Can any people who actually know what they are talking about answer me this?


Does it cost more to grow organically? Are the ingredients for compost teas hard to find? Is the weed less potent if grown organically? And i know theres forums on here that can answer this last question, but are there different methods of growing organically other than teas?


Well-Known Member
If you're really in highlands ranch you can take a trip over to Tagawa nursery and get some Fox Farm Big Bloom and Age Old Organics nutes. That's what I use other than worm castings and bat guano which you can get there as well. Plus they have good soil as in Fox Farm Ocean Forest and Roots, etc....

turnip brain

Active Member
Just read everything on this website
And fact check it against actual tried-and-true horticultural practices. After all, cannabis is just a plant, and people have been studying how to grow plants for a llllllooooooonnnnnggggh time.....

Right on SpicySativa!!!

A healthy level of skepticsm and doing your own homework goes a long way. I think there is a lot of "information" on this forum that leads to unnecessary work, expense and worry, but also awesome info to help you save money, simplify and grow worry free. Expect a lot of confusion before clarity if you try to read everything here.


Well-Known Member
Organically grown bud can be much cheaper to produce, ingredients are not hard to come by, and a higher quality smoke is the end result when done right.

A trip to a major hardware store like Lowes or Home Depot can hook you up. A simple shopping list, one bag of sphagnum peat moss, one bag of perlite, one bag of compost, a small bag of Epsoma brand general gardening fertilizer (dry). Mix up your soil (40 % peat moss, 40 % compost, 20 % perlite), put it in your pots, add the amount of dry fertilizer recommended on the Epsoma bag, mix it well in the pot, add seeds, clones or already started plants, and water as needed to maintain moist, but never wet condition.

Topdress 1 tsp of dry fertilizer every 10 to 12 days, until flowering (in the meanwhile, get on Ebay and order some High Phosphorous Bat Guano, some Worm Castings, and some Super Plant Tonic). When preflowers show, top dress a couple teaspoons of of the High P Bat Guano, two weeks later repeat, topdress some Worm Castings (1 tsp weekly), and mix up some Super Plant Tonic (beneficial bacteria & fungi for your root zone) and water in, that's all you'll need.

No need to even make tea. Simple, cheap, and effective. Wheter or not your buds will make weight, and be potent, depends mostly on genetics. I recommend anything by Bodhi, Insane Seed Posse, or Chimera, all those fellows turn out quality genetics.
If you don't over water, and don't over feed, it will grow like a weed. Simple works.


Well-Known Member
Does it cost more to grow organically?

No. Like everything, it can be more or less if you want it to. If you make your own compost and earth worm compost you would save more. I'm not too worried about saving money, but it is not more than hydro.

Are the ingredients for compost teas hard to find?
No. I ordered most online and found some in stores, some grow stores have guano etc, some don't. I like O'Tooles, it is close to me.

Is the weed less potent if grown organically?
No. In my opinion, organic is way better than hydro. I would have said the same when I grew hydro.

And i know theres forums on here that can answer this last question, but are there different methods of growing organically other than teas?
There are many ways to skin a cat.

I just bought a bag of Peace of Mind All Purpose fert. I used two teaspoons (along with other stuff) to make tea. At that rate the bag will last me longer than I can imagine. I will probably end up using some on my garden next year.

I used to pay $33 for a gallon of GH fert. I can not see how organic would cost more.

the plant does not care about brands of fertilizer etc, it just cares what it is getting.

I have tea bubbling downstairs right now.


Well-Known Member
Follow gandalfs thread, many wise organic growers on rollitup. I personally recommend homeade supersoil, teas and co2, I think molasses is a great ingredient not all of us use. Also feed lighly, and have a super soil for veg and flower. Organix is simple


Active Member
Don't let these folks fool you.

Organics is expensive on the initial start up costs. If you are unable to source things locally, or get them for free - then yes, you will be putting out hundreds of dollars to get started. You CAN go about it cheaply however. It all depends how far into organics you want to go. But after you have everything you need to get started, the up-keep costs are extremely small, it's just the getting started part that is costly. This website is far more better than any thread on any forum you will read. This explains everything you need to know about how organics actually works, including tea recipes, brewers, etc. What you need from forums are the recipes for soils. This is where it can get expensive, the soil. You can fill your soil with all kinds of diverse materials or keep it simple and go with a light mix. It's all up to the grower.