Note to self thread


Well-Known Member
Let a wisened man impart some wisdom amd advice which I learned the hard way: No man or woman gets jealous if they were not given a reason to feel jealous in the first place. No man or woman would feel jealous if they felt their partner was paying more attention to another. When a man or woman feels jealous their emotions and affections gradually begin to shut off because they feel they are not good enough, their self confidence begins to wane and they eventually start to believe they will never be good enough. They suffer painfully in silence because most people think jealousy is ugly. So they just put on a brave face. My daughter left home at 16 refusing to acknowlege me as her parent because of how I treated my wife. I made everyone except my beautiful Pearl feel like they were special. I went out of my way to help every possible person I came across if they had problems and ignored my wife and any problems in our 18 year marriage. She went out of her way for me every day: she cooked, she cleaned, took the kids to school, helped with their homework, worked two jobs so I could sit on my ass every day, paid all the bills, encouraged me which I did not acknowledge as loving support and offered me advice which I never took. She even learnt how to grow reefer to help my arthritic pains amongst several other ailments. I have a form of Autism and suffer from terrible mood swings and I took it all out on her assuming she could handle it without if affecting her. When the car broke down, when the TV broke during Superbowl, when our son kicked a ball through the window, I blamed her. Horribly. I made her feel like she was the cause and reason for all and any setbacks in my life, including my health. I never noticed all the small efforts that she had made until she was no longer there. My high-school sweetheart, my one true love died of a broken heart, not Hodgkin's Disease like the doctors said because even as she lay dying in her hospital bed I was making the nurses feel good about themselves. It has been nearly a year since Pearl passed and I was too busy trying to impress her doctor to hold her in her last moment. Every night I fall asleep hearing her last words: I always felt like I was second best. So my advice to anyone who has a partner who is jealous is to take a good long hard look at yourself and how you behave. If you love that person, you shouldn't be making others feel more important. If a member of the opposite sex makes advances toward you, you are very clearly sending out the wrong signals. Jealousy is a sign that person loves you with such intensity and such passion and that they would give their life for you. And you are doing or have done something very hurtful or wrong.Every day I wish I could have just one more moment with my love, to listen to her hopes and dreams, her problems, her fears, her insecurities, her stories. I wish I had paid more attention to how she felt and I wish to God I hadn't been so nasty and selfish toward her. I wish I could take everything back that I did to break her spirit but the only thing I can do now is wish. There will be no more opportunites in my life to say how sorry I am that I treated her with disrespect and how sorry I am for ignoring her as a woman with emotion and feeling. Except to attempt to grow some amazing reefer and name it after my sweetheart, my soulmate, my love.
Note to self, get tissue next time before reading such a heart wrenching tale.

I hope you find peace, and learn to forgive yourself.

Just dropping in to say howdy to Beech, glad to see yer healin' up and doing better buddy!


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
.........snip............ Except to attempt to grow some amazing reefer and name it after my sweetheart, my soulmate, my love.
If you sinned against a human paying karmic restitution in a more direct manner might be more emotionally helpful to you. I am sorry for the choices you made, (which also includes the choice not to use white space).


Virtually Unknown Member
NTS: buy fucking studded tires in the next few days.
Living where I do, I only need snow tires 4 or 5 times a year so, don't have them. Remember when everyone had snows from Nov to March? Studded snows rock. (had a job when I was young actually putting studs in tires....sucked!!)


Global Moderator
Staff member
NTS: buy fucking studded tires in the next few days.
Living where I do, I only need snow tires 4 or 5 times a year so, don't have them. Remember when everyone had snows from Nov to March? Studded snows rock. (had a job when I was young actually putting studs in tires....sucked!!)
The hubs on my truck will be locked in for the next 7 months or so.


Well-Known Member
Curious if having the ability to re-stick the paper together, replace the filter and type this note, all the while still puffing the joint would count as a employable skill?


Well-Known Member
Curious if having the ability to re-stick the paper together, replace the filter and type this note, all the while still puffing the joint would count as a employable skill?
you're hired. I need a professional blunt/joint roller at my side 24/7. :)


Well-Known Member
Note to self: Go back to reading the grow threads and why I came here in the first place instead of the intentional troll threads that people can't seem to get enough of.


Well-Known Member
Just waiting on the wallet to agree. :) The Insurance company will laugh if i ask them to pay for it. HAHAHA :)

Shoreline next grow. 100% guarantee! :)


Well-Known Member
Note to self: Remember the bad old days.[video=youtube;D1UY7eDRXrs][/video]


Well-Known Member
Note to self....

There ARE people out there with no sense of humor.



Well-Known Member
I have a sense of humor. What I don't understand is posting completely made up threads about cheating on your wife with strippers and your nonexistent niece that somebody even made a name for and posting in the thread. You told me yourself in your own words both threads were completely fake and you were trolling. What purpose does this serve honestly from a grown ass married man? It's a grow forum with some really good folks here why mess it up with total fake ass shit?

When shit is funny I laugh like everyone else. I don't find chat bordering on sick situations with an underage little girl remotely funny even if its made up. Karma has a way of coming back around for ya. Just sayin.

What you put out there always comes back.

Odd threads that are completely made up just to get some kind of reaction is just Mylie Cyrus Attention Whore Syndrome.

Just explain why you feel the need to do this shit? I am being completely honest, I thought you were this really smart guy with good advice and was giving you rep left and right til you posted two of these dumb threads in a row and admitting they are fake.

Pardon me if I am not the only one finding this shit a tad odd and wondering why?