Advanced Nutrient Claims"Are they true?"

Apparently you didn't read what I said, I didn't say any company is better than any company, I said iv used most manufacturers lines and they all work great if you follow the schedule they give you. That's not an endorsement of AN, GH, DM, Jacks, or anyone, it's an endorsement of all of them, they all work great. All I said regarding AN is I have no complaints, work great, same for the rest. UB is a smart guy, knows his shit, he can diagnose plant problems, I can't. Reason I can't is because I run simple schedules and follow the manufacturers suggestions and other than an occasional cal/mag issue iv never had a deficiency issue with any company. I keep my ph in check, watch the ppm's, keep my temps steady and they all perform great. That's far from biased AN report. I don't care if you want to mix your own, great job, I don't want to so il continue using all the manufactures nutes and buy the one that has the best deals when I need em. I haven't done an OC+ hempy yet but I will, and when I do il probably say they work great (as iv heard they do) but I guarantee you I won't come on to a forum and tell people like you that use Jacks that your stupid cuz my OC+ hempy is cheaper and easier to run than your jacks. And no UB, I'm not knocking Jacks, it works great
They probably "formulated" it by buying 50 gal. drums of this stuff from a co-hort of mine and bottled it under their name. You really don't think anyone at Advanced Shyster knows what they're doing?

Call up my friend Johnny McRight and talk your shit with him. You'll be walking funny after that conversation .....sporting a new ass hole LOL.
First off I wasn't talking about just AN. All manufactures have a division called Research and Development. Yes they do bring ingredients in 50 gallon drums, but also 40 gallon drums and also dry goods are part of most formulations. Yes they do dump it all together and bottle it. Your 100% correct. 100% correct on 5% of the process. There's over a 1000 man hours to bring a product to this point. So your answer is that you don't know what's involved in formulating from any of these facilities. I can say this for certain because, I have been to every facility in North America, have solved formulation issues in every aspect of formulation including the nutrient companies you speak of. I fly around North America on other peoples dime at their request, to do just this. So tell John that you really need take a tour sometime, especially the formulation department and lab where all the magic really happens. JAS
First off I wasn't talking about just AN. All manufactures have a division called Research and Development. Yes they do bring ingredients in 50 gallon drums, but also 40 gallon drums and also dry goods are part of most formulations. Yes they do dump it all together and bottle it. Your 100% correct. 100% correct on 5% of the process. There's over a 1000 man hours to bring a product to this point. So your answer is that you don't know what's involved in formulating from any of these facilities. I can say this for certain because, I have been to every facility in North America, have solved formulation issues in every aspect of formulation including the nutrient companies you speak of. I fly around North America on other peoples dime at their request, to do just this. So tell John that you really need take a tour sometime, especially the formulation department and lab where all the magic really happens. JAS
My dad can beat up your dad!!
Yes they do bring ingredients in 50 gallon drums, but also 40 gallon drums and also dry goods are part of most formulations. Yes they do dump it all together and bottle it. Your 100% correct. 100% correct on 5% of the process.

Dumping it all together is basically the whole process. Software is used to figure out how much of each thing to "dump" in. This isn't exactly pioneering ground breaking innovations, it's already a well defined science. There's no magic going on. The reason you use more of one chemical over another is because it provides more N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, etc than the other chemical. That's really all it is.

For example, if you want low P, you'd use less KH2PO4 while using more KNO3 to keep the K the same while lowering P and raising N.

There's nothing special about any of the chemicals that go in. Potassium nitrate is just potassium and nitrogen that goes directly to feeding the plant.

There's over a 1000 man hours to bring a product to this point.

Maybe over 1000 man hours of marketing and sales. Figuring out what combination of salts makes plants grow the best isn't exactly the same thing as developing jet engines. It can be figured out through guess and check of all the possible viable combinations. This is something an elementary school class could do as an experiment.

Often times, the customer insists they know what they want because they saw some popular formula on forums (like lucas), so companies will just market that because they know you're looking for it.

Why bother doing research at all if the customer always knows what's best? A lot of customers won't buy nutrients if it's not high P.
.....Often times, the customer insists they know what they want because they saw some popular formula on forums (like lucas), so companies will just market that because they know you're looking for it.

Why bother doing research at all if the customer always knows what's best? A lot of customers won't buy nutrients if it's not high P.

Bingo....and if a little P is good regarding flower production, a lot must be better. ;) Cannabis specific companies are figuring out the buying psychology of its customers, their target group, and marketing to that specific segment. They're supposed to be in the plant nutrition business. They're not. The stupid supplement and additive products aside, I look at some of the "grow" or "bloom" formulations and shake my head. They're in it to make sales, any way they can. It's all a big racket.

