Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

Genetically Engineered Cannabis yes or no?

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so, you contend that there IS a GMO cannabis program someplace, anyplace?

place evidence here:_________________________________________________________________________________________________

you contend Monsanto SPECIFICALLY has a GMO cannabis program?

place evidence here __________________________________________________________________________________________________

you contend that your poll is somehow related to cannabis when in fact there is no evidence of ANY GMO cannabis program anywhere, by anyone, for any purpose?

Explain that bullshit here:______________________________________________________________________________________________

right doc and I suppose Custer was correct in his assumptions/calculations pertaining to the number of indians at the little big horn :D
Lol, like you can talk about other people getting shit wrong!

Your posts are always good for a facepalm (or 10).

oh frank you have had page after page to show 'i was wrong' about something (if you really believe that) and yet you offer only sweathogwash like this :sleep:

this thread was inspired by what 'we' dont know, not by what we think 'we' do know based on Custer logic etc ;)
oh frank you have had page after page to show 'i was wrong' about something (if you really believe that) and yet you offer only sweathogwash like this :sleep:

this thread was inspired by what 'we' dont know, not by what we think 'we' do know based on Custer logic etc ;)
Learn the scientific method, how peer review works and then come back and try talk about science.

Natural News is your main source, and you talk about bad science...lmao.
Learn the scientific method, how peer review works and then come back and try talk about science.

Natural News is your main source, and you talk about bad science...lmao.

hehe oh frank i've been alive now for going on 50 yrs and i only just stumbled upon that site recently and well after i wrote the proposal and started this thread etc...
i've been 'wrong' plenty in my life (my share at least) but what drives what you call 'the scientific method and peer review' etc is a matter of fact not opinion in that politics/money/power etc taint and manipulate all that you think you know = the Custer syndrome
oh frank you have had page after page to show 'i was wrong' about something (if you really believe that) and yet you offer only sweathogwash like this :sleep:

Don't be a coy asshole. If you post an article, it is assumed that you have read and understood the article.
claiming that you have not read any of the articles you post and are not necessarily in agreement with the lies and garbage you post is disingenuous and very much asshole behavior.

Claiming that you were never wrong is amazingly naive, stupid, insulting...

You post garbage and you are human trash.

this thread was inspired by what 'we' dont know, not by what we think 'we' do know based on Custer logic etc ;)

Nice back track idiot.
This thread turned into you exposing your idiocy and pretty much bragging about it.
I have never encountered some one so eager to show how stupid they are.
hehe oh frank i've been alive now for going on 50 yrs

What? I had you pegged as a 20 something year old, young, dumb and full of...
You are 50?


You spend time spreading lies and propaganda. You should be ashamed of yourself.
You have the mind of a 13 year old boy, minus the intellect.

and i only just stumbled upon that site recently

Take a long stumble on a short dock. You suck ass on hot ice.

and well after i wrote the proposal and started this thread etc...

You wrote garbage and tried to back it up with garbage.
Your lies get slapped down and you keep coming with more lies. It is weird.

i've been 'wrong' plenty in my life (my share at least)

apparently oyu have no idea. You are wrong constantly. you are very good at it. That does not mean you should spread lies around. Grow up.

but what drives what you call 'the scientific method and peer review'

You are not smart enough to understand the scientific method. You are slowly starting to realize that your whole belief system is based on lies. So instead of adjusting your crippled and underdeveloped paradigm, you attack the scientific method.

I wish you could understand how childish and incredibly naive that is.
There is no way you are 50 years old and this dumb.

etc is a matter of fact not opinion in that politics/money/power etc taint and manipulate all that you think you know = the Custer syndrome

You are tainted.
You are a terrible person.
You are a liar.
You are worse than a liar in that you spread propaganda.

If you want to trade insults instead of you listing lies, that is fine too. That is just one more thing that I can do better than you.
Don't be a coy asshole. If you post an article, it is assumed that you have read and understood the article...

just like a trout to assume everything is 'golden' when biting to swallow...

Nice back track idiot.
This thread turned into you exposing your idiocy and pretty much bragging about it.
I have never encountered some one so eager to show how stupid they are.

i can only guess you dont have a mirror and that you never met frank :D


To all you idiots who decided you would rather call people names rather than using your minds, i will unblock you just so you can kiss my ass.
I was right, you where wrong, dont be a bitch and hold back, as a matter of fact start a new thread just to apologize to me and admit you are stupid.

c'mon man...that's worth at least a video bongsmilie

You are not smart enough to understand the scientific method.

understand this trout, 'i saw the movie and i read the book, but when it happened to me i sure was glad i had what it took to get away'...maybe you should swim around that a bit before you bite down ;)
c'mon man...that's worth at least a video bongsmilie

Im just waiting for the tards to tell me the government isnt going to try and take control of this too, seriously, lots of people are going out of business, not because their product isnt great, its because they wont pass the health codes, electrical codes tax codes etc. I already do, but m,any dont, these libtards just handed total control over our grows to monsanto and big government.

