Advanced Autoflower Training, tips, secrets

Ruderalis makes very little thc and it's primarily used for is durability. It's said to be a distant relative to hemp and often found where hemp used to grow.
the russians have been making charas and medicine out of there "ditchweed' we so aptly call autoflowers for thousands of years
why would they if it had such little thc / cbd content that everyone claims
I dunno, maybe it was stronger back then? I'd like to know more myself, but I was speaking of modern use. Not really a ton of info out there.
Well my first go at autos has been comical. Tortured the poor things with all kinds of HST. 39 days and the fuckers still haven't started flowering!!! Just switched em to 12/12 from 18/6 last night. Lowryder reg diesels under 400w Philips CMH...hoping for a male and female.
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I guess there are two types of autoflowers, one type that is the adopted hemp strains that are usually found in urban areas where hemp field could have been grown , but there are also those real autoflowers that grow wild where no hemp has ever been grown!
I have seen wild automatically flowering phenotypes that grow just 30 cm but others that reach two meters and NO they are not Sativa or Indica because they are ready while the light cycle is still more than 12 hours long! .. I guess they could be some semi-autoflowering plants but I also have not found any studies done on these wild varieties.
Well my first go at autos has been comical. Tortured the poor things with all kinds of HST. 39 days and the fuckers still haven't started flowering!!! Just switched em to 12/12 from 18/6 last night. Lowryder reg diesels under 400w Philips CMH...hoping for a male and female.
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stress can delay flowering if its good genetics 12/12 wont flip them there going to do it when ready
As a first time grower I am gonna try out the Asprin method and see how works. I am realizing that in my climate a good producing Auto might be the way to go. This is my first Auto, germed and sprouted all outside around july 20 and never repotted. She is about 40 days old in the pic and i plan to let her go another 6 weeks or so.


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    2013-08-30 18.19.37.jpg
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As a first time grower I am gonna try out the Asprin method and see how works. I am realizing that in my climate a good producing Auto might be the way to go. This is my first Auto, germed and sprouted all outside around july 20 and never repotted. She is about 40 days old in the pic and i plan to let her go another 6 weeks or so.

Hows she doing? Its been almost 3 weeks
Lol, she is doing good. I musta been baked cause I don't remember posting in this thread. I abandoned the asprin idea in favor of breeding her with my bagseed photo strain. She had a small mold spot that i cut off. She has really beefed up and kinda smells like fruity candy.
Question : I would like to choose some strains for AutoFem Outdoor growing in April. I saw nice packages from Dutch passion (most expensive) , Dinafem, Paradise and Royal queen (cheapest). Each is offering a few strains : since I cant "taste" each strain before- how can I choose? I will be happy to hear some advice- what would you choose?
you could also check leafly and see what some of the parental genetics are good for in terms of effects. I didnt look through all of ^ but its a similar thing
haha I was gonna say try seedfinder but Tek is already on it.

Leafly is OK, but it's database is rather limited. I can't find a lot of strains in it. I used to use it to get smoke reports but got tired of not seeing any strains I'm lookin for.
Theres worms that are good for you soil, they move around and get the air to your roots. The fight isnt over till the girls lives are sucked from them. Even then lol..... They are very resilient plants, you would be surprised what happens to some growers.

On that last sentence.... my last roommates cat snuck in and ate 75% of my afghan but he recovered... only to die of 'natural causes' later lol (93 in my room over the summer).
Just to add something about neem oil...neem is a preventative measure. Generally, you should use neem when you have a threat but not a full blown invasion. Neem oil acts as an inhibitor in the sense that it stops the insects' reproductive cycle, thus causing them to eat less and not breed anymore. It does not kill the insect per se, just stops the insect from breeding and then also from eating since they have, at this point, nothing to live for. So, if you see a little problem beginning to develop, then get a little neem oil, some organic, non-scented dish soap, water and a spray bottle. Mix it up ( i use a drop of dish soap, 1 teaspoon of neem and 1 liter of water), spray it on and wait. Sometimes, the problem is deeper that you think, like in the soil and not just on the surface. If this is the case, I guess you'll have to go the insecticide route (i did on my first grow). The neem also works well when used from the beginning of the grow. Obviously, not when the little girl is one inch tall, but once a couple of nodes have started. It really stops a lot of aphids, spider mites and gnats. But be warned, it doesn't exactly smell like roses...more like a 12 hour train ride in India. :shock:

I do want to say I have done this also, DO not spray the neem on with the lights on. :roll: Unless you want fried bud nuggets, then its okay kinda like fried oreos and twinkies. You know what I'm sayin'? mmm hungry
On that last sentence.... my last roommates cat snuck in and ate 75% of my afghan but he recovered... only to die of 'natural causes' later lol (93 in my room over the summer).

Thats nuts that cat must of been baked. Prob wasn't dead just in a very deep sleep with low pulse lol

I was looking for a high cat that looked dead pic but came across this video and posting it in its place... LOL WTF

been going good @ jeff
my purple haze has about filled my 2x3 scrog up about ready to flip it and the one clone that made it last time i tried
im doing some breeding ATM hope it all takes so i have some new crosses to play with after the 3 months or so it takes to flower this haze out
I going to be trying to grow using the least amount of resources. To do this, as of right now, I want to grow auto-flowering cannabis strains in a Volksgarden with a HydroGrow Vertical LED Light and fertilizing with Nature's Source Organic Plant Food. As far as I can tell, the LED combined with Nature's source, as well as the natural affect of geotropism will cause the plant to remain as short and dense as possible, which is desirable since the Volksgarden has only two feet of growing space. I essentially want the densest possible plants to be converted into oil, with a Tamisium Extractor. The oil will be donated to a medical cannabis club.

I haven't started yet, so i can change the plan in anyway. Just looking for advice and I figured this is an advanced enough technique that this would be the correct forum for it.

I don't care about the initial investment, I care about using the least amount of water, light, nutrients, and space.

btw, this is not my first grow, I've never posted to RIU before but that doesn't mean i don't know what I'm doing, I've just got this idea that i think would work well but haven't actually tried it out...