The organic and "natural" crap is the same. There's gonna be a sucker falling for a label or a claim of "healthy" every time. That whole wheat cereal sitting there on the grocery shelf may in fact only contain 10% whole wheat. Here's another industry that's highly unregulated and full of fraud and deception.

Time to go wash off this apple.......

Yes genetics plays a huge roll, But no chuck my buddy here locally grew this out as well, I gave him the same cuts, his has less weight and full, the smell isn't as bright and the resin is less profound, his also has more stem ... Same watts.... I'm going to stop now because this is stupid... I spoke my peace and showed pics of current work, Lets see some pictures? I'm tired of talking... How you going to argue with success?. Next time someone asks about A.N, you regulars that jump in and mislead about quality can just say "it's too expensive and I don't like the owner" then you can stay truthful, and I can avoid the thread completely! only reason i come to these is to level the facts for the individual searching for works nuff said! Stop trying to force your method on someone...
ok, it works, but is it the best route to take? does it outperform other nutrients to the point where AN's pricing is acceptable?
Im not sure about 10 to 12 years ago but it is formulated for medical marijuana

It is actually formulated for maximum profits for AN. It is way over priced for anything except a valuable crop like cannabis and does a good enough job if you don't mind paying ridiculous amounts of money for relatively cheap ingredients.
It is actually formulated for maximum profits for AN. It is way over priced for anything except a valuable crop like cannabis and does a good enough job if you don't mind paying ridiculous amounts of money for relatively cheap ingredients.

But, but ... c'mon. The labels, the art work, the nifty names. Not to mention the ad copy.

Someone has to pay for all that. Bullshit ain't cheap!

Seems Like if you bring up AN products on any website, it starts shit storm of drama! This is a hobby for me. BTW it's the cheapest hobby I have! Golf, and Competition Shooting cost way more than buying a round nutes for a grow.
I grow Ebb & Grow. My first two grows I used GH and it seemed to work well. My plants seemed to be healthy with no deficiencies that I could tell, but I didn't seem to make a lot bud about 2 oz per plant for 6 plants. Doesn't really matter that will last me a year more. I give most away to my friends.
With GH It did seem with my water I was always having to adjust my my PH. This might not matter to some, but with me it matters. I work a lot of hours, and I don't always have the time to be messing around in my grow room.
This grow I'm using PH Perfect Grow Micro Bloom. With my water these nutes have made my PH rock solid at about 5.7. I'm not having to mess with Ph all the time. To me it's worth the extra 10 to 20 bucks. Are there other companies nutes that will do the same thing? I don't know, but I'm going to find out for myself. I'm going to try Canna, or House of Gardens next. I'm not getting in to all those extra additives it just seems like more things to take up my time with.
For all of you that want to bitch about AN I get it! I understand! AN uses all that advertising saying use this and you'll have a 1 pound bud, and it does nothing but confuse me! All I'm using this grow is AN Micro Grow & Bloom. I'll let you know how it goes. I think some people just like to bitch! The ones that are bitching are probably the same type of people that have been selling me a gram for 25.00 a quarter for 125.00 to 150.00 and a oz for 400.00 and they want to bitch about 25.00 extra for nutes. FUCK THAT!!! BTW thanks Uncle Ben for knowledge you post on here. Wish I knew 10% of what you knew about growing!
Seems Like if you bring up AN products on any website, it starts shit storm of drama! This is a hobby for me. BTW it's the cheapest hobby I have! Golf, and Competition Shooting cost way more than buying a round nutes for a grow.
I grow Ebb & Grow. My first two grows I used GH and it seemed to work well. My plants seemed to be healthy with no deficiencies that I could tell, but I didn't seem to make a lot bud about 2 oz per plant for 6 plants. Doesn't really matter that will last me a year more. I give most away to my friends.
With GH It did seem with my water I was always having to adjust my my PH. This might not matter to some, but with me it matters. I work a lot of hours, and I don't always have the time to be messing around in my grow room.
This grow I'm using PH Perfect Grow Micro Bloom. With my water these nutes have made my PH rock solid at about 5.7. I'm not having to mess with Ph all the time. To me it's worth the extra 10 to 20 bucks. Are there other companies nutes that will do the same thing? I don't know, but I'm going to find out for myself. I'm going to try Canna, or House of Gardens next. I'm not getting in to all those extra additives it just seems like more things to take up my time with.
For all of you that want to bitch about AN I get it! I understand! AN uses all that advertising saying use this and you'll have a 1 pound bud, and it does nothing but confuse me! All I'm using this grow is AN Micro Grow & Bloom. I'll let you know how it goes. I think some people just like to bitch! The ones that are bitching are probably the same type of people that have been selling me a gram for 25.00 a quarter for 125.00 to 150.00 and a oz for 400.00 and they want to bitch about 25.00 extra for nutes. FUCK THAT!!! BTW thanks Uncle Ben for knowledge you post on here. Wish I knew 10% of what you knew about growing!