What a joke, Obummer appointing vp from an evil corp , stupid stupid stupid, just another example of not taking care of joe public, neither side cares
so, you contend that there IS a GMO cannabis program someplace, anyplace?

place evidence here:_________________________________________________________________________________________________

you contend Monsanto SPECIFICALLY has a GMO cannabis program?

place evidence here __________________________________________________________________________________________________

it would be a shame to let this moment pass without clarifying the record for posterity wouldn't ya say doc?...
so should i deduce from this that your claiming such is not happening?
with your viewpoint on this subject you are clearly a gambler...
so how about lets make a 'gentlemen's wager' on this question?
'short term', if you can show definitively that there is no "GMO cannabis program someplace, anyplace?" then i will leave this site 4ever :D and if i can show the opposite then you must leave this site until you at least reach mental puberty...what do you say doc?
also long term terms will be if you can within one year definitively disprove this statement: "Monsanto SPECIFICALLY has a GMO cannabis program?" (your words not mine)
and for my part i will have one year to show that your statement above is actually sadly true...the same consequences would of course apply :D
well doc what's up ;)
it would be a shame to let this moment pass without clarifying the record for posterity wouldn't ya say doc?...
so should i deduce from this that your claiming such is not happening?
with your viewpoint on this subject you are clearly a gambler...
so how about lets make a 'gentlemen's wager' on this question?
'short term', if you can show definitively that there is no "GMO cannabis program someplace, anyplace?" then i will leave this site 4ever :D and if i can show the opposite then you must leave this site until you at least reach mental puberty...what do you say doc?
also long term terms will be if you can within one year definitively disprove this statement: "Monsanto SPECIFICALLY has a GMO cannabis program?" (your words not mine)
and for my part i will have one year to show that your statement above is actually sadly true...the same consequences would of course apply :D
well doc what's up ;)

what a bold challenge! if i can prove something DOESNT exist youll eat your own hat.

in the entire history of the earth nobody has EVER proved a negative.

instead of accepting my challenge to support your ACTUAL VERIFIABLE CLAIMS, you "flip dah script" and double-dawg-dare me to prove a negative...

if you have proof to support your allegations that:

A:Monsanto has a GMO cannabis program
B: ANYBODY ANYWHERE has a GMO cannabis program

it should be super easy to back that up, while proving that something which does NOT exist IN FACT DOES NOT EXIST is impossible.

if you were half as clever as you think you are you would already understand this.
if you were 5/8 as smart as you think you are you would recognize how absolutely retarded it is to demand anyone prove a negative assertion.
if you were 3/4 as smart as you think you are, you would have cited actual evidence to back up your claims long ago, and i would be agreeing with your hypothetically PROVEN assertions.

unfortunately for you, you have failed to recognize the value of proving your claims, failed to understand how to argue an assertion, and failed to make the grand leap of logic which allows the rest of us to realize that if a claim is unsupported by facts it is almost certainly not true.
doc your logic is seriously flawed from the get go because my only claim was that monsanto would be negligent to their mission statement and shareholders if they were not perusing cannabis as one of their up and coming genetic slave species (in fact a poster child for such)...they've got the gene ohm maps so how does it make sense to you that they wouldnt use them?...
doc your logic is seriously flawed from the get go because my only claim was that monsanto would be negligent to their mission statement and shareholders if they were not perusing cannabis as one of their up and coming genetic slave species (in fact a poster child for such)...they've got the gene ohm maps so how does it make sense to you that they wouldnt use them?...

well then it should be super easy to point to a GMO Dope Patent, a GMO Weed Research Grant, a GMO Chronic Clinical Trial, or a GMO Doobie Smokeout someplace in the world.

unless of course, while you were moving those goalposts about so furiously, you "accidentally" pushed them into the sea, and watched them sink, shouting all the while: "Aww Shucks! now I'll never be able to prove my claims! Thanks Monsanto!".
doc your logic is seriously flawed from the get go because my only claim was that monsanto would be negligent to their mission statement and shareholders if they were not perusing cannabis as one of their up and coming genetic slave species (in fact a poster child for such)...they've got the gene ohm maps so how does it make sense to you that they wouldnt use them?...
Because hes an idiot?