Advanced Nutrient Claims"Are they true?"

4-5 oz per plant and $10 a run, how many plants per run? Just want to know how much your nutes cost for 1 pound and the price that pound would cost?
4-5 oz per plant and $10 a run, how many plants per run? Just want to know how much your nutes cost for 1 pound and the price that pound would cost?
i run a perpetual garden, so i have a few plants at all different stages, I run 3 1000 watt bulbs, maybe 40 plants in flower at all times. But 4 plants for for a pound at $10 and a p around here is 24-2600 or 32 for og's. but i only get 2- 2.5 zips off my og's
Here's how much my setup costs:

5 tubs x 4 gallons water added to each = 20 gallon setup

If I change the setup 10 times during flowering (which is excessive), that's 200 gallons of finished nute solution required.

$8.40 USD. It would be much cheaper even still if I was buying all 50lb bags instead of 1-5lb bags for some of the ingredients. That cost is factored per the price I get my chemicals at, not estimated. Substance prices are set in the Substance Selection window.

Ask hoagland.

Really though, calcium nitrate is what provides the majority of all the nitrates for all hydroponic mixes. Calcium nitrate has 2 nitrates for every calcium ion while potassium nitrate has 1 nitrate for every potassium ion. In order to provide the same level of nitrates while lowering Ca, you'd have to increase K a lot.

Anyway, it makes sense that it's so high in Ca, because the elements taken up the most are N, K, and Ca.

Why so much calcium?
I wouldnt call you a cheap skate at all, keep a 5 lb bag of calcium nitrate in my arsenal myself. A gram of calnit n a half a gram of epsom in a gallon give me 150 ppm, cures any cal/mag issues for a life time for $6. How come I cant get any AN loyalists to chime in here?
Hell with it, where I was going was the main complaint people have with AN is the hype and the 200-300% mark up everyone talks about and how it is unfair to the consumer. If a person spends $10 for dynagrow adds in their power, they then sell the pound they grew for $3000. Isnt that the same $200-300% markup? A couple pages back I admitted I decided to try AN for the first time to decide what all the hype is, spent $16 for sensi grow A/B 1 ltr bottles, enough for 2 grows, $26 for connisseur A/B 1 ltr bottles, enough for 1 grow $10 each for 3 of their 250 mil bloom adds, enough for 1 grow, $72 for 1 run. My plants are green and its easy. When you say $10 vs $70 it sounds like a lot, when you factor in the significant amount a grower profits from their grow, $60 isnt much. Should a grower sell their product for a small mark up over cost? Of course not. The market dictates the price of everything. You can hate AN because you dont like the product, but you cant hate them for having a similar profit margin that you do. I agree that Dynagro works and is cheaper, but in the end you are also paying for water. I never run the same nutes back to back, thats boring. Gonna try my hand at OC+ hempy buckets after this run and see how they work. Your not going to convert anyone. Big mike is the only one benefitting from these threads, free advertisement.
It's too bad Advanced Nutrients is only cannabis specific. Those guys could end world hunger and increase food quality if they made some crop specific fertilizers and additives.
Growing is way harder than mixing nutrients. The reason there's so much "markup" for growing weed is that it's both illegal and takes time and patience to get right. The supply just isn't there, so prices are high.

The reason there's so much markup for nutrients, however, is because people are fooled by marketing and want to spend more money. Nutrients are cheap as hell.

There's very low risk and complexity to selling someone nutrients, but converting a spare bedroom or closet into a grow op is pretty risky business and requires a lot of your resources.

Hell with it, where I was going was the main complaint people have with AN is the hype and the 200-300% mark up everyone talks about and how it is unfair to the consumer. If a person spends $10 for dynagrow adds in their power, they then sell the pound they grew for $3000. Isnt that the same $200-300% markup?
As far as how easy it is for AN to make their shit, they have to get the raw material and package it for shipment from whatever 3rd world company with slave labor the shit comes from, get it to China to have it mixed and repackaged, have that shipped to Canada to have it repackaged so they can say its bottled in Canada, reship that to the US where every asshole with a computer knows their name, sell that product for whatever price they want because the marijuana growing base they target has set the market price for their product very high. Do you think people actually believe their advertising about yield increases and resin production blahblahblah? I hope thats not the case. As far as the price being high for bud because of legal risk, if that were the case than states with mmj laws would have cheaper bud than states without, but thats not the case. As far as supply and demand , come on now, plenty available. The market sets the price for the country. I am in total agreement that AN is an overpriced advertising machine but so are all of them, Dynagro is also selling a product that costs more to bottle than to make. Their both raping the consumer, just because Dynagro uses lube doesnt mean their not sticking it to us just the same. Hate AN loyalists all you want but Big mike has a business model second to none. You wanna talk about a company fuckin the consumer, have you seen the price for a bag of ffof? Good god, glad I grow in hempys
No problem.

Just thought seeing as your asking I would do the math.

Its funny because I've never really added it up before. Lol.

