Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

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Well from what I've seen on my plants, going for more than 4 colas auxins get distributed unevenly, so some colas start growing up, some grow very slow. Even four colas you need to pull one and release another constantly checking them to form an even looking crown. 8 colas would be too difficult to make all even.
But somebody has to confirm or deny this, cause I'm still new at growing, just using common sense..

I am a big fan of controlling the rate of growth through removing lower growth sites... I get 1 top and 7-8 side branches that top out just 2 inches below the main cola. buds are the same size whether on the main cola or the side branch.... I should put something together, thread.

Basically, it get s 6-8 colas... no topping involved.
\asked UB to explain...Didn't get an answer, just got ram rodded by his slew of cronies he called in to muddy the waters.
Blah blah blah

The mutation is caused by an imbalance of hormones due to an early top. Topping 7-10 days before flower, in my garden, allows for proper re-growth and doesn't reek havoc on their cycle. I know...I know...Im a newb and I don't know anything...and all that...try a side by side and see for yourself which girl looks happier and healthier before putting into flower.

There, fixed it for you.
From what I remember, you have some design/garden issues that, for example, wouldn't quite make that statement true, for some others gardens...
I am a big fan of controlling the rate of growth through removing lower growth sites... I get 1 top and 7-8 side branches that top out just 2 inches below the main cola. buds are the same size whether on the main cola or the side branch.... I should put something together, thread.

Basically, it get s 6-8 colas... no topping involved.

That's some pretty good common sense. Some are going to be more vigorous, some less. The higher up you top a plant the bushier it becomes but also the "smaller the fruit".
From what I remember, you have some design/garden issues that, for example, wouldn't quite make that statement true, for some others gardens...
Design and garden issues? I design and service gardens, greenhouses and rooms. I'm not quite sure what you are trying to say. All rooms are different, all growers are different but that doesn't mean you can't replicate someone else's results. Sad you have been duped by the misinformation spouted by these trolls and you fell for it. My suggestion to you is get off these sites, do some reading and learn from your mistakes, because following some of these guys on here only hurts a newb or anyone too lazy to do their own research. JAS
Design and garden issues? I design and service gardens, greenhouses and rooms. I'm not quite sure what you are trying to say. All rooms are different, all growers are different but that doesn't mean you can't replicate someone else's results. Sad you have been duped by the misinformation spouted by these trolls and you fell for it. My suggestion to you is get off these sites, do some reading and learn from your mistakes, because following some of these guys on here only hurts a newb or anyone too lazy to do their own research. JAS
says the guy hiding behind a new screenname. Funny thing is, it was your backassward ideas that gave you away. You are giving the term troll a whole new level.
Design and garden issues? I design and service gardens, greenhouses and rooms. I'm not quite sure what you are trying to say. All rooms are different, all growers are different but that doesn't mean you can't replicate someone else's results. Sad you have been duped by the misinformation spouted by these trolls and you fell for it. My suggestion to you is get off these sites, do some reading and learn from your mistakes, because following some of these guys on here only hurts a newb or anyone too lazy to do their own research. JAS

I'm not even sure whose misinformation you are claiming that I am spewing, Sir Ganga.

1) You design and service greenhouse, rooms and gardens... ahem,... Bullshit.
2) All I said was that your 7-10 day rule is something that works for your plant, your room, your way of growing...

Don't you defoliate? You can't even really compare your plants to mine... especialy when talking "recovery times", Sir Ganga..
I understand that Jonny. That's a fair point. The nice part is that once you have the soil made, that's it. You can use it for 5, 10, 15+ runs .... and you can just stick another clone right in there and scratch in a couple cups of amendments and some ewc. No till, no heavy lifting, nothing. Just plain ole water. You can even pick up some blu-mats or make your own drip system to further reduce the labor.

I have a friend that rented a cement mixer when he made his soil, and that eliminated a lot of the "work" involved. One day of soil amending, and then it's cruise control after that. You have a roster of billions doing the work for you in your organic soil.

If I lived close by I'd even offer to give you a hand mixing your batch up for you. I actually enjoy it (I'm kind of weird). :-)
If you are getting that much use then I see the work load would be a lot less for sure. Most of my growers have health issues and I really have never promoted soil due to my though on workloads...Maybe someone else would enjoy the process...Thanks for opening up my mind a little. I will research it a little more and put into my arsenal for the next patient...JAS
Hey, Sir Ga.... I mean Johnny... can we some plants? Put up a duece with it... so we know it is yours...

If you think you can produce the same results with any plant... I question your experience. Sounds like the words of someone who grew a hybrid or two and jumped on RIU to play big boy...

