bud bootlegger
Yeah, I think, but they all crazy
i think the crazy comes from years and years of drinking some of that shine.. you ever seen pickle?? i love him, but my god, dude is definitely shot out, and a half..

Yeah, I think, but they all crazy
This is not as overwhelming as some make it out to be.
1st Add all all the AMPS of the products you will be using in your shed.
2nd Allot 15-20% extra amperage to compensate for surge of startup. If your using LED there isnt a need for this much extra. HPS and MH for sure though you need the 20%
3rd Buy an extension cord capable of handling said AMPERAGE figured above,
Plug that bitch into the wall outlet and let her rip.
Keep in mind the AMPS of the breaker you are using(from your main panel) must be higher that the sum total of steps 1+2, and your not running other stuff without realizing it. like if its on a garage breaker and you come home and open the garage door, tripping the breaker and kicking your grow room in the balls. Depending on the draw you plan on using you may want to split it on two breakers with two extension cords.
The reason you should use extension cords and not romex, is because if you use romex you have to bury it in a conduit and that draws a straight line to your treasure chest.
Also, if you get caught with the buried romex your fucked.
If you use extension cords at least you have plausible deny-ability.
" I had those out there for when I trim tree branches and blow leaves out of the yard.. and some sons of bitches are using them for grass growing, Jesus.. I was wondering why my electric bill went up." or something.
Just remember not to exceed the ratings on the products your using. all the math is there you just have to work it out.
Good luck!
you will always have the same amps available the volts will be a lot lower on the other end
Since when does this site's members and even a moderator condone helping someone rip off someone else? Seriously! What if it was YOUR golf course and YOUR electricity this guy was ripping off? Would you be so willing to help him then? You people need to step back and think about what you are doing. What's next, helping ppl like him wire explosives, rob liquor stores? You need to draw a line ppl! Yes some here may be growing cannabis illegally but is that ripping someone off or just trying to self-medicate because of the stupid cannabis laws we have? I can't believe the help this guy was getting from some of you. And what does it take to become a 'moderator' on this site? Must not be much since he jumped right in to play along while others fear for this guys' safety with electricity. Unbelievable... For all you know he could be pulling that juice from your grandmothers' house or your cousins place of business. Doesn't anyone stop to think? Whoever helped him is also helping him rip someone else off so -rep majorly for those who did. You are no better than he is....
would you like to know how to wire explosives?
This is correct actually. Your going to have to use a 220 amp cord and split it at the other end. That's a little more complicated, but doable.!!I don't think you can buy 750 foot extension cords, and I also would not connect 8 100 ft ones together the voltage drop with extension coreds would be way to big:
View attachment 2841531
The fact of the matter is, he is going to lose A LOT of the power just in the cord and needs the thickest possible conductors.
This is correct actually. Your going to have to use a 220 amp cord and split it at the other end. That's a little more complicated, but doable.!!
If you want some more help your welcome to PM me.
Your not using a lot of power though, not a lot of light. quite honestly, unless your planning on expanding in the future, you may be better off building a box of some sort in the house. There's ways around the odor.
Since when does this site's members and even a moderator condone helping someone rip off someone else? Seriously! What if it was YOUR golf course and YOUR electricity this guy was ripping off? Would you be so willing to help him then? You people need to step back and think about what you are doing. What's next, helping ppl like him wire explosives, rob liquor stores? You need to draw a line ppl! Yes some here may be growing cannabis illegally but is that ripping someone off or just trying to self-medicate because of the stupid cannabis laws we have? I can't believe the help this guy was getting from some of you. And what does it take to become a 'moderator' on this site? Must not be much since he jumped right in to play along while others fear for this guys' safety with electricity. Unbelievable... For all you know he could be pulling that juice from your grandmothers' house or your cousins place of business. Doesn't anyone stop to think? Whoever helped him is also helping him rip someone else off so -rep majorly for those who did. You are no better than he is....
