SMUD guy wanted to go to my backyard


Well-Known Member
poles run in my back yard. workers trimming the tree line actually had hand equipment which prevented debris falling on my garden. 2 plants where blended in with large tomato plants, past summer. spanish workers actually work with care trimming the branches from the power lines. worked quickly and were gone. house before mine i did see a power company representative talking to the foreman [spanish], made me nervous, he left within a few minutes. everything went well.


Well-Known Member
also, read in my mortgage, a page stating the utility easement in my back yard, by law, workers are permitted to service or work on their lines when needed. The electric company here, you don't want to cause problems with anyway.


Well-Known Member
Utility poles extend to the rear of the property in alot of older areas. They also have easement rights there as well.

If you are 4-5 weeks out you should be harvesting by then with only a few stragglers unless you went sativa dominant. :)

Yes, but their rights are alot more limited when their poles are not in/on the street


Well-Known Member
Yes, but their rights are alot more limited when their poles are not in/on the street
They still have access to them with the ability to contact law enforcement if they feel the need to gain that access. It's always good to let them know you can't do it right now but would like to schedule an appointment. :)
I'd just worried about anyone knowing about my grow. First off, if it's a SMUD guy, you live in Sacramento, and it's against new ordinances to grow outdoors in Sacramento. Second, I'd be worried about them telling their friends about it. I read an article last year about a furniture delivery guy that would tip off his buddies to homes with nice items to steal. I would prefer no one knows......I would move them or cover them if I could......good luck
I thought you can't grow outdoor only if your neighbor complains about the smells than you have to build a greenhouse that keeps the smell from leaking out.


Well-Known Member
SO far AFAIK there are no ordinances in the county for outdoor growing, just in the city. After the county board of supes got rid of dispensaries they havent (again AFAIK) outright banned outdoor growing