How to make your own Genetically Modified Cannabis.

stop eating everything then. Everything (meat diary plant) has been genetically engineered through selective breeding for thousands of years. Only thing that has changed is our understanding and methods of infecting genes really. All of the food you think of today as 'normal' didn't exist a couple thousand years ago they were created by man! O NO!

Pretty sure breeding never crossed the species barrier much. Here tomato plant, fuck this fish so you get more omega 3s!!
Pretty sure breeding never crossed the species barrier much. Here tomato plant, fuck this fish so you get more omega 3s!!
Over millions of years, yes it has. New subspecies have developed in a divergent manner from their parent species. In the scope of human existence? well of course not.
For me the question becomes are we responsible or evolved or simply grown up enough to be using such tech at this point?
The odds that genetic engineering is being used responsibly and or will be used responsibly are probably billion$ to 1 when.
The threat of far reaching unforeseen consequences are my main concern and unfortunately a concern that is overruled by the corporate quest for gold.
I feel like 'if it ain't broke don't fix it', but also corporations like Monsanto and others are looking to monopolize in this crop.
Best case scenario for Monsanto et al is if they can achieve passing a federal law that would keep all naturally occurring varieties (the varieties we all grow now) illegal or simply remaining as they are = scheduled 1, while getting FDA approval for GMO varieties deemed 'safe' etc... = easy way to make GMO seeds etc the only legal seeds and with the passing of the wa,co laws its a perfect time to attempt such.
The question of 'GMO' or Genetically Engineered cannabis is timely and present before us with today's technology.
A poll is now posted in the politics forum seeking to formulate the 'majority opinion' and any opinions that RIU folks would have on the subject.

As this in not a 'corporate' poll it is all the more relevant in representing the 'voice of the people' especially here at RIU and whatever that voice might collectively say.
Please take a moment to at least vote in the poll on this important question.
You can view and vote in the poll here:

Pretty sure breeding never crossed the species barrier much. Here tomato plant, fuck this fish so you get more omega 3s!!

Over millions of years, yes it has. New subspecies have developed in a divergent manner from their parent species. In the scope of human existence? well of course not.

Actually not anything like 'gene splicing' in this matter how a species evolves in response to environment etc even if 'man' induced like growing plants only under artificial lights for example, the adapted response is still that of the existing genetics of whatever species etc...
Whereas genetic engineering is to redesign how a life responds to its environment from our perception of whats 'good or bad' or a short cut etc and splices genes into sequences that are unique and impossible to occur in any natural procreation process whether assisted or non assisted by 'man'.

We currently have 67 votes in the poll question and at least 33 more votes are needed for a minimally viable sampling in effort to formulate a majority view on this question here at RIU.
If you have voted, thank you its important.
If you have not voted, please consider doing so and thank you because it means a lot in the bigger picture.
Anybody ever heard of using radiation to genetically alter seeds? Anybody tried this with weed yet, or know of anything remotely similar to this.

I have seen kits available to purchase that contain several packages of irradiated radish seeds. They used cobalt-60 at various intensities. The kit claims that the more irradiated the seeds are, the larger the radish grows and the faster it grows as well!

Now I researched and found that cobalt-60 is commonly used to sterilize medical instruments, certain foods, etc... Apparently there are labs that do this and could possibly do a private "sterilization" if somebody knew where to find one of these labs. Also there are many instruments in the medical industry that could be used to irradiate seeds.

Its just an idea, but if anybody has access to any form of radiation, I would be interested to see how the irradiated seeds turn out.
stop eating everything then. Everything (meat diary plant) has been genetically engineered through selective breeding for thousands of years. Only thing that has changed is our understanding and methods of infecting genes really. All of the food you think of today as 'normal' didn't exist a couple thousand years ago they were created by man! O NO!

dude get a clue...