Who the Fuck are you to judge who gives advice to whom. How do I know that guy doesn't owe this guy for fucking his mother or something. Whatever!!!!, if the fucktards at the golfcourse don't realize they're consuming more power than usual and in turn doesn't investigate who's the worse? I'll tell you right now I keep my shit in order. My grandmother would laugh if she found that happening to her, My cousin would want in on it. I have knowledge of my activities and what goes on in my business. That's how you succeed. Maybee the golf course knows about it and doesn't care because they think its funny and plan on stealing it all anyway!! Did you think of that? You are the problem with this world. You want to pretend people aren't people. This isn't your world and we all don't just live in it. Your on a website dedicated to illegal activity and you want to lecture someone on giving advice about another illegal activity? Get fucking real buddy.
What the fuck do you think the electric company does to you on a monthly basis? Tesla gave us power, Morgan said "not without a meeter" its your ignorance that causes you to think of this guy as a thief.I understand why you are lashing out at me. You did not know what this guy was up to and posted help for him without reading the thread. Sorry for making you so upset. It was not my intention. As for cannabis growing being illegal, that is a matter of opinion depending on what state you are in. On the other hand, robbing someone else's electricity is TRULY illegal in every sense of the word. If you condone his actions or just don't care and try to help him then you are just as guilty and should be held accountable. Me? I am nobody but if I see an injustice being done you better damn well know I will not stop trying to expose it until it is seen and dealt with. Have a pleasant day.![]()
I understand why you are lashing out at me. You did not know what this guy was up to and posted help for him without reading the thread. Sorry for making you so upset. It was not my intention. As for cannabis growing being illegal, that is a matter of opinion depending on what state you are in. On the other hand, robbing someone else's electricity is TRULY illegal in every sense of the word. If you condone his actions or just don't care and try to help him then you are just as guilty and should be held accountable. Me? I am nobody but if I see an injustice being done you better damn well know I will not stop trying to expose it until it is seen and dealt with. Have a pleasant day.![]()
You can't run that much shit off one outletOk here's the details. The power is from a bathroom from a golf course bathroom. The power is taken from the attic, connectinh a gcfi plug into the wiring up in the attic. They never check I have done this for years on a smaller scale. The cord is drilled thru the wall and ran down a tree, from there buryed undergroubd the whole way to the w Hole.The hole will be around 750ftaway in a hole in the woods, with a door in the roof and covered in dirt so you have to dig to the door. Ventilatiob is still ran thru to surface. There will be a smaller dark room inside the underground room that I am growing In, the other room is just for some other supplys to be stored and for having it ug of course. Yes I know the wiring from the gc bt is illigal, growing weed is too. I've tested the power by plugging in 2 powerful lamps and after 1 month they were undisturbed so I don't think they motice the extra power. Besides all the wiring is hidden I really need a shopping list of exactly what I need, I will have 4 1000w lights, and all the other stuff, hydro systrm, vents etc that need powering. Ask me if you need anu more info I really appriciate the help. Sorry for the mistypes on my phone
ok guy
understand (the hole thing is inventive but it will have moisture always)
if u are dead set to do it
do it right ..................get a 750foot cord (good luck) have a pro put on a 3 prong head and the other end have him wire in a 4 plug box
next u need some good tupberware .................u will mkae a hole for the power cord to go tho and then seal it up ..............in the lid u will make 4 holes for the 4 possible sockets to be plugged in.........................now u most water proof it like a fucker no leaking shorting out the system
here is my best offer for help for u .................take a old smart phone one that u have a charger for and has a decent op system droid 3 or better ................u are going to plug it in and set up a ip camera .....................the phone will watch your stuff for u if they have a wifi system u can use it to access the camrea if not u get a 2nd phone with hotspot ..................set the hotspot up and imput the password on the 1st phone now u are with in range u can see in the hole with out walking to it .............nanny cam for your grow