Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

The DA will probably charge you anyway, just to satisfy the victims family, and show that they did a good job. You will still probably have to defend your actions in a court room. I know several guys that thought they were justified, but took a deal for a couple years for guilty plea to manslaughter, rather than face the chance of 15 to life for murder conviction.....that's when push comes to shove......

When push comes to shove, I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6.

That said, I will only shoot when backed into a corner with no other options.

My old man taught be to treat my gun like a fire extinguisher. Take every precaution you can so that you never need it, but keep it handy just in case.

At my house they gotta get past two dogs and a steel security door before that's even a factor.

If my crop gets taken, my crop gets taken, but I'm gonna do everything I can to make sure me and the wife are still standing afterwards.

Most rippers seem to be young punks who run as soon as they're detected, it's those psychos who are willing to do a home invasion that I worry about.
After I browse and select as normal, It doesn't have the usual 'upload' button.
a couple of times when I went to upload it took me to a security page that wanted me to type in the letters in the screen to continue. I just quit and tried again in a few minutes.......
Ridin han solo in the tent tonight with my pit bull and my bat. Come get it punk ass rippers. I have a sweet night time pic of the plant but can't upload right meow for some reason. Good luck with the rippers guys
Ridin han solo in the tent tonight with my pit bull and my bat. Come get it punk ass rippers. I have a sweet night time pic of the plant but can't upload right meow for some reason. Good luck with the rippers guys

As long as its not HAND SOLO ;) Don't yank your crank while someone else yanks your stank....
As long as its not HAND SOLO ;) Don't yank your crank while someone else yanks your stank....

Dont get caught spankin when there out there yankin lol.

Dont get caught fuckin while there out there pluckin.

Dont get caught drunk they could be grabbin trunks.

I felt left out had to come up with a few.
Dont get caught spankin when there out there yankin lol.

Dont get caught fuckin while there out there pluckin.

Dont get caught drunk they could be grabbin trunks.

I felt left out had to come up with a few.

We got some T-Shirt/ Bumper Sticker material....