Everyone say a prayer n have a positive thought for my cat Jax plz....hes very very sick n I dont knw if hes gonna b ok...

(....I rushed him to vet today...he hasnt eaten or drank in days. ..hes drooling all down his chest n stff n his nose is running n he has a fever...n when the doctor looked in his mouth he had ulcers on his tounge n gums...could b feline leukemia or AIDS / kidney failure...hard to say w/out running a bunch of lab tests I cant afford...sothe doc gave his best guess as what he could to to help w what I could afford n gave him a couple shots antibiotics n steriods n stff to see if he improves any in nxt couple days or declines...if hes no bttr n his quality of life seems "that bad" then we can talk abt putting him to sleep...if hes sick n dying I dont want him to "suffer" but I also want him to at least have a shot at life so its worth letting it ride a couple more days before giving up...dont u guys think?...even maybe if he is sick n hurtin rite now dont u think his life is worth fighting for for a couple days before just throwin the towel in?....