Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Random: my boy has his first-ever school dance tonight. I wanted to be a parent volunteer but have the sort of cold that would make that impolite.
They grow up wayyyy tooo fast, don't they. My grandkids will be teenagers soon. He will be just fine, you could share with him, some of your classic dance moves tho....:-P I am sure he would get a kick outa that.




Well-Known Member
I can dance...sort of...[video=youtube;4OrvwQ8Yh5s]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OrvwQ8Yh5s&feature=share&list=UUKGomXV07G FAJmix1POvy3w[/video]


Staff member
YES! And here I thought I was the only person left who crate trained her dogs. If I say crate, he's in it. Living where the earthquakes, and our houses can fall down upon us, I can get him to safety. Now to haul him out into the cold to run LOL!
i just came home from baking a cake order , anyways i was stupid and left him uncrated , because he is having issues being crated, i get it hes a puppy he just spent 7 months in a cage at the pound i get it

anyways i came home to find painters tape all chewed up and an insole of a show.
i question him and told him bad and no while holding it to his nose and he put his tail and head down and walked into the crate
which is horrible since i dont want him associating the crate with bad behaviour :(

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
i just came home from baking a cake order , anyways i was stupid and left him uncrated , because he is having issues being crated, i get it hes a puppy he just spent 7 months in a cage at the pound i get it

anyways i came home to find painters tape all chewed up and an insole of a show.
i question him and told him bad and no while holding it to his nose and he put his tail and head down and walked into the crate
which is horrible since i dont want him associating the crate with bad behaviour :(
He's responding to you being angry not understanding that chewing those things up were bad.

he chews things up because he gets nervous like you when you're gone. Try leaving him some chew toys, pig ears ect.


Well-Known Member
Sunni watch the dog whisperer it'll refresh your head and give you some nice tips on the does and donts.

You must be a calm and submissive (Caesar voice)


Staff member
lol ive been watching videos i didnt yell at him i just said calmly oh no thor thats not good and let him sniff it i was in no way shape or form angry at him just kinda talking to him really. there was no way i was being mad at him, it is most likely his old owners did make him go into the crate when he was bad


Staff member
no point in hitting or yelling at a dog i wouldnt do it. that isnt proper training i have trained a dog before but it was a small breed so i guess it is new but it isnt with this one.


Well-Known Member
Yea I've never raised my hand to our dogs, like you said it does no good at all except build aggression. I do use the little hand bite Caesar does and the noise he makes, it works like a charm when teaching them the do and donts. I'm not crazy on the foot to stomach thing he does though.


Staff member
i dont like ceaser his methods are outdated and abusive but i do like kikopup! [video=youtube;sFgtqgiAKoQ]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFgtqgiAKoQ&list=TLtTwPpI6pFIeuXGpSnO8PTNI Ehx3u3Toz[/video]


Well-Known Member
Sunni, if a poster joins RIU with the name of a production Glass company, and then proceeds to litter RIU with pictures of their glass, linking facebook, instagram, and even giving out the phone number to their storefront location...I am in my right to report that as spam, right? Cause it's not the individual making the glass pieces who joined, but rather a rep for the company that seems to be using RIU to drum up some extra business...


Well-Known Member
I did, user name is Silika, and I reported one post on one thread, and when I tried to report another post on a different thread, I got an error message from RIU.


Well-Known Member
Oh man! That's sexy...apparently the main thread in which he was an offender was deleted mere moments after I reported it. Bravo, mods, BRAVO!