it out.

There are two steps here. First step is getting the images from your digital camera (which could be your cell phone) onto your computer. Next step is getting the images from your computer into your post on Rollitup so that people reading the thread can see the images (this is “uploading”).

I'm going to start with the second step first. Assuming your pictures are on your computer, and you know where they are located on your computer here's how to get them into your posts on RIU:

-Start your post, like normal.

When you are ready to insert pictures, click on the “insert image” tab above the text editor you are typing in. This tab is the one that looks like a little framed picture; its the third one from the left!

After you click on this, a little window will pop up. You have two options, insert “from computer” or “from url”. You want to do “from computer” and that is the default. But if not, you can just click on the “from computer” tab.

Press “select files”. Now a little window will pop up prompting you to select which image files you want to upload. You will have to browse to the location where you saved your images. If you saved them in the “My pictures” folder as I suggested above, , then you will go C drive > Users > your name > My pictures > your pictures.

Note that if your camera is plugged into your computer, you can use the RIU uploader widget to browse directly to the DCIM folder on your camera (more instructions on this, below), and select the pictures right off the memory card of your camera. So you don't really “have to” save them on your computer if you don't want to. Personally, I find it more convenient to work from my computer, because then I can browse through the pictures more easily, perhaps edit them, etc, but this is a valid option.

Anyway, after you find the digital copies of the pictures you want to upload, you click on the ones you want uploaded, and hit “open”. Now the pictures will be connected to the RIU uploader. Hit “upload” and RIU will upload a copy of the picture from your hard drive to its server. This may take a few seconds, depending on how many pictures you're uploading and how big they are.

Voila, RIU will automatically insert a little picture viewer into your post and save a copy into the attachments part of your account (from where you could delete it later, if you chose to). Finish your post as normal,, and you're done. Anyone wanting to see your picture(s) can click on the little icon in your post and your picture will pop up in a small viewer windown.
How to get digital pictures from your camera to your computer:

Lazy way: If you've taken your pictures from a smart phone, like an Iphone or Droid phone, you can just use the phone to email the pictures to yourself as email attachments. Then you go to your computer, open your email, and download the pictures from your email onto your computer. For just a few pictures this is quick and easy, but its slow and cumbersome for a lot of pictures and you incur data charges this way. Make sure you save the pictures into a place where you can find them later (eg the “My pictures” folder on your computer)

More technical (but overall cheaper/faster) way:

a. Connect your digital camera (which could be a cell phone) directly to your computer using a USB cord.

A suitable cord should have come with your camera, but if you don't have one, you can buy one for only $1-2 from Ebay or maybe a few bucks more from any electronics store. One end of this cord will be a standard USB connection that will plug into any computer, the other end will be a “mini USB” connection that plugs into your phone.

Note that almost all cell phones charge through their USB port nowadays. . .so the place where you plug in your charger to charge the phone is going to be same place where you plug in the cable to connect to your computer. Also note there is more than one type of mini-USB connector, so you do have to make sure you get the one meant for your particular camera or phone.

b. Once connected, your computer should auto-recognize that your camera is plugged in, though this may take a few seconds. With Windows operating systems, the computer will play a tone and may give you a small pop-up to indicate that its recognized a new USB device.

c. Open up the “Computer” folder on your computer. You can reach this via the little “Windows” icon on the lower left part of your screen with most Windows based operating systems. Once plugged in, your camera, which has its own internal memory card, should show up as a “Device with removable storage” as one of the drives. Basically you are just accessing the memory card of the camera this way. Double click on the camera drive to open it up the internal memory files of this camera.

d. Now you're just looking for a folder called “.dcim”. By default, all digital cameras store the image files of pictures in this folder. With a digital camera you may see the folder right there when you open up the camera drive.

With a cell phone you will probably have to open up an intermediate folder to get to the DCIM file. Also, many cell phones have their own internal memory card AND a separate swappable memory card, and each of these can have its own DCIM folder. So when you connect your phone to your computer two different new drives may be displayed, and you may have to check both of them to find the DCIM folder that contains the digital images.

Once you've found the DCIM file click on it to open it, and all your image files should be listed there
. You can play with the display settings in that particular folder to display the icons from those images, making it much easier to see which are which.

Now all you have to do is copy them from the camera to a new folder on your computer
. If you are going to do this I suggest just making a new folder in your “My pictures” folder on your computer so you can find these again later. There are two ways to copy.

One way is to “pick up and drop” a file by left clicking it with your mouse to highlight it, holding down the mouse button, moving the highlighted copy into the new folder, then unclicking to drop it. When you do this, the computer will automatically make a copy of the file from the original folder to the new one. Another way is to right click the file you want to copy with your mouse, select the “copy” option from the menu that pops up, then go to your new folder, right click again inside that folder and select the “paste” option.

So now you will have copies of your pictures on your computer. To view any individual picture, just double-click on it, and Windows will open up a little picture viewer that will display the picture. You can use this viewer to scroll up and down through all the pictures in that folder, to see all/any of them.
How to get pictures to display directly in a post:

If you want your pictures to display at full size directly in a post (rather than having to make the viewer click on the little image icon to display the images) you can do that too.

