Are Poor People Really People?

I'm sick of these welfare cases. I know this one mother fucker I've reported for ss fraud 3 years in a row now they will not do nothing about it hes been on welfare for like 18 years because he had lymphoma its gone he won his fight with cancer now he just sells his fucking oxys and collects checks and doesn't work for a living because apparently hes got something good going. Fuck him he makes me not want to work a taxed job he makes me want to not pay in anything because if my money goes to useless pieces of shit like this I want nothing to do with it. I just wanna fucking move to Canada but I have a feeling you can't avoid them anywhere that has a welfare system. I feel like for every 9 out of every 10 people on welfare now adays don't actually need it and they are just fucking lazy fucks. Any way dude that seemed like an epic decision to make and I wouldn't want to be the one making it, but definitely respect is due because you thought out completely the consequences of your action and you seemed happy with them. Congrats
This thread title reminds me of a true story, happened in Ft. Myers FL.

I watched a family pulled up to a Salvation Army food pantry, then proceeded to load up the trunk of their new Mercedes.

WTF, some folks have no shame.
This thread title reminds me of a true story, happened in Ft. Myers FL.

I watched a family pulled up to a Salvation Army food pantry, then proceeded to load up the trunk of their new Mercedes.

WTF, some folks have no shame.

This thread title reminds me of a true story, happened in Ft. Myers FL.

I watched a family pulled up to a Salvation Army food pantry, then proceeded to load up the trunk of their new Mercedes.

WTF, some folks have no shame.
who the fuck are you to say some shit like that. how do you know they didnt lose thier job so the first thing that goes is food. i've been in a situation with the choice of buying food for a month or getting food stamps right off. i've seen people lose it all but still have one nice commodity. i was once homeless, the one nice thing i have is a pressed design tudor shirt. 80 bucks. kept it threw the whole thing.going to have a car might as well have one that is built to last for more than a decade.
I'm sick of these welfare cases. I know this one mother fucker I've reported for ss fraud 3 years in a row now they will not do nothing about it hes been on welfare for like 18 years because he had lymphoma its gone he won his fight with cancer now he just sells his fucking oxys and collects checks and doesn't work for a living because apparently hes got something good going. Fuck him he makes me not want to work a taxed job he makes me want to not pay in anything because if my money goes to useless pieces of shit like this I want nothing to do with it. I just wanna fucking move to Canada but I have a feeling you can't avoid them anywhere that has a welfare system. I feel like for every 9 out of every 10 people on welfare now adays don't actually need it and they are just fucking lazy fucks. Any way dude that seemed like an epic decision to make and I wouldn't want to be the one making it, but definitely respect is due because you thought out completely the consequences of your action and you seemed happy with them. Congrats
Canada doesn't fuck around on immigration either. $250,000 in the bank or proof that your business will provide jobs for 4 Canadians. That's my understanding of it.

Edit: I think you're a good guy for working. Don't let the loafers take too much of the attention away from your positive contributions to society and those around you.
who the fuck are you to say some shit like that. how do you know they didnt lose thier job so the first thing that goes is food. i've been in a situation with the choice of buying food for a month or getting food stamps right off. i've seen people lose it all but still have one nice commodity. i was once homeless, the one nice thing i have is a pressed design tudor shirt. 80 bucks. kept it threw the whole thing.going to have a car might as well have one that is built to last for more than a decade.

"A new Mercedes" is excessive for a retained reminder of better times. Feeding, maintaining and insuring one such is simply out of reach of someone newly poor enough to hit a food bank. A shirt doesn't have upkeep costs.
I would dump the cedes for a roof over my head and food in the cupboard in a second, I assume that if someone
is in such dire straights the bills are adding up. Selling the cedes would potentially keep you afloat until you could get back
on your feet.
who the fuck are you to say some shit like that. how do you know they didnt lose thier job so the first thing that goes is food. i've been in a situation with the choice of buying food for a month or getting food stamps right off. i've seen people lose it all but still have one nice commodity. i was once homeless, the one nice thing i have is a pressed design tudor shirt. 80 bucks. kept it threw the whole thing.going to have a car might as well have one that is built to last for more than a decade.

