Advanced Nutrient Claims"Are they true?"

^ using in small amounts too. Only runnin 600-700 ppm in bloom and only 125 ppm total or parts a and b connoisseur for 5 gallons
In a week I've mixed several buckets up and they have all been in the correct ph range without adjustment.

Nuff said is right. I worked in the shops for a while I know allll about the bs. Why do you think I'm only using AN base. But if that base is gonna hold my ph for me hell ya awesome il run it. Running the whole line would be silly, there are 100's of cheaper was to get the rest of your nutrients and minerals than an additives. But getting that ph perfect without having to fuck with ph down and up that's a headache saver for the 5 gallon bucket guy.
Honest question, is ph really that big of a deal in hydro? In soil I haven't seen the need to worry about it. I know soil buffers ph and what not and my limited experience with ph problems resulted from salt build up causing lock out and some damage to the plants. Quick flush with tap water with a small amount of fertilizer seemed to correct the problem.I see people so worried about ph but I know different uptake happens at different ranges.
Ph is a huge % of hydro u can figure ppm put for ur stlye buy if ur ph is off ur plants aren't abbsorbing shit so yes ph is basically everything in hydro.
Ya if your ph is being gay you plants will freak out in their own individual way. I'm running almost all seedlings and they were mostly all freaking out in their own way. So far all new grow Has been green as can be. Only 5-7 nodes so far but they all see to be healthier since I made the switch. I got a batch of silver mountains on flower that were turning a golden color and they all greened right back up too. So far in really happy with ph perfect.

I hate advanced and everything they stand for too. Big mike is a con artist. Half the cost of the bottle is that damn magazine. Other 45% of the cost is the actual bottle. But if its gonna make my life 1000x easier with premium results at the end I'm all for it.

That's te final test. How it yields / quality of product. I've been running extremely organic and clean so if it doesn't compete il get my act together on the water and do all the hard work but in my experience properly grown bud is properly grown bud.
Not that I've tried it but if its anything like Jacks Classic/Bloom, I'd bet their hydro fertilizer would be the shit. Honestly have never had healthier plants with basically no problems (minus ogk as it enjoys a little cal/mah) since switching to Jacks. Only reason I praise jacks is due to the fact it's 1.all in
One containing everything which makes
My plants happy and 2. You can't beat the price. Just a thought, and each plant costs about $1-2 in ferts a grow. I did have to order online from Jacks to get it which upped the cost a bit in shipping but it's well worth it. Switched from fox farms and never going back.
The major problem with the all in one is being able to adjust when your plants get what. My npk and all my additives can be withheld/boosted at will. Running 40 some odd different seeds wouldn't be possible IMO with an all in one. They all like different stuff and i find myself feeding singular plants differently.
Ah Gotcha. I find it as a complete base nute and I do know how different plants prefer different things. Plus I forgot you run practically half a seed bank lol.
believe me the day i can run just one or 2 things and get away with it i will..... ive tried many times. closest ive found to simplistic perfection was top dressing with earth juice rainbow mix bloom and primal earth with powdered glacial rock. only needed to re apply every 14-16 days or so and they were awesome. lower yield tho. major gnat bait too. room always smelled like a compost pile too. still was easy as fuck and worked out good.

im all for ez.. just, its not ez its lazy if your end product suffers.. ya know what i mean?
Ohn I certainly do man. Trust me, ended up hashing plants that didn't make ths cut due to early heat damage and some nute burn (fucking organic teas.... done with them, can never be accurate or consistent).
Plus was dealing with the borg again, but I've broke down and bought avid and life has been swell since Sunday. No sign of mites or new eggs after two treatments. Still gotta be proactive but my little garden alone easily eats up 4-5hours a week between cleaning, cloning, repotting and the like.

I just subscribe to the KISS philosophy now. Less is more ya know?
...I've been a addictive/compulsive type in a few hobbies; namely gardening, hydro & Reef tanks and this same type of shit comes up every where... clue if AN is better or worse, or all this organic shit, or Fox Farms or whomethefuckever Brand is better or worse...
but somethin tells me I could take a bucket of midwest clay and a handfull of chicken shit and "weed" will still grow like weed (and screw all that conisuer BS about taste and shit)
The hydroponics industry is one of the most unregulated industry in this completely corrupt corporate world we all live in, that says it all really, noobs have no perception of this though unfortunately and are ultimately robbed blind in daylight robbery.
Too many stupid advanced lovers here to bother reading their arguments. Whoever, loves Advanced is a moron and wasting time. Should do themselves a favor quit growing!!!!!!!
Same with the Dyna Gro growers bout the same boat they just argue about "my overpriced nutes are better then yours." or "I may pay $20 extra but mine lasts up to 20% longer" I swear we got some under cover Dyna Gro reps here.

Organic bud is said to be the best at least if you ask DJ Short, Soma, breeder Steve, and many many more. I've yet to do Organic but I do have a nice pile of shit for next years outdoor.
I've done rev super soil and hydro and hempy and every other type in the middle. Just about any of it will get you from point a to b if you keep your ph right.

I never had an issue with ph in my last 3 houses but in this one I was toast. I moved in a full ready to go into bloom garden that if it woulda went south my 3 month old woulda been using my old t shirts as diapers. The slightly more expensive advance ph perfect base has turned around any deficiencies they were showing. Absolutely worth every penny IMO.
Also, I'm running alot more then just advanced base but the "ph perfect" claims seem to be working. For anyone wondering the base would make a great starting point for any non organic regimen.
~ nuff said ~
Its too bad you don't have a legit position on the subject. Not knowing how PH perfect works doesn't constitute a bad product just a lack of knowledge on your part. If your saying tomatoes have the same needs as squash or cannabis...well, that's a look into your background also, ratio's and formulas change for one reason...different needs and requirements, you know this!, so quit bashing, not everyone wants to mix their own and their are plenty of very good products out there. Your opinion is yours, that doesn't mean its wrong or right, it does show people like me what you really are about. You can send your sock puppets in to trash me now that I got egg on your face.
Nuff said 2.
Its too bad you don't have a legit position on the subject. Not knowing how PH perfect works doesn't constitute a bad product just a lack of knowledge on your part. If your saying tomatoes have the same needs as squash or cannabis...well, that's a look into your background also, ratio's and formulas change for one reason...different needs and requirements, you know this!, so quit bashing, not everyone wants to mix their own and their are plenty of very good products out there. Your opinion is yours, that doesn't mean its wrong or right, it does show people like me what you really are about. You can send your sock puppets in to trash me now that I got egg on your face. DITTO! JAS
Says the guy hiding behind a new screen name, SIR GANGA, LMFAO what a maroon!!!!

what kind of life must you have to change screen names and troll UB, get a life loser.