The image does have to be "hosted" somewhere on the internet ifrst.

One way to do this is to uploaded your pictures to a public image hosting site. Photobucket is one of these free sites, and there are many others. After you do that, each image you upload will have its own unique URL to link to. As long as you know what this URL is, you can get an image to display in RIU (or any other discussion board), just by using “img” tabs to insert an image into a post.

For example into your post you copy and past the URL of your image, but enclose it in “img” tags. For example:

['img'] ['/img']

Just make sure you leave out the quotes around the 'img and '/img' tags inside the brackets. If you do that, the RIU post will automatically insert the image between the img tabs into the body of your post.

Alternatively, if you have already uploaded your image to the RIU server, using the “widget” described in above in my first post on this topic, RIU itself will host the image and will create its own URL for the image.

If you click on said image so that it displays in full size, then right click on it, you can use the “copy image location” tab in the menu that comes up to copy the URL of this image from RIU. Then you paste that URL in between the “img" tabs, and you're done.

For example, if I were to type THIS:

["img"];d=1359614065["/img"] but leave out the quotes (in red) it will show up an image like so:

10 W.W. plants, 2 males, 8 females. WOW.......nice even canopy too. See pic below!

Untrained, the side WiWo branches are so heavy, they'll go horizontal, so you should probably expect to have to space those pots out a bit more over time.

Also, as a suggestion, if you haven't already destroyed them, I'd clone off one branch from the nicer-looking of those males, and keep it as a "stud" to pollinate 1-2 side branches from one of the better looking females. WiWo is a true breeding line, so any beans you created this way should be similar to the parents and pretty good. This will effectively cost you nothing, and potentially keep you in beans for quite a while.
This afternoon I already moved 2 of the 8 plants out into another area so there will be 6 plants total there now.......I figured that out already. LOL

Unfortunately, I destroyed the males few days ago. I was either going to take a few branches for clones or reveg the nicest parent(s)- I haven't decided yet. I was even considering spraying a branch with that "T" stuff to create a male branch to produce some pollen. Still thinking about it all. But I appreciate your comments, as always!

Lastly, I'll be staking these in some form or another as they grow their buds......just a bit early right now.
This afternoon I already moved 2 of the 8 plants out into another area so there will be 6 plants total there now.......I figured that out already. LOL

Unfortunately, I destroyed the males few days ago. I was either going to take a few branches for clones or reveg the nicest parent(s)- I haven't decided yet. I was even considering spraying a branch with that "T" stuff to create a male branch to produce some pollen. Still thinking about it all. But I appreciate your comments, as always!

Lastly, I'll be staking these in some form or another as they grow their buds......just a bit early right now.

The stems on these are relatively sturdy, so you may not have to stake them. Don't think I ever needed to, though it certainly can't hurt, especially with the side growth.

For perpetuation, my suggestion is to take off some of the lowest branches and use them for clones for your next round. They won't get much light anyway, the "popcorn" buds aren't that interesting, and the main colas will just bulk up that much more. Its still perfectly possible to clone these in early flower; I've done it more than once, it just takes a little longer. Don't wait too long, because as the stems harden it becomes harder and harder to get them to root.

If you want to make beans, certainly chemical reversal is one way to go. FWIW, I got one female plant to "freak out" and make male flowers by leaving it in total darkness for 3 full days, then bringing it into 12-12. If you wanted to do a chemical-free reversal, you could try that trick with a well-rooted clone.

Also, since this line seems to want to make "bananas" late into flower, its a perfect candidate for "rodelization". That's where you leave a few buds on an older plant after flowering, wait for them to make bananas, then use the pollen from said bananas to fertilize a younger plant.
Lots of options........I'm also thinking about just ordering more seeds and looking for a nice male again. So many options, so little space. LOL

If it's better then my Grape God, it will be full steam ahead! If not, I'll just enjoy the smoke variety.

By the way Jogro........were the banana's fertile or not? I've had a number of strains show bananas late, but no seeds/pollen being produced. Curious if you've ever used the pollen or had seeds in your buds. Thanks.
Lots of options........I'm also thinking about just ordering more seeds and looking for a nice male again. So many options, so little space. LOL

If it's better then my Grape God, it will be full steam ahead! If not, I'll just enjoy the smoke variety.

By the way Jogro........were the banana's fertile or not? I've had a number of strains show bananas late, but no seeds/pollen being produced. Curious if you've ever used the pollen or had seeds in your buds. Thanks.
Well, I don't know how this compares to "Grape god", but I look forward to hearing your review/report. If you like indicas, you'll probably like this one.

To answer your question, the pollen I got from the prolonged darkness induced male flowers was fertile, but those were "full" male flowers not "bananas". Here's a pic of same:

Darkness induced hermie day 6 flower.jpg

I never got any se-eds from bananas, but I think its because by the time they show up, the plant is already in week 5-6 of flower and most of the pistils are brown and withered. Since it takes a week for them to mature, by the time the bananas could drop pollen its basically too late, the female flowers are way past peak fertility.

One other poster in thread said he did see a few ceeds with bananas, so its not out of the realm of possibility.
5 days since the last picture, day 14 in flowering. Loads of bud sites and are further along then I expected.


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