  1. [h=3]Genetic engineering vs. selective breeding - Mother Nature Network[/h]‎

    Apr 8, 2009 - What's the difference between cross pollination/grafting/selective ... But with GMOs, you can take any gene from any species and splice it into a ...

  2. [h=3]What is the difference between GMO foods and cross breeding ...[/h]‎

    Mar 29, 2013 - People have been cross breeding plants and animals to tease favorable traits out of things for a long time. I'm not sure, but I would guess cows ...

  3. [h=3]Hybrid Seeds vs. GMOs | Food Renegade[/h]‎

    May 1, 2013 - Furthermore, GMO seeds seldom cross different, but related plants. .....of the differences between GMO, traditional breeding programs and ...

  4. [h=3]What is the difference between genetic modification and ... - Europabio[/h]‎

    This cross breeding, however, is limited to exchanges between the same or ...Whatever technique is used, the genome of the new variety is different from the ...

  5. [h=3]How Genetic Engineering Differs from Traditional Plant Breeding ...[/h],default,pg.html‎

    If you want to avoid GMOs, read labels and purchase organic foods. ... and dangerousdifference between conventionally bred and genetically engineered plants. ... The next development in plant breeding was cross-pollination, which involves ...

  6. [h=3]Hybrid Seeds vs. GMOs - Ask Our Experts Blog - MOTHER EARTH ...[/h] › ... › Ask Our Experts‎

    Jan 16, 2013 - Confused about the difference between hybrids and genetically ...risks, traditional methods of cross-breeding has its shortcomings, too.

fuck that shit GMO its not right i wont eat corn that was GMO i wont smoke herb that was gmo either
Do you shop at a brand name grocery store? Because your already eating it and have been for almost 20 years.
GMO gives you cancer!
what if the thc cells fight off the cancer you get from it haha that would be ironic
Really...Cancer? Do you even know what GMO stands for? You should be more worried about your household cleaning products then genetically modified products. We wouldn't need GMO'S if you fucking rabbits would stop breeding. JAS
Do you shop at a brand name grocery store? Because your already eating it and have been for almost 20 years. Really...Cancer? Do you even know what GMO stands for? You should be more worried about your household cleaning products then genetically modified products. We wouldn't need GMO'S if you fucking rabbits would stop breeding. JAS

I agree the term GMO is much too wide ti say anything GMO is bad.. imvho just because something has been genetically modified doesn't make it the evil people think..
Granted when co's like Monsanto come along and put insecticides and stuff right in a crop, I tend to agree its a no win all around, but GMO doesn't have to mean bad, far from it as it can do a lot of good IMO..
Lol wouldn't it? but I'm highly against anything gmo

Because some hippies told you so?

just look at what it's done to our agricultural industry.

There are many positives that you are ignoring.

there's one provider of all gmo seed

that is not true.

and it's all our farmers in the us are using

not true

if your crop seeds you have to sell it all back to the parent company u can't even plant it and use it yourself they sue and shut u down.

That is a misrepresemntation of the facts.

its happened to quite a few farms from what I hear.

You heard?

honestly I need to do more research

You and 90% of this country.

but I know enough to know that gmo has taken over our food supply and it's basically being controlled by one company what happens when they decide they don't want to feed your country anymore.

You need to do more research. Stay away from the "Natural News."

Your fucked cause everything is sterile and anything that adapts is immediately collected and returned to the parent company it's a sad state of affairs really

The sky is falling?
I'm not sure you understand what you are talking about.

and cannabis is already going that way with all the unstable FEM seeds floatin around

Now you have descended into lunacy.
Stop posting these lies. If you think feminized seeds are some sort of threat, you have no business discussing this.

out there and even the stable ones you can't get a stud to use any pollen from to preserve the genetic integrity of the strain lets avoid taking our beloved flower further in that direction

stop lying
For me the question becomes are we responsible or evolved or simply grown up enough to be using such tech at this point?

We have been using this technology since the early 1980s.
There are over 600 peer reviewed studies that show that GMO crops are safe.

