Organic Nutrients


Well-Known Member
Awesome, now that is what I am talking about there Seamaiden.... Love that informative shit. I was working with organic bat guano, blood meal, and worm castings, they seem to like the blend I have in the soil. But so far I have not added any nutrients, some people are on my ass about it, saying my plants won't be happy without it, but my thought is, how much of that shit do they really get in the wild. And also, how the hell do you come out with organic bat shit! lol
Keep the ball rollin' ya'all, I love it! Thank you a million times and more


New Member
im using the same stuff u are bat guano bone meal worm castings/ kelp seaweed mix fox farm soil ocean forest and grow big i need to get some big bloom as well


Well-Known Member
Yah, totally! I was looking into getting the three from Fox Farm, the ones you just mentioned, but have to wait till I can afford it. Floydfanx gave me some awesome places with great prices, but I still gotta come up with the moola!!! :mrgreen:

Maybe I could work for it :hump::hump::hump::hump::hump:


DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member

24 hours before my feed days I make a batch of what I call "PLANT LOVE TEA"---

I take a 5 gallon bucket full of RO water and add:

4teaspoons of growbig
4tablespoons of big bloom
25ml---cal/mag plus
5ml-----floralicious plus
10ml----thrive alive w/b
1teaspoon carb load
1teaspoon piranha
1teaspoon tarantula
30ml voodoo juice
40ml fulvic
1ml super thrive
10ml hygrozyme

I then put a air stone in the bucket and let the critters go to work for 24 hours-----when ready to use I add ph-up till I hit 6.3 then feed.

I love teas done this way because the fungi/enzymes/ and beneficials break down the nutes and get them ready for fast assimilation-and as long as you have a good well draining soil you will get close to hydro results.

note: the growbig is not 100% organic so if you need to you could replace with iguana grow or other organic veg nutes. If you use tap water you wont need the cal/mag but you will have to let the water evaporate the chlorine out before you brew your tea.


Well-Known Member
DR. VonDankenstine:joint: You Rock! That is quite the combination, how long have you been working on putting that together? And that is awesome too, you know exactly what they want, very cool... I am so envious.... Thanks a million, plus one

El Americano

Active Member

24 hours before my feed days I make a batch of what I call "PLANT LOVE TEA"---

I take a 5 gallon bucket full of RO water and add:

4teaspoons of growbig
4tablespoons of big bloom

What do you use for flowering? I have a couple of seeds that are almost ready to plant and I bought SS 4. This will be a SOG op.

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
The reason I use the FoxFarm as a base is that it is a very stable product and they have designed it to have a longer shelf-life over most other organic nutes.

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
Very good medium----just add more "FOXFARM BIG AND CHUNKY PERLITE"--I will post my flowering tea recipe shortly----I'm in the middle of a feed right now...


Active Member
hey new growth, whats your compost technique? im also switching to soil. hydro is a huge pain in the ass. i just started composting and i pretty much just put in anything that grows then i cover with dirt every so often.


Active Member
hey new growth, whats your compost technique? im also switching to soil. hydro is a huge pain in the ass. i just started composting and i pretty much just put in anything that grows then i cover with dirt every so often.
also water occasionly and get in with a pitch fork about once a fortnight and mix it all about


Well-Known Member
hey new growth, whats your compost technique? im also switching to soil. hydro is a huge pain in the ass. i just started composting and i pretty much just put in anything that grows then i cover with dirt every so often.
Don't like hydro? What kind of set-up are you using I like hydro indoors its cleaner. There is a really cool composter here that you can keep in your kitchen NatureMill: Automatic Indoor Composter This thing rocks! I love it! When you compost make sure you have an even mix of carbon and nitrogen 50/50 is a good mix.:peace:


Well-Known Member
also water occasionly and get in with a pitch fork about once a fortnight and mix it all about
You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around,...... lol

Thank you all for all the wonderful ideas, keep em coming, we gotta revive the organic section, right? :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Botanicare Nutrients:
126ML Cal-Mag Plus
180ML Liquid Karma
540ML Pure Bend Pro Bloom

Fills an 18 gal res to 2900 PPM.