Where can i buy 1g of JWH-250?

Yea fair enough Rory I believe what you say about the hash in America, I was a bit surprised to hear about the black never seeing hash before, especially considering the size of America and the amount of drugs they take there's bound to be hash somewhere. Fair point!

Your ashamed of your heritage tho? What exactly are you? A third Irish, Itilian and American? Can you not just say your American? You were born there, grew up there and were probably educated there. I don't understand why Americans never just say their American
You can you nly smoke hash with tobacco, that's why its called a joint!
I'm curious..how do you smoke hash joints?..and I'm not talking about hash mixed with tobacco..
Roll some hash very flat and thing, then put a pin or a toothpick as a center and roll the slab around it, pull the pin or toothpick out and smoke as you would a joint. I have seen it done.
Way to answer the question. Where to get jwh = nation pride fight. now I want some jwh but first I have to side with someone.
You would want to be getting good quality hash to be able to do that, but it sound like a cool idea.

Rory just re read your post, your grandfather was Irish so you describe yourself as half Irish? Oh my god.m
I don't think itsva nation pride fight because the hash is white in Ireland. The weed costs 50euro for 3.5 grams of average quality and good quality like the blue cheese or chronic is 50e for two grams! Now do ya blame me for smoking jwh with those prices? :)
Is it that bad in Ireland? You have to use chemical and synthetic forms of cannabis instead of smoking a joint. Damn Ireland, no wonder why you have such a bad heroin and HIV population, civil wars, blah..

Yea three pages of posts and still no answer..
i happen to know the answer but since you have such a shitty attitude i'm choosing to let your dumbass figure it out on your own..which you wont. i feel like i'm doing a good deed. if you are too stupid to answer this question then you damn sure don't need to become more stupid by smoking jwh.

get an attitude adjustment then try again.
Yea three pages of posts and still no answer..

tradekey or alibaba dude. do some searching like the rest of us. and usually when we do find a good vendor, we DONT talk about it. so good luck sending lots of product inquiries. thats the best and most advice i will give.
i feel like i'm doing a good deed. if you are too stupid to answer this question then you damn sure don't need to become more stupid by smoking jwh.

get an attitude adjustment then try again.

The Irish seem to have enough problems as it is, political, civil, medicinal, ect... It`s too bad their government is so rude on cannabis users. If they were not so rude to the casual cannabis smokers, they would have less HIV infections, Heroin usage, civil wars, act like a civil nation for shit sakes..

I guess they try to convey a better point of their statements by being rude to each other.

SHAPE UP IRELAND.... Call your congressional figures and LEGALIZE cannabis. We are doing this is the United States of America, RIGHT NOW...

Our violent and larceny crimes are dropping like crazy... The good people who smoke cannabis are no longer sending that money to the outlaws.. GOOD JOB CALIFORNIA, COLORADO, WASHINGTON, and ALL STATES WERE IS HAS BEEN MADE LEGAL OR MEDICINALLY LEGAL!!!!
Once again irishguy..AMERICA!
AND since my grandfather and dad are irish,well I guess that would make me half irish,unless my mom spliced genes with another race...delacy castle..look it up,and learn a little,instead of trying to get a rise out of someone over such a stupid topic..
Canndo..pretty cool trick..I would try that but its obsolete I guess,unless you're camping and didn't have an oil rig handy..I used to put a chunk on a bent saftey pin,light it till it flamed,blow it out and stick a tube over it and wait till the tube filled up..I only did this because I had run out of jwh-250,potatoes,whiskey,and carbombs.
I've got a coffee table book titled 'ireland'..big huge book,with hi quality glossy photos of different places in ireland..beautiful green hillsides,cliffs,farmers planting..its awesome..if half of it really looks like that in person I wanna visit!
I just hope the natives are nicer than the ones I've encountered here on r.I.u..
I bought 10 grams before it was outlawed. Believe me, fucking leave it alone. They commonly test for it now so the only reason for using it is gone. It's addictive, it has side effects and it's no replacement for weed.
Aha Rory your half Irish, your grandfather owned a castle here but yet you have never visited the country?? Poor show man, poor show!

I'd like to say that I don't have an attitude problem, if you read back I posted a very polite question asking where to get jwh-250 but minutes later started getting all sorts of abuse. So naturally it got my back up!

What kind of an ignorant eejit is that mints guy? The last civil war in Ireland was in 1921. I don't think there was any jwh around then. Also the war was with Britain over independence not dope, you DOPE! Go smoke some more man for gods sake! And offering advice on legalizing cannabis? You will be telling us to leaglise guns next! I can't believe a guy who comes from such an extremely violent society is offering us advice. The cops over don't even carry guns here, there's been one cop shot in the last 17 years. We have the lowest heroin usage in western Europe and I barely even know what HIV is its so rare! In fairness your man Rory has some clue what he is talking about but you just sound like a stereotypical yankie idiot!!
Many thanks to the mod for pm me the link. Ive just ordered a gram and an ounce of mullein leaf. Got the UPS tracking number a minute ago. Yeeees hope it arrives before the weekend. America... In your FACE!! :p

(apologies if the mod is an American) :)

Mood.. Lifted!!!!!