The Pros and Cons of Rollitup!

Pro's - I knew nothing about weed or growing it, since joining I have had several successful grows. Plus I have met some truly wonderful people who I have been able to share some things with that I've never been able to tell anyone. Con's -Some people and I don't mean the regulars, usually new comers who say their piece pull RIU to pieces and piss off get right on my nerves and wind me up, and I wish I could get inside this dam laptop and strangle them.:roll:
Pro's - I knew nothing about weed or growing it, since joining I have had several successful grows. Plus I have met some truly wonderful people who I have been able to share some things with that I've never been able to tell anyone. Con's -Some people and I don't mean the regulars, usually new comers who say their piece pull RIU to pieces and piss off get right on my nerves and wind me up, and I wish I could get inside this dam laptop and strangle them.:roll:

wow, when someone I respect sooooooo much tells it like it is in such concise terminology it warms my heart! 1000% part of the solution here granny so thankyou!
Pros: A good percentage of experienced growers spending their valuable time to pen informative post with the only motivation of helping others.

Cons: Too many non-experienced growers trying to tell the experienced growers they don't know what they're doing.
Pro's - I knew nothing about weed or growing it, since joining I have had several successful grows. Plus I have met some truly wonderful people who I have been able to share some things with that I've never been able to tell anyone. Con's -Some people and I don't mean the regulars, usually new comers who say their piece pull RIU to pieces and piss off get right on my nerves and wind me up, and I wish I could get inside this dam laptop and strangle them.:roll:

Almost forgot, TY for the pet insurance advice...think I'll pass on that premium.

None taken, I never take offense to inapplicable replies on a forum. I'm talking about 1 particular apple, not all apples, not all fruit, not food, not stuff you can put in your mouth in general.

Then deal with it :roll: You are flat out wrong though. Most discussion forums I participated in over nearly two decades do 'not' have any trolls that are active longer than a day because they are dealt with, by moderators (moderating, keeping balance...). Even at many of the cannabis/growing sites at least they understand ad hominem. And that's my whole point, most of you mods don't seem to have a clue what moderating a forum entails in real discussions forums. See the pls delte my account thread in the Support forums for proof.

The OP asked for pros and cons, I named asshat mods as one of the latter. Why does it not surprise me a mod comes a long to underline it for me... :eyesmoke:

It is what it is, doesn't annoy me enough to not post here does it... it has its charms too, but the lack of moderation is in my opinion a major con especially in the MJ related forums.

LOL I can name a dozen forums that is troll city and people been trolling for years there.
None taken, I never take offense to inapplicable replies on a forum. I'm talking about 1 particular apple, not all apples, not all fruit, not food, not stuff you can put in your mouth in general.

Then deal with it :roll: You are flat out wrong though. Most discussion forums I participated in over nearly two decades do 'not' have any trolls that are active longer than a day because they are dealt with, by moderators (moderating, keeping balance...). Even at many of the cannabis/growing sites at least they understand ad hominem. And that's my whole point, most of you mods don't seem to have a clue what moderating a forum entails in real discussions forums. See the pls delte my account thread in the Support forums for proof.

The OP asked for pros and cons, I named asshat mods as one of the latter. Why does it not surprise me a mod comes a long to underline it for me... :eyesmoke:

It is what it is, doesn't annoy me enough to not post here does it... it has its charms too, but the lack of moderation is in my opinion a major con especially in the MJ related forums.

Yet we have members here who have complained such sites as Grasscity are over-moderated.

I like this site b/c it is uncensored, and that makes people more accountable for their own postings.
Also as big as this forum is if the post is not reported then it probably wont get deleted I can't speak for every mod but there is only 4 globals so they can't see every. Troll! ;) clueless LOL!
Pro- get to share my growing with people who cant steal it!
Con- this site takes all the attention away from my gf!
my gf feels the same but she just deals with it as I type this on my phone shes just laying here on me watching american dad.....
PRO-Learn something new everyday and someting new I want to try
CON-Lots of annoying trolls
RIU is hurting my eyes... ....snip.....
cons-hurts my eyes.

