I've had enough


Well-Known Member
shit if you need a seratonin inhibitor..sounds like e-pills will help you. or molli. pure MDMA. see if you can get some


Well-Known Member
yup, that's why i'm rather frightened of it. keep up your bt5 and hydration levels while rolling, it's impossible to die from it.
My wife thought she was dying. She took a pill, smoked half a blunt and proceeded to yak for 5 hours straight.


Well-Known Member
My wife thought she was dying. She took a pill, smoked half a blunt and proceeded to yak for 5 hours straight.
omfg, i hate mixing the two. especially when it's sativa weed, and a good e-pill. i mixed a triple stack green gator and a triple stack orange naked lady one time, and me and my friend rolled a blunt, i think we smoked about 2g in that swisher between us. i was superrrrr faded. it was like being drunk.. that sense of being on auto-pilot but still remembering bits n pieces.. i hate that shit


Well-Known Member
Find someone with good bud. I was on Zoloft, Stretaline, and a couple other anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds and they generally made things worse or made me feel inhuman. Bud solved that problem.


Well-Known Member
Get out and exercise. Bottom line. Work your body-better than any drug or pill induced high. THEN cap it off with some quality buds. Depression meds just lead to dependency and then you're really fucked. Just enjoy life man.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
My doc gives me prozac...generic is flouoxetine. Now, I also have had the folks are staring thing...marijuana. Its better than prozac, better than anything. Just start off with a little, maybe once a week, smoke your self silly. Really soak that old depression center with cannabanoids . Beat it into submission. Take the prozac, but less than your doc prescribes. Just every two or three days. After a while, you will be able to go longer and longer in between treatments.If you take too much prozac, you will begin to feel nothing. Masturbate. The reason I say this is because when youre doing stuff for yourself, there isnt the pressure of a partner. This also releases endorphines in the brain for a quick boost. No, this isnt a joke.


Well-Known Member
i always got the feeling that the MDMA is 100x safer when mixed with
unlimited marijuana

would never contemplate it without a HUGE bag...


Well-Known Member
i always got the feeling that the MDMA is 100x safer when mixed with
unlimited marijuana

would never contemplate it without a HUGE bag...
not me..i already get near cross-eyed and insane pupil dilation as well as a euphoric sense of touch when i'm thizzin..when i up that with the cloudy-visioned paranoic high of a sativa blunt i always feel like my consciousness will forever be stuck like that..in that high..even when i'm not high.. i hate mixing e with weed..but i do it anyway..the life of a crackhead:joint:


New Member
:?Hi there. I feel for you because I go though periods of being paranoid at times but never hear voices. I haven't felt that way for a while now but to go to a doctor and hope that he has your best interests at heart, I think, is risky business.

You don't sound like you are going through a depression and most likely a doctor will put you on anti-depressants. These can have side effects that are worse than the actually original symptoms.

If you can't get the type of strains that are right for you(which isn't easy if you are not an mm card holder) then you may want to do some research into ones that do work well for this.

I was put on effexor(low dosage since I toke also) but for social anxiety which is very similar to what you are describing.

Good luck. I know that it really is 'self'torture':?:roll::peace:

I'm in Canada also. :) and I have mental disorders too:roll: Its fun sometimes but there are times when it is a nightmare. :evil:

I just realized that I'm not "normal" :-|

I'm mentally sick... I don't know if its from trying meth at the young age of 14 which ended up fucking up my brain.

I basically think that EVERYBODY is against me... and everybody is out to rob me and shit...

I ASSUME what people are thinking... like i can literally read these peoples minds and shit... and most of the time i think they are talking shit about me...

I'm just sick and tired of this shit... I need some meds quick.. It hurts my heart to wake up..

My question is, how can I get anxiety/depression meds??

I obliviously have to go to a doctor, but one thing I will NOT do, is see a shrink psychologist or what ever.... I'm not skits or anything

If I talked to my family doctor, and told him about my situation, CANT he just write me a script for some anxiety/depression meds??

I'm in Canada right now btw..

p.s For the people who do take meds, what do you recommended? zoloft, prosac? etc...

PLEASE help me!! :cry:


Active Member
shit if you need a seratonin inhibitor..sounds like e-pills will help you. or molli. pure MDMA. see if you can get some
I'm seriously going to try this.. I actually did some pure MDMA pills from some chemist, and its the ONLY time in my life that I was actually HAPPY to be breathing.. I felt like my "old self"

1 pill had my high for 2 days.... It was the best time of my life..


I am booking an appointment with my doc, and telling him i need some MDMA to treat this 10+ year of anxiety/anti social behavior.

Is there a better way to approach this situation??

Is it cool if i tell him that i tried MDMA and it made me feel "normal", and its the only thing that works for me... and just ask him for the script?

And if he gives me some BS about giving me some baby doses of some useless medicine that wont help, can I push my agenda of getting prescribed MDMA? :?


Active Member
To Lacy: thx for your concern.. it is fun to be a little crazy, but when its messing with your life, and you cant live a normal life, you have to do something. It takes courage to actually get help.


Well-Known Member
To Lacy: thx for your concern.. it is fun to be a little crazy, but when its messing with your life, and you cant live a normal life, you have to do something. It takes courage to actually get help.
I can't tell you how to go about getting Molli.. I just know it's very, very, very hard to come across in the states. But I don't recommend trying street pills either--they either have caffeine or meth in them mixed with the MDMA, to up your energy.

If you can, talk to a doctor about it. There is actually a MDMA revolution going on, mainly to treat the medical condition you seem to be afflicted with--it's much like the Marijuana revolution. Funny how the two best things on this planet are illegal..and taxed substances that the government can't control aren't. I'd just suggest going to the UK--you're guaranteed to get some molli over there.

But give it a go with the doc, see what happens.. doesn't hurt to try.


New Member
what a pin user? :confused:
For years I was a pin user (stupid.stupid.stupid)..I got to the point where I just said enough...But I was left always feeling like I was about to,as I told the DR.
"jump out of my skin"..a real horrible sensation..which pot helped sometimes, but even then every once in a while it made it worse..So I went to the Dr. You have to tell him everything...all your history....He gave me xanax....I hardly use it at all now....worked great.....Can't have a fellow Canuck getting all jumpy..
Oh yeah......HI
My wife thought she was dying. She took a pill, smoked half a blunt and proceeded to yak for 5 hours straight.
OMG. That would do me right in then. :?

Find someone with good bud. I was on Zoloft, Stretaline, and a couple other anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds and they generally made things worse or made me feel inhuman. Bud solved that problem.
Get out and exercise. Bottom line. Work your body-better than any drug or pill induced high. THEN cap it off with some quality buds. Depression meds just lead to dependency and then you're really fucked. Just enjoy life man.
I have to agree with these people. Try and stay away from heavy anti-depressants. They will change you completely and change and change your lifestyle to one of activity. Get outside and go for walks.

I don't know where you live but Ontario has some great weed.
You just don't have good connections.:blsmoke:


Active Member
Thank all of you who helped me. I will be away from the next 3 months, but I will def post my recovery...

I plan on growing this mystery black African weed, that supposedly gets you high for like 6-7 hours..

Hence why I'm going away for 3-4 months.

Thank all of you.

Stay blazed. :mrgreen: