Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

Just tryin to keep the mood light considering the stress we all feeling...:eyesmoke:

Of course I've never tried ripper meat!
I have yet to catch one in the trap!!! :twisted::fire::twisted:

edit: Shelby I've been looking at home security systems as well, one that is smartphone internet etc compatible. I am curious what you come up with as it seems like the options are endless. However my brother works at a commercial security firm and his best advice was always go HD 1080 on the cameras and DVR...
Just tryin to keep the mood light considering the stress we all feeling...:eyesmoke:

Of course I've never tried ripper meat!
I have yet to catch one in the trap!!! :twisted::fire::twisted:

edit: Shelby I've been looking at home security systems as well, one that is smartphone internet etc compatible. I am curious what you come up with as it seems like the options are endless. However my brother works at a commercial security firm and his best advice was always go HD 1080 on the cameras and DVR...

I would love to buy the 1080p cameras but they are very expensive. I'm looking at the Zmodo brand. There 480 line cameras are pretty good for the price. I have a buddy that sells and installs systems for a living as well and for the price and quality of the camera it what he recommends.

Heres what i'm looking at to start out.
Yeah it's best to make sure all the wildlife where you reside is down fer sure! Wish that skunk knew how to handle my .308 then we'd have fun!

Wait why do you wish the skunk could shoot are you a tree huger?

Oh and by the way they come in and kill my chickens and eat the eggs so if you know of a better way to keep them out i mean if you wanna come over and catch it by all means head over.

Otherwise i dont want to hear you bitch about something when you have no idea whats going on its not like im just killing shit for fun kool guy!!
FUCKING RIPPERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Got hit last night and they raped 2 of my potted ones down to nothing, cut one that was in the ground down (recovered it in neighbors back yard) and took a few really nice branches on my cheese. Looks like my ass in camping in backyard with my gun. Can't believe dogs didn't wake up in either of our yards. I heard something and got up, think thats what ran them off before they could decimate my crop.

That sucks bro, i know how it feels it has happened to the best of us. Keep your head up at least they didnt get everything.
Sorry to hear about this who've been ripped off. That really sucks.

Has anyone here ever been ripped during the daytime?

Oh yeah, My buddy was ripped while at work for a 3 hour lunch shift. Most of the time rippers will case the place to see routine, security and schedules. That's why I don't like to leave the house at all.
Sorry to hear about this who've been ripped off. That really sucks.

Has anyone here ever been ripped during the daytime?

Yea the last time i was ripped they cased my house for around two weeks then came in when i was gone for 2 hours at around 10am they even put my dog to sleep with some type of sleeping pill.

Yea the last time i was ripped they cased my house for around two weeks then came in when i was gone for 2 hours at around 10am they even put my dog to sleep with some type of sleeping pill.

Damn that's pretty crazy, and kinda nice of them to only put it to sleep and wait most people woulda just shot it.