Problem, solution:

You could not tear my gunnars out of my cold, dead hands. It's the only reason I can be on monitors 16 hours + a day LOL! Great stuff really and I didn't get them at first because I thought they were snake oil. Then my son brings in a pair (they had them free at his work oh to live in the silly valley).

Matter of fact my Jems are on their last legs and I have to get another pair ordered.

What is ur job if ur staring at monitors 16+ a day
Id to have to.agree that we do have lots of trolls and very little moderation, but I feel that this right here is a con but also a pro at the same time I mean look at how many active members we have and though they maybe trolls lots of them still give good quality input on this site...people leave gc saying that they dont get their.answers or help so they come here and almost every thread I see gets a helpful response within a day or so which is very good showing people here care and want
Also as big as this forum is if the post is not reported then it probably wont get deleted I can't speak for every mod but there is only 4 globals so they can't see every. Troll! ;) clueless LOL!
Clueless within the context indeed, just an observation... Calling me a troll for pointing out the obvious con of RIU, added with the same old lame excuse that posts have to be reported before a moderator starts doing their job (explains why good relevant posts get removed and insults and trolling isn't though :roll: )

No need to take it personal, it is what it is, and like Danny said, in a way it's a pro as well. A little more in TnT than in for example AMC... but at least you're admitting that RIU is too large for y'all (with a couple of exceptions) to moderate properly, which is the con I pointed out.

Yet we have members here who have complained such sites as Grasscity are over-moderated.
Yeah, I noticed how people here are happy with members who are banned at forums where they do moderate... ...weird :roll:

I like this site b/c it is uncensored,
First part may be fun in TnT, it makes having adult/pro AMC discussions pretty much impossible. "Censoring" has nothing to do with it though, but I get it now... that's it right... mods got tired of hearing people cry "censorship!"... :wall: Yup.. clueless.

and that makes people more accountable for their own postings.
^^ Appeal to emotion fallacy. In reality it obviously doesn't work that way. People are not accountable at all specifically because of the lack of moderation. That's the whole point :lol: For the sake of allowing actual discussions trolls are held accountable by moderators, that is, on actual discussions forums.
In the infamous words of Charles Rosner, "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem".

My suggestion to you would be to quit simply complaining and jump in and help.
PM Potroast and volunteer - then you might begin to see that moderating it is not all black and white.
then you might begin to see that moderating it is not all black and white.
:) I know, when you go daily to the same forum for years it's like the only place (read: forum) in the world where only those mods know what moderating a forum should entail... You're wrong. Moderating a forum is extremely black and white, all you need is the balls to enforce rules consistently (black and white, no gray areas based on post and sticky count...), thus fair, thus no bitching about censorship and freedom of speech and more of that inapplicable nonsense. Realize you don't have to reinvent the wheel on it either (basic rules that are pretty much default/standard for discussions forums).

I agree though, I'm complaining without offering a solution which makes it nothing more than complaining. The fact of the matter is rolli doesn't mind trolls on his boards that much and I don't have the time nor the desire to lead the blind. Besides that mods don't have a mandate to really clean up the mess do you...

I participate in at least as active/large forums as RIU on various topics, where they seemingly have about the same amount of mods... It's simple really, especially with advanced forum software like vBulletin. Ask rolli to allow you mods to give infractions including an automatic 2-week ban (if the first infraction is ignored or responded to with rudeness).

If a thread derails in arguing and namecalling don't lock it 'after' it completely blew up.... 'moderate' the thread so it doesn't blow up...

Definition of moderating: Preside over (a deliberative body) or at (a debate).

Definition of preside: Be in the position of authority in a meeting or gathering, be in charge of (a place or situation).

The trolls dictate the course of discussions here at trollitup, mods are not in charge of this place or situation or any (attempt at) debates..

Don't shoot the messenger... the OP asked for cons remember. There you have it, including arguments.

Edit: forgot the nr 1 rule: never ever tolerate any shit towards moderators from members that were warned, that's what empowers them to enforce the rules equally.