I agree, the more places it that becomes legal the better we ALL will be.
But in that note, Im being realistic, They are just now trying to pass a bill in my state that would allow a study to be done for medical cannabis. It should be done by year 2010 they say.
Who knows if it will even be leagalized after that though.
I remember about the time you asked about it and said that you were filing for it. Ill do the happy dance for ya babes.
Glad your hubby wised up about leaving you hoome alone with strangers as well, he should rally know better after being married that long.
Then again maybe there is a reason my wife says I act so much like a woman and am being overly sensitive to ya womens feelings?
No I think its a good thing. Plus he knows mt history.
Sorry to hear about the tractor. I hope its just the blades and nothing to do with the deck or steering, those pieces can get rather pricey to replace.