round yellow spots, no bugs


New Member
this is probably a rookie question, but anybody know what this is about? No bugs at all, it is affecting 2 plants that share a pot, the other 8 pots have none of this happening. I've been feeding adv nut jungle juice bloom 0-5-6 and nothing else, they are in week 3 of flowering and I just flushed but it was starting before I flushed.



Well-Known Member
...the site is having technical issues at the moment with attachments so wait until that gets straightened out before you do anything, nobody can offer anything like good advice without pictures.

peace, bozo

mr purps

New Member
this is probably a rookie question, but anybody know what this is about? No bugs at all, it is affecting 2 plants that share a pot, the other 8 pots have none of this happening. I've been feeding adv nut jungle juice bloom 0-5-6 and nothing else, they are in week 3 of flowering and I just flushed but it was starting before I flushed.
cat or dog or someone peed in em maybe this happened a while back when one of my buddies decided he would pee in his plant outdoors because he read it was good for em also happened when my cat peed in my pot:evil:


New Member
I thought I was having trouble viewing other pics too, but the pic is very clear, hopefully it will be viewable soon.


Well-Known Member
...that looks like mite damage to me bro, and they're pretty damned small so look with a handheld microscope to be sure, they can spread FAST.

peace, bozo


New Member
I'm sure it isn't mites, I had them once also and although they are unbelievably tiny I could just barely see them, it's almost the texture of them you see. There really isn't anything at all under these leaves, I have a diamond loop also (great for viewing crystals) and it comes up clean. I guess I was unsure of it being calcium because my spots are almost perfectly circular and pics of calcium deficiencies I see always have odd shaped spots.


New Member
I take back the statement about circular spots still, now they are becoming larger and more oddly shaped.


Well-Known Member
I am pretty familiar with cal-mag deficiencies and thats not what mine have ever looked like. cal-mag tends to start with yellow dots inbetween the veins and then spread in oblong blotches. Have you foliar fed at all?