They were Jamaican, and not living in the car...and likely not even in Florida legally.

Not exactly your average family in need of food.
Wow, thanks for all of the support. I thought for sure I would be ridiculed into oblivion. So, I have been giving it some thought, and knowing that we cannot sustain our current population growth..... a modest proposal

The poor are clearly breeders, not just for the extra welfare/food stamps, but because they are not working and therefor having more sex, with nothing else to do....won;t "waste" their free money on condoms, and vasectomies aren;t free (why Bob Barker didn;t promote this instead, I'll never know). Anyway, we need protein and our current sources take up so many other resources, AND they contribute to methane gases depleting out ozone...(so a million reasons why this is a good idea). What if we took their babies and ate them? I mean look at chicken wings, fucking things have exploded in popularity. Just think how much more meat is on a little baby "wing", or those fat little legs! The poor have to contribute something. They have to.

They do it in China already, so I am not crazy.
Well, all poor people aren't like that. Some people are hard up through little or no fault of their own. But a family of fat tards eating instore food, yes i'd decline to help. But just for being poor. That would be messed up. If your that judgemental you deserve the karma that will head your way.
Well, all poor people aren't like that. Some people are hard up through little or no fault of their own. But a family of fat tards eating instore food, yes i'd decline to help. But just for being poor. That would be messed up. If your that judgemental you deserve the karma that will head your way.
yeah clayton!
woogie boogie!
Sometimes I think it's just me and like 3 other people on here and I have no idea who the other 3 really are, it's like the Truman show meets Multiplicity with Michael Keaton.
Who's #4? UB acts like #4, it must be him.
Wow, thanks for all of the support. I thought for sure I would be ridiculed into oblivion. So, I have been giving it some thought, and knowing that we cannot sustain our current population growth..... a modest proposal

The poor are clearly breeders, not just for the extra welfare/food stamps, but because they are not working and therefor having more sex, with nothing else to do....won;t "waste" their free money on condoms, and vasectomies aren;t free (why Bob Barker didn;t promote this instead, I'll never know). Anyway, we need protein and our current sources take up so many other resources, AND they contribute to methane gases depleting out ozone...(so a million reasons why this is a good idea). What if we took their babies and ate them? I mean look at chicken wings, fucking things have exploded in popularity. Just think how much more meat is on a little baby "wing", or those fat little legs! The poor have to contribute something. They have to.

They do it in China already, so I am not crazy.

Mmmm baby back ribs.

Edit....damn it neo.
Well, all poor people aren't like that. Some people are hard up through little or no fault of their own. But a family of fat tards eating instore food, yes i'd decline to help. But just for being poor. That would be messed up. If your that judgemental you deserve the karma that will head your way.

Of course not. I was homeless and lived in the projects, but I NEVER took anything from anyone. I worked for everything I ever received. Problem is that most people on welfare are there because it's easy. I work to pay for their lifestyle, and every year there is more of "them". That is a recipe for disaster. So, we have to do something now, before "they" get to make the rules with their votes.

Some people prefer the homeless "lifestyle". I can see the appeal. They usually don;t have children, and some are there because of children with psycho bitches and a horribly broken and abusive family law system.

I say, if you are on welfare, you cannot have any children. They shouldn;t be an incentive to get more money/stamps. If you can't feed yourself, you have no business bringing more mouths to feed into the world. Now, what do we do with the babies? The Chinese seem to like them, maybe we can close up some of the trade deficit by selling them to China. Bon appetit! Anyone?
Clayton are you implying the use of welfare babies as a cheap source of meat for Chinese restaurants
i hope not, i quite enjoy the lemon chicken every once in a while
That, or bar-b-que here (they'd kind of look like rottisserie chicken, only bigger.....8 pounders MF!). I think Neo and Jimmy put the needle on the record with the baby back ribs. Where do you think that concept came from?

Anyone on welfare shouldn;t be allowed to vote.