I do change my bulbs every 9 months. Keeping the 9month old as a spare should a bulb pop.


It's funny you say that because I'm at the 9 month mark now with my duel spec HPS bulb and I believe I sense some kind of change in the light, even though any change should be imperceptible.

It's just strange that I've been feeling it's time to switch them out.

I should get a light meter at some point.
It's funny you say that because I'm at the 9 month mark now with my duel spec HPS bulb and I believe I sense some kind of change in the light, even though any change should be imperceptible.

It's just strange that I've been feeling it's time to switch them out.

I should get a light meter at some point.

You would start losing intensity after 6 months..i dont care what you hear from all of these so called ganja gurus on here..This is what happens i know.Change your bulbs out every six months or so..third grow with them.Can you use them longer than 6 can..will you start losing will after6 months..If you lose even one ounce of production because your bulbs are weak and old you have lost money.If you lose 14 grams of production you have lost money.I have seen no noticeable difference between using expensive bulbs vs inexpensive bulbs as far as production or quality goes.The sun leaf bulbs made in china actually OK..They however are somewhat unreliable.And no..dont waste your money on a expensive light meter..It would cost around 500 to 600 dollars for a light meter that is good enough to tell you about what is going on with your bulbs..if you have any question about if your bulb is good or not..change it.
If you really really want to have the blue spectrum of the dual arc bulb just buy a zoo bulb with a nanometer spectrum of over ten and add the additional bulb to your grow room for the UVB rays.
But in order to have any effect upon the resin production of the plant you must run UVB in your veg room too from the studys ive read.The dual arc bulbs at the grow shop i go to are around 250 bucks a shot.A HPS bulb ranges between 60 bucks and 125 bucks for the ushio or the eye hortilux.In other words the money you pay for the dual arc you would be able to purchase not only the HPS bulb..but the zoo bulb and still have money left over..AND have UVB that are actually effective at doing something.
I have just been thinking what it costs to run a grow per harvest.Its not going to be a true comparison because i only use sensi 2 part and a couple of other products of ANs.Ill be overly generous on my numbers and not including anything but most 150 to 200 a lb .Yea..we get you cali smokers out here from time to time..ive smoked some of that cali grown weed several times around here..they can take that shit back to cali if they cant do a better job of growing than that.Dynagrow makes your meds taste like chemicals and the salt build up really sucks.In my opinion there are several other nute companys products that are way better than dynagrow like getter a better get a better smell and you get more resin.Why is that you ask? Its just NPK right?Well AN they say is protein based.ALL nutes will have salts in them.Even AN.Salt is a hard mineral that will normally if it builds up in any amount straight FOOK up a plant.The plant hates salt but loves protein.So it takes up the nutes better.make logical sense to anyone with logic right?You will start poisoning your plant by the end of your grow with dynagrow especially many of you hydro growers who are running hot.Or you guys who like to run those long finish time plants.Straight due to salt build up.
You hydro growers seen that salt right around your res?What do you think that is doing to the roots of your plant? Do you think that is good?If you want to kill a plant outside what do you do? SALT IT right?I have logic on my side..And i can understand their point of view about AN having a marketing scheme to rip off the general public,allot of their products are general products that can be purchased from any company at allot cheaper price.Most of their additives such as carbo load or bud candy are competitive to anything else in the market in price of similar quality.Go price anyone else's carb supplement.You do have to purchase larger quantity's from AN to get reasonable prices.
Two products that are not reasonable they make are bud blood and big bud.Both of these are patent products.They mix at the rate of 2 grams a gallon so a little goes a long way so in the overall scheme of a complete crop cycle it doesnt cost that much.
If you want to listen to these POO POOers go ahead..but if you want to turbo charge your garden purchase the bud costs. But worth twice the price.Only use the first week.
Do you want to increase your production crown out your plants way faster increase the amount of bud sites on a plant?Do you want to stack the bud sites all over the plant? Well do you?Use the bud blood the first week and you will always use it from now on after that,.Dont listen to these cheap bastards around here.They wouldnt spend 5 bucks to see jesus walk on water.
This my about to get ugly. Alright gentleman, I want a good fight feel free to make fun of girls motorcycles, carboload, bloomboosters and other additives, but please refrain from making fun of the labels because I like them. DING DING
Thanks for laughs this morning, But I can smell big mike's dick on your guys breath. Dyna grow makes weed tastes like chemicals, NOW THAT IS FUCKIN HILARIOUS. I can't stay in this thread with dummies who just have NO CLUE. You guys make shit up to favor your side and you're so butthurt about being exposed as total noobs. Good luck with your AN. I might stop back to read some of the BS your gonna post after reading this, Because I Know your steaming right now. But I won't reply anymore as I see i have been talking with idiots. LATER.
I never said one negative thing about Dynagro and never said one positive thing about AN, I made a Fox Farm reference but other than that just made a blanket statement about the marijuana industry as a whole.
1 last thing, I had a guy bring some weed from canada, it wasn't very good, so all weed from canada sucks. OMGLMFAO..........