Random Jibber Jabber Thread


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Well-Known Member
Terrible day. All day. Need to vent...


So I wake up this morning at 6:00am , grab my coffee and go outside to sit and take in the world before work like I always do. It's still alittle dark and I'm looking at my one hill and there appears to be a bunch of debris in the grass. So I walk over and look up and see the path of of destruction that was once my neighbor's above ground pool. Apparently it collapsed during the night and literally sent a torrent of water down my driveway and over my hill. Washed a shit ton of my gravel down my hillside. I've never actually met this neighbor. He looks like he doesn't have money to buy me new gravel. I really don't want to buy and spread gravel.

Then I went to work for 10 hours. That kind of sucked too. But not worth mentioning.

But to top it all off, on my way home tonight, some jagoff in oncoming traffic turned right in front of me and I smashed him good. No one was hurt but now I have to talk to insurance companies. And rental car companies. Fuck those companies.

So hear I sit. I'm gonna smoke a little more weed. Get a good night's sleep. Then tomorrow I'm going to wake up and buy our plane tickets to China and say fuck that day in it's ass.

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
The pound SAID Thor is good with cats i would think he is . he is very friendly. towards any animal and children
lol I'd be more worried about the cat being friendly to the dog, my cats beat the hell out of our dogs all of the time. They took the dogs bed for their own and my tabby will actually wait for one of the dogs to warm up a spot on the couch and then chase them off so she can lay there. That tabby is a smart and evil bitch lol.


Well-Known Member
Neo, that's poop. Sounds like the trip is right on time. If I was close, I;d come over and spread new gravel while you were gone.

Have fun, be safe on your trip!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pics, negro, pics!


Well-Known Member
Neo, that's poop. Sounds like the trip is right on time. If I was close, I;d come over and spread new gravel while you were gone.

Have fun, be safe on your trip!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pics, negro, pics!
Thanks Clayton, I know ya would. I'm just booking and buying them tomorrow. Trip ain't til January. But I'll be that much closer.


Well-Known Member
But to top it all off, on my way home tonight, some jagoff in oncoming traffic turned right in front of me and I smashed him good. No one was hurt but now I have to talk to insurance companies. And rental car companies. Fuck those companies.
Fuck man, I just lost my car in an accident just like yours, but I fucking totaled my car and cut my forehead good.
At least I got paid, wish you all the luck or the world with the insurance companies, they really do suck ballz.


New Member
Terrible day. All day. Need to vent...


So I wake up this morning at 6:00am , grab my coffee and go outside to sit and take in the world before work like I always do. It's still alittle dark and I'm looking at my one hill and there appears to be a bunch of debris in the grass. So I walk over and look up and see the path of of destruction that was once my neighbor's above ground pool. Apparently it collapsed during the night and literally sent a torrent of water down my driveway and over my hill. Washed a shit ton of my gravel down my hillside. I've never actually met this neighbor. He looks like he doesn't have money to buy me new gravel. I really don't want to buy and spread gravel.

Then I went to work for 10 hours. That kind of sucked too. But not worth mentioning.

But to top it all off, on my way home tonight, some jagoff in oncoming traffic turned right in front of me and I smashed him good. No one was hurt but now I have to talk to insurance companies. And rental car companies. Fuck those companies.

So hear I sit. I'm gonna smoke a little more weed. Get a good night's sleep. Then tomorrow I'm going to wake up and buy our plane tickets to China and say fuck that day in it's ass.

shit dude,that sucks.If you were closer I'd re-do your driveway for a nugget.That how we roll around here.Your car,not so much help there....but that sucks too


New Member
Fairbanks news-due to an error w/ an apple app,the airport is having people driving cars down the runway.Don't follow your GPS blindly people !!!!!


Well-Known Member
Crazy talk, Slow. I am always dumfounded at people who drive off of roads into water, and other hazards because their GPS told them to. They should lose their licenses.


Staff member
one lady travelled half way across europe for 2 days following her gps. she thought it was "odd"


Well-Known Member
What's the longest drive you have ever made? I did 42 hours straight, by myself once...........once. I started hallucinating at about hour 30, but by that time I was working on 100 mile "sprints" and they were happening fast, so it made it easy to go on. I think I slept for 14 hours when I crashed.....into my pillow.


Well-Known Member
One time we where driving through Mississippi on a road trip riding dirty as fuuuuuck. We stop at a rest station to use the bathrooms and the rest stop attendants tried to make you fill out these crazy little forms asking questions about your age, race, what kind of car you are driving, the intention of your trip to Mississippi, home state, ect, ect I was like :o:shock::o say whaaaaaaaa?!?!?!?!


New Member
What's the longest drive you have ever made? I did 42 hours straight, by myself once...........once. I started hallucinating at about hour 30, but by that time I was working on 100 mile "sprints" and they were happening fast, so it made it easy to go on. I think I slept for 14 hours when I crashed.....into my pillow.
Needles to owensboro_Only stopped for gas~

I've been across the entire 90,the 80,the 70,the 40 and all of Interstate 10 except the Texas part.I've been up and the east coast from Key west to New Hampshire.My favorite was the west coast though.Hands down.
Most of road trips were in VWs.I had a few Chevy vans with nitrous .The nitrous was for us not the van