Treasury Puts a Date on When Cash May Run Out: Oct. 17


Active Member
WASHINGTON — The Treasury will only have $30 billion of cash on hand by mid-October, putting the United States on the precipice of an unprecedented default, the department said on Wednesday.

The warning puts additional pressure on a hamstrung Congress, which is already struggling to prevent the federal government from shutting down over a budget impasse on Oct. 1.
In a letter to Speaker John A. Boehner of Ohio, Treasury Secretary Jacob J. Lew warned that a single day’s net expenditures can be as high as $60 billion. On any given day after that mid-October deadline, money going out might overwhelm money coming in plus cash on hand.
That means that until Congress lifts its statutory debt ceiling, the Treasury could miss or be forced to delay paying some of its bills. Such an event would be unprecedented, and financial analysts anticipate a violent market reaction that might raise federal borrowing costs, slow the recovery and destabilize markets around the world.
The House recently passed legislation that would order Treasury to prioritize payments to bondholders — an action meant to soothe the markets in the event of a debt-ceiling crisis. But the Obama administration has rejected that idea and refused to negotiate over the debt limit more broadly.
“The United States should never have to choose, for example, whether to pay Social Security to seniors, pay benefits to our veterans, or make payments to state and local jurisdictions and health care providers under Medicare and Medicaid,” Mr. Lew wrote.
“There is no way of knowing the damage any prioritization plan would have on our economy and financial markets. It would represent an irresponsible retreat from a core American value: We are a nation that honors all of its commitments,” he added.
But Republicans are currently debating what legislation to tie to raising the debt ceiling, such as defunding the Affordable Care Act or new spending cuts. That has set up a second showdown over budget and financial issues.
“The president remains willing to negotiate over the future direction of fiscal policy, but he will not negotiate over whether the United States will pay its bills for past commitments,” Mr. Lew said. “Extending borrowing authority does not increase government spending; it simply allows the Treasury to pay for expenditures Congress has already approved.”
The potential costs from a debt-ceiling default might dwarf the costs associated with a government shutdown. The Bipartisan Policy Center, a Washington research group, has estimated that market concern over the potential of a default in 2011 cost nearly $19 billion over 10 years.
The United States hit its statutory borrowing limit of about $16.7 trillion on May 19, meaning that Treasury could no longer issue new debt to pay the government’s bills. With the government running in the red, the Treasury has used a series of “extraordinary measures” to free up about $300 billion in cash. But those measures buy it only so much time.
In the letter, Mr. Lew set Oct. 17 as the effective deadline for Congressional action: after that date, the country would be at severe risk of missing or defaulting on some of its payments every day going forward.
The Treasury makes more than 80 million individual payments a month. After exhausting its extraordinary measures, it would miss about 30 percent of those payments until Congress raised the ceiling again.
According to the Bipartisan Policy Center, the Treasury is facing a $12 billion Social Security payment on Oct. 23 and a $6 billion interest payment on the public debt on Oct. 31.
On Nov. 1 alone, it needs to spend $18 billion on Medicare, $25 billion on Social Security, $12 billion on military pay and veterans benefits and $3 billion on the Supplemental Security Income program.

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by Annie Lowrey - The New York Times

wait a minute...

they are saying uless we give them another huge line of credit they wont be able to make their bills?

thats "unprecedented"!!!

ohh wait... thats called economic reality.

maybe The One could scale back on horseshit boondoggles and mordida for his backers indstead of expecting us to pay for it till he "gets back on his feet".

i bet he can get a loan from a few guys down at the Ravenite Club, then lay it off on a "sure Thing" based on his carefully constructed NCAA Brackets, roll that over into a trifecta at Aqueduct, then put it all on Black in atlantic city...

then we can cover the juice, and still walk away with a pocket full of cash...

what could go wrong?
“The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here. Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.” …….. Senator Barack Obama
“The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here. Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.” …….. Senator Barack Obama

Did Obama say that The 6th or 7th time Bush was asking for a debt ceiling increase

Remind me . I forgot
Did Obama say that The 6th or 7th time Bush was asking for a debt ceiling increase

Remind me . I forgot

Would it be any less true if it were the 20th time? Reagan raised it 18 times didn't he? It's been raised 79 times since 1960. It's recently been done strictly across party line votes too.