If you are going to try CANNA then I can highly recommend the AQUA VEGA A and B. NPK 6-3-8
Great nutrient from start to finish. No gimmicks, everything you need in a base nutrient.

I've used AN in the past and was happy with them. Eventually as I learned more I realized they sell a lot of redundant products that I didn't really need. Now I'm using Blue Planet Nutrients, some small company, and I even have better yields than when I was on AN, plus they are way cheaper. I can get BPN for a third the cost of AN, so probably wont be going back to AN.
I cant even believe im weighing in on this subject.I know growers that grow well in organics.that grow well in aero DWC using different products,different methods and are getting good results,
You know what i know good growers who use AN..Many of you all keep saying how expensive their products are.This is BS..Go price 5 gallons of DM A&B..Go price CYCO A&B..There base nute line up is really neither no more or less expensive than anyone else's line up.There jungle juice line up is CHEAPER BY FAR than GH.It flys off of the shelfs has the same NPK has the same mixture rate as GH just allot less expensive.Price the carb supplement from AN.cheaper than almost anyones.I use products based upon price and use several different companys products based upon my experience with the product.
You know the only piss poor growers i can think of off of hand..They are the ones who bitch and complain about the cost of growing good smoke.
Ive never seen one of you tight wad MFers ever grow good dope..why is that?
Those who fail to invest invest in failure.
I cant even believe im weighing in on this subject.I know growers that grow well in organics.that grow well in aero DWC using different products,different methods and are getting good results,
You know what i know good growers who use AN..Many of you all keep saying how expensive their products are.This is BS..Go price 5 gallons of DM A&B..Go price CYCO A&B..There base nute line up is really neither no more or less expensive than anyone else's line up.There jungle juice line up is CHEAPER BY FAR than GH.It flys off of the shelfs has the same NPK has the same mixture rate as GH just allot less expensive.Price the carb supplement from AN.cheaper than almost anyones.I use products based upon price and use several different companys products based upon my experience with the product.
You know the only piss poor growers i can think of off of hand..They are the ones who bitch and complain about the cost of growing good smoke.
Ive never seen one of you tight wad MFers ever grow good dope..why is that?
Those who fail to invest invest in failure.
Said it before,saying it again. AN, or ANY other cannabis specific nute is for NOOBS that don't know any better, and that includes You.
Many of you all keep saying how expensive their products are.This is BS..Go price 5 gallons of DM A&B..Go price CYCO A&B..

A quart of Dyna-Gro is $15, it is complete (16 essential elements), "potent", and one quart will last years at a rate of only 1/2 tsp./gallon.

Yes, AN and the other "cannabis specific nutes" are for newbs. You'll find out the hard way. "They" always do.

