Vegas micro mini grow w limited space....


Well-Known Member
So heres the question to find out what kinda person u are....which of his characters would u wanna do the most?

Mickey Knox?

Dude from 2012?
LMAO!! I'd def have to go with Mickey Knox on that one. I didn't see 2012 but I've seen his character and...that one and Larry Flynt, GREAT acting but NOT GOOD for my Woody Harrelson fantasy!!


Well-Known Member
I don't wanna hear any arguing outta you Woody!! I'm going to believe whatever the hell I want!! Just know that I'm probably biting my lip while reading your grumpy ass posts! :)


Well-Known Member
20130920_071555.jpgthis was in the back of the guys truck parked next to me at work this mrng...poor fellas..I wanted to turn em loose. Id say their futures not bright...nor their present for that matter....I have no idea what they are theyre not chickens I know that..maybe quail?