I have plants that I put into flower, barely any roots, cut it in half (top) once... I have plants that I don't do a damn thing too, hug root mass, tons of foliage (except remove growth that would be otherwise laying in dirt).
If you think you can produce the same results with any plant... I question your experience. Sounds like the words of someone who grew a hybrid or two and jumped on RIU to play big boy...
I don't think...I know! Why would you think any differently? Can you only grow one species? You may think you know me but your way off (you wish you knew me). I have read this sirganga many posts and I see why you think its me...he is a real grower with real information with a real degree, that showed the world, your circle jerks friends for what they are...posers. Don't be another poser...think for yourself, do your own research and learn from your mistakes. This is what a true botanist does...JAS
I don't think...I know! Why would you think any differently? Can you only grow one species? You may think you know me but your way off (you wish you knew me). I have read this sirganga many posts and I see why you think its me...he is a real grower with real information with a real degree, that showed the world, your circle jerks friends for what they are...posers. Don't be another poser...think for yourself, do your own research and learn from your mistakes. This is what a true botanist does...JAS
If you think ANYONE is going to believe you aren't sir backasswards, you are even Dumber than your growing advise.
UB- I know your busy with all the rabble rousting there seems to be on this thread, and I don`t want any part of that. Don`t know if you saw my last post on page 502 #5020. I tried to explain it a little further than before. I waited and have not did my topping yet in effort to get some solid input.

I`m not a noob, nor an expert. Just trying to get positive feedback from someone who has clearly done more topping than me. If I have to have plants from seed with opposing nodes to get advise on this thread, just say the word and I will look elsewhere. Thanks, and have a great day.
Well from what I've seen on my plants, going for more than 4 colas auxins get distributed unevenly, so some colas start growing up, some grow very slow. Even four colas you need to pull one and release another constantly checking them to form an even looking crown. 8 colas would be too difficult to make all even.
But somebody has to confirm or deny this, cause I'm still new at growing, just using common sense..

yeh your right 8 colas or even 12 colas is easy to pull off with some extra veg time and pulling the side branches down to get all the colas level and evenly spaced
I am a big fan of controlling the rate of growth through removing lower growth sites... I get 1 top and 7-8 side branches that top out just 2 inches below the main cola. buds are the same size whether on the main cola or the side branch.... I should put something together, thread.

Basically, it get s 6-8 colas... no topping involved.

Hell yea! Do that shit.
UB- I know your busy with all the rabble rousting there seems to be on this thread, and I don`t want any part of that. Don`t know if you saw my last post on page 502 #5020. I tried to explain it a little further than before. I waited and have not did my topping yet in effort to get some solid input.

I`m not a noob, nor an expert. Just trying to get positive feedback from someone who has clearly done more topping than me. If I have to have plants from seed with opposing nodes to get advise on this thread, just say the word and I will look elsewhere. Thanks, and have a great day.

I know you rather Tio answer, but if the nodes are not opposing each other the growth wont have the uniformity of a plant with opposing nodes. Doesn't mean it'll hurt your ladies. You just won't have 4 uniform colas. Hope I helped
Damn, sorry you all witnessed my pissy-fit there, the last few pages. My oldest pet got sick, almost lost him yesterday morning.... so I took it out on ol' Sir Ga... I mean Johnny.

So, I apologize.. for the pissyness... I try to keep it civil around here.

That aside, Johnny, you're totally full of shit dude... I can smell you from here.
I'll play nice and all... but, I'm not buying what you are selling dude.

Why not just go back to Sir Ganja? The troll we all love to hate... :-P

C'mon... go back to Sir Ganja...
I know you rather Tio answer, but if the nodes are not opposing each other the growth wont have the uniformity of a plant with opposing nodes. Doesn't mean it'll hurt your ladies. You just won't have 4 uniform colas. Hope I helped

Thanks for the response Dboi87. Yeah I know it wont be uniform, but I can bend and train them to be more level with each other if needed. Just trying to make sure they don`t mutate in a bad way or something crazy. I have never topped that low. seems like a good way to keep em shorter for slightly longer veg. Thanks again man.
Thanks for the response Dboi87. Yeah I know it wont be uniform, but I can bend and train them to be more level with each other if needed. Just trying to make sure they don`t mutate in a bad way or something crazy. I have never topped that low. seems like a good way to keep em shorter for slightly longer veg. Thanks again man.

It's not going to hurt anything. Topping doesn't stress the plant nor will it induce mutation or hermies. You've been reading too much into some of the bullshit buzzwords around here like LST.

At the inside point of the petiole axis, that would be the inside point of attachment of the leaf petiole to the trunk or a branch, there resides a dormant bud. With the right inducement, usually hormonal, it will become active whether above (foliar) or below ground (roots). So, if you cut above the 1st node or the 8th, it shouldn't matter, you'll get output at the axis at the upper limit due to the affect of apical dominance and most likely get output below it. You just need to experiment, do some cutting, and go from there. I grow fruit trees and when one or more branches gets out of profile, too leggy, in comparison to the overall shape of the tree, I top it back.

If you just HAVE to have 4 main colas, then start from seed with opposing nodes and get after it. "My way" is not necessarily "the right way", it's just what kind of plant response I'm after, what I like, and is damn consistent and predictable. I can almost guarantee you 100% that if you cut above the first node you'll get 2 main colas. Done it dozens of times.

Good luck,
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