Would you say Obama was full of shit or spot on? Was he just posturing for the dems or did he really believe this?
Is it possible he was completely clueless then but is now enlightened?
Why would his words be true then but not now?
“The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here. Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.” …….. Senator Barack Obama

americans did deserve better, and they got better.

instead of having a president who gets into two wars while issuing tax cuts and turns a surplus into a record breaking, massive $1.5 trillion dollar structural annual deficit, they got a president who took that massive deficit and cut it in half in just 5 years (in a weak economy, no less).

good thing people voted for obama in a landslide (twice) otherwise the deficit might be way worse instead of getting better and better under obama's leadership.
lol, you are still claiming the Stimulus as Bush's budget, nobody but you is buying that.

Imagine how much the deficit would have been cut without those evil sequestration measures. We'd have a surplus by now.

You really have a very basic misunderstanding of math don't you.
lol, you are still claiming the Stimulus as Bush's budget, nobody but you is buying that.

Imagine how much the deficit would have been cut without those evil sequestration measures. We'd have a surplus by now.

You really have a very basic misunderstanding of math don't you.

even bill o'reilly agrees that bush left town, tail between legs, with a massive, record breaking, $1.5 trillion deficit for obama to deal with.

soak up those tears, sweetheart.
I definitely think Bush left the debt and Obama is doing a decent job so far, I don't think anyone else would be doing better. But then again, could they really do THAT much worse? No matter who wins, the people are screwed in one way or another. I voted, and I always feel like it's a waste. Almost as though what I care about and what I stand for mean nothing.
Just print more, it wont make a difference.
Since we went off the gold standard our moneys value is only Extrinsic, holding no value more than what we place on it.
Now that perception is changing, which does nothing but reveal the under lying problem: Our economy is built with a deck of cards...
And all the bottoms pieces holding it up where removed ages ago.
Were just in free fall babey, waiting for gravity to catch up with our asses for one harrrddddd landing.
even bill o'reilly agrees that bush left town, tail between legs, with a massive, record breaking, $1.5 trillion deficit for obama to deal with.

soak up those tears, sweetheart.

Deficit spending ‘exploded during the Obama administration’ to $5.3 trillion over four years, compared to $2 trillion in eight years under President George W. Bush.

politifact did a study on this statement. I guess they didn't get the whole world memo either.

So you believe everything Bill O'Reilly tells you?

And yes, Bush sucked, a lot.
Deficit spending ‘exploded during the Obama administration’ to $5.3 trillion over four years, compared to $2 trillion in eight years under President George W. Bush.

politifact did a study on this statement. I guess they didn't get the whole world memo either.

So you believe everything Bill O'Reilly tells you?

And yes, Bush sucked, a lot.

when you start with a $1.5 trillion dollar annual deficit instead of a surplus, that's what tends to happen.

you can say bush sucked all you want, but the plain fact is that you advocate nearly all of his policies.
when you start with a $1.5 trillion dollar annual deficit instead of a surplus, that's what tends to happen.

you can say bush sucked all you want, but the plain fact is that you advocate nearly all of his policies.

name the nearly all i've supported, or even 2. Obama and you agree with his policies much more than I do, he's continued the shittyness.

We've been raising the debt limit several times a year as long as I can remember. Not much of a limit when you keep raising it, now is it? Soon, the interest alone on our debt will exceed revenues. Raising taxes eventually depresses the economy. An ever accelerating death spiral. We may be forced to do what Brazil and other countries did in the 70's. Default on the debt. Where are they now? They're doing just fine now. No lasting effects. Millions of homeowners here have already defaulted. What happened to them? Nothing. Couldn't get a loan for a few years, but not a problem now. The only real losers were those that loaned the money and a few that kept on trying to pay their debt. Those that just gave up and walked away are in much better positions.
americans did deserve better, and they got better.

instead of having a president who gets into two wars while issuing tax cuts and turns a surplus into a record breaking, massive $1.5 trillion dollar structural annual deficit, they got a president who took that massive deficit and cut it in half in just 5 years (in a weak economy, no less).

good thing people voted for obama in a landslide (twice) otherwise the deficit might be way worse instead of getting better and better under obama's leadership.

Highlighted are 3 claims which are 100% fictional.

citation NOT needed.

nobody believes in the tooth fairy, those 3 claims, or strippers with a heart of gold.

with good reason.