The Peach Sisters like it GREEN!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I smoke alone. So leave me outta this. hahahaha.

How's everyone doing tonight???

I've been working on the new exhaust and intake. got a new 12 outlet 4Ft power strip installed in the tent. Makes it much neater. :)

STILL haven't installed the new setup. it's assembled finally. just need to pull the AC and install this fucker. :)

That's where i've been ALLLLLLL day.


Well-Known Member
I smoke alone. So leave me outta this. hahahaha.

How's everyone doing tonight???

I've been working on the new exhaust and intake. got a new 12 outlet 4Ft power strip installed in the tent. Makes it much neater. :)

STILL haven't installed the new setup. it's assembled finally. just need to pull the AC and install this fucker. :)

That's where i've been ALLLLLLL day.

Dude...seriously? That sounds like a crazy fucking great set up, posted some pics when you're done;)
and wth is Dank tonight anyways LOL


Well-Known Member
When you see pics you will be confused as to the time i spent making it. But trust me it took some work. lol

I had to superglue a screen to the inside of the Drain cover i'm using as my intake opening. and added a screen to the exhaust as well.....

Once I put it all together tomorrow i will show everyone everything. Inside and out of the tent. Fuckin crazy now. Flip in 1 week. 1 fuckin week!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
WTF? where'd it go?????? LMFAO
it was on the nightstand...I put it down to type LMAO
Now, here's ya go california!!!! puff puff passsss.....bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
Sorry a cached it Time to pack another one Stew you wanna throw some of that spider in on it?


Well-Known Member
HAHAHA. Stews sadly watching his final episode of Dexter with tears in his eyes cause it won't be back..........................................................................................................................................


Well-Known Member
HAHAHA. Stews sadly watching his final episode of Dexter with tears in his eyes cause it won't be back.......................................................................................................................................... must suffer silently until I watch them Tuesday night LOL

sorry man...I know I'm gonna be feeling the same way....:(:(:( ME MISS MY DEXTER!!!!!