I wish I was big any other company who gets this much free advertising from people who dont like their product? I cant name any, all he has to do is start a thread, let it build, stoke the fire occasionaly and watch the product fly off the shelf. Like we all know how AN pays people to post threads for free advertising, you would think all the other nute companies would figure out that these threads only benefit AN. Dont think that its just the AN lovers that work for AN, hes got haters posting on here also. Fucking brilliant, doesnt matter if the shit works or not, everyone knows the name, everyone knows the feed schedule, everyone knows you will get bud if you use it because even the haters say it does work theirs just easier ways. Hell, il even help, Dynagro produces, its easy, you can pull a pound out of a tent, AN produces, you have to mix a few bottles, you can still pull a pound out of a tent. If you use Dynagro ur a pro with a pound, if you use AN your a noob with a
I wish I was big any other company who gets this much free advertising from people who dont like their product? I cant name any, all he has to do is start a thread, let it build, stoke the fire occasionaly and watch the product fly off the shelf. Like we all know how AN pays people to post threads for free advertising, you would think all the other nute companies would figure out that these threads only benefit AN. Dont think that its just the AN lovers that work for AN, hes got haters posting on here also. Fucking brilliant, doesnt matter if the shit works or not, everyone knows the name, everyone knows the feed schedule, everyone knows you will get bud if you use it because even the haters say it does work theirs just easier ways. Hell, il even help, Dynagro produces, its easy, you can pull a pound out of a tent, AN produces, you have to mix a few bottles, you can still pull a pound out of a tent. If you use Dynagro ur a pro with a pound and a couple thousand saved, if you use AN your a noob with a
fixed it 4 you. ;-)
L@@K Its the spouting chucky show....
I hired a bunch of scientists 30 minutes ago and they figured out that cannabis is no different than any other plant. It uses the same nutrients. Amazing, it only took them 30 minutes to figure that out.
what An scientists did was figure out how to divide up good complete nutes into 100 different bottles. then they Hired some REALLY good marketers to sell it to the bozos who fall for there hype.
Your low brow is showing...
Says the guy who's pissed off because HE fell for AN's advertising. Mad much bro, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! Funny, how AN users get so mad when you tell them they're getting ripped.
Im not the one going off like an idiot, you sir seem to be the only one that is mad because you can't keep up with the learning curve...
Worked for AN long?. AN as a company is a piece of shit and EVERYONE should know it.
We do! but growing has nothing to do with politics. Sounds like they fired your ass and now your crying like a little baby...
Dude, you have been around long enough to know I've done that before. All it does is bring out the reps to defend there beloved company. At least until they get replaced, which is about every 6 months.
You have done what before?, you just squawk crap that has no proof or theory...just your skewed views of what you think is growing....
great genetics and someone with some decent gardening skills did that, Not the AN. You could do that with $10 of foliage pro and probably get another zipper.
See that's the don't understand...your right someone with SKILLS can use anything. The ones with skills understand and use it because of ease of use and finished results. Your not there yet...keep following your friends on here and you never will....
Argue all you want, i gave YOU the credit for that and you backed up my claim, Sorry your buddy doesn't have the skills you do. But I know every room and every grower will show different results. Keep a plant happy and healthy, it doesn't know if it's nutes came from AN or DG or MG, it just get's the nutes it needs.
I appreciate the real conversation and agree with you, different grows and rowers are the reasons for so much choice....
You are noobie Number 2,935 to try and tell UB he doesn't know something. And I can tell from your posts that you think you know more than you really do.
I definitely know more than you...that's easy, as for your golden child Uncle Ben, he can't even tell us what a hormonal imbalance is...enough said...
They were supposedly set up. They were trying to set up some charity in Bulgaria and the gov. didn't like it, so they set him up. My friend got a letter from AN with the whole story. They went on some t.v show from there and are linking to the video.
Its called business tactics, all these companies have their smear tactics just for this purpose...
My dad can beat up your dad!!
Show everyone what your GURU is all about and you POUT!Funny thing is he won't even defend his position and calls on low brow members to shock and awww...
Said it before,saying it again. AN, or ANY other cannabis specific nute is for NOOBS that don't know any better, and that includes You.
We know your point and ALL bottled nutrients are for newbs as you call them. I guess unless your mixing your own then by your standards then generally everyone is a newb. Do you actually read your contradictory....Sadly Chuck your intestinal track seems backwards, maybe you should let your ass do the talking because I'm sure it would make more sense. You are entertaining though... JAS
l@@k its the spouting chucky show.... your low brow is showing... Im not the one going off like an idiot, you sir seem to be the only one that is mad because you can't keep up with the learning curve... We do! But growing has nothing to do with politics. Sounds like they fired your ass and now your crying like a little baby... You have done what before?, you just squawk crap that has no proof or theory...just your skewed views of what you think is growing....see that's the don't understand...your right someone with skills can use anything. The ones with skills understand and use it because of ease of use and finished results. Your not there yet...keep following your friends on here and you never will.... I appreciate the real conversation and agree with you, different grows and rowers are the reasons for so much choice....i definitely know more than you...that's easy, as for your golden child uncle ben, he can't even tell us what a hormonal imbalance is...enough said... Its called business tactics, all these companies have their smear tactics just for this purpose... Show everyone what your guru is all about and you pout!funny thing is he won't even defend his position and calls on low brow members to shock and awww...we know your point and all bottled nutrients are for newbs as you call them. I guess unless your mixing your own then by your standards then generally everyone is a newb. Do you actually read your contradictory....sadly chuck your intestinal track seems backwards, maybe you should let your ass do the talking because i'm sure it would make more sense. You are entertaining though... jas
looks like i made the an rep mad< bwahahaha!!!!!
Thanks chuck but it was good the way it was. And from one noob to another, retailers can now sell AN for whatever they want, no more price restrictions, hydro shops just arent letting that info out. Thats the only reason im trying them, cost me less than $80 for bases plus adds. Not saying they will be the best, just saying an $80 pound isnt a big deal. But im with ya, Dynagro produces and is cheap