How long do we have to wait?

The odds that genetic engineering is being used responsibly and or will be used responsibly are probably billion$ to 1 when.

You are making things up.
Do you have anything to back this up?
The natural news does not count.

The threat of far reaching unforeseen consequences are my main concern and unfortunately a concern that is overruled by the corporate quest for gold.

There are many non-profits making GMO plants. You do not seem to understand what you are railing against.

I feel like 'if it ain't broke don't fix it', but also corporations like Monsanto and others are looking to monopolize in this crop.

I trust science more than your feelings.

Best case scenario for Monsanto et al

not all producers of GMO are for profit corporations. Your generalizations do not serve your (weak) argument.

is if they can achieve passing a federal law that would keep all naturally occurring varieties (the varieties we all grow now) illegal or simply remaining as they are = scheduled 1, while getting FDA approval for GMO varieties deemed 'safe' etc... = easy way to make GMO seeds etc the only legal seeds and with the passing of the wa,co laws its a perfect time to attempt such.

You do not understand what you are talking about.
The question of 'GMO' or Genetically Engineered cannabis is timely and present before us with today's technology.
A poll is now posted in the politics forum seeking to formulate the 'majority opinion' and any opinions that RIU folks would have on the subject.

As this in not a 'corporate' poll it is all the more relevant in representing the 'voice of the people' especially here at RIU and whatever that voice might collectively say.
Please take a moment to at least vote in the poll on this important question.
You can view and vote in the poll here:

You posted a lot of lies in that thread.
This is spam. These links are to propaganda sites that have no interest in science, logic or reason.

dude get a clue...

  1. Genetic engineering vs. selective breeding - Mother Nature Network‎

    Apr 8, 2009 - What's the difference between cross pollination/grafting/selective ... But with GMOs, you can take any gene from any species and splice it into a ...
  2. What is the difference between GMO foods and cross breeding ...‎

    Mar 29, 2013 - People have been cross breeding plants and animals to tease favorable traits out of things for a long time. I'm not sure, but I would guess cows ...
  3. Hybrid Seeds vs. GMOs | Food Renegade‎

    May 1, 2013 - Furthermore, GMO seeds seldom cross different, but related plants. .....of the differences between GMO, traditional breeding programs and ...
  4. What is the difference between genetic modification and ... - Europabio‎

    This cross breeding, however, is limited to exchanges between the same or ...Whatever technique is used, the genome of the new variety is different from the ...
  5. How Genetic Engineering Differs from Traditional Plant Breeding ...,default,pg.html‎

    If you want to avoid GMOs, read labels and purchase organic foods. ... and dangerousdifference between conventionally bred and genetically engineered plants. ... The next development in plant breeding was cross-pollination, which involves ...
  6. Hybrid Seeds vs. GMOs - Ask Our Experts Blog - MOTHER EARTH ... › ... › Ask Our Experts‎

    Jan 16, 2013 - Confused about the difference between hybrids and genetically ...risks, traditional methods of cross-breeding has its shortcomings, too.

You posted a lot of lies in that thread.

so your saying that i lied and that 249 really stupid folks (compared to you trout) out of 319 believed me and so they think the opposite as you on this issue right? :D

View Poll Results: Genetically Engineered Cannabis yes or no?

Voters 319. You have already voted on this poll

  • yes

  • 14.42%
  • no

  • 78.06%
  • undecided

  • 5.96%
  • what is GE cannabis?

  • 1.57%
You should quote me.
Remember when you said that GMO corn causes cancer?
That was funny.

better you should quote me trout if your going to make such false accusations...everything i've ever seen you post is always that which you are accusing others of...its impossible to take you serious trout really (maybe thats why your going all spastic?)...and now your apparently stalking me around here at RIU, thats kinda nutty trout, but as the occasion calls for, does that make you a stalk(er) trout?
gov spawned, it figuresbongsmilie