what do I need to know about wiring?

I wouldn't even give him a pack of matches.
Fuck the electricity he will be arrested way before that.
He is just far to stupid.
I only read this whole thread because I was shocked at first. Truly turned out to be all full of LOL :) It was very emotional... sometimes I laughed, and other times I nearly cried. I am struggling with the urge to make very sarcastic funny scenario-type follow-up post predictions from OP, but I'll be a bit more professional and remain serious.

First, I'm on the side that one does not rip off electricity. That said, each to their own. Please, I urge you not to proceed. Having done electrical for many, many years, just don't do it, and I say that coming from more angles than any amount of watts you think you'll need.

You'd be much better advised to just start a micro PC case grow or something, and read up on how you can deal with smell and light leaks so Mom doesn't find it.

Normally I say that enthusiasm is a good thing, but you bounce around in your stories so much that it makes my bipolar come to a standstill.

Seriously... you are way too uneducated in many aspects of basic common sense to even consider such a thing. For the love of all things good, please don't risk human life, or risk burning down your parents house, golf course, tree house or whatever you want to wire from.

I only read this whole thread because I was shocked at first. Truly turned out to be all full of LOL :) It was very emotional... sometimes I laughed, and other times I nearly cried. I am struggling with the urge to make very sarcastic funny scenario-type follow-up post predictions from OP, but I'll be a bit more professional and remain serious.

First, I'm on the side that one does not rip off electricity. That said, each to their own. Please, I urge you not to proceed. Having done electrical for many, many years, just don't do it, and I say that coming from more angles than any amount of watts you think you'll need.

You'd be much better advised to just start a micro PC case grow or something, and read up on how you can deal with smell and light leaks so Mom doesn't find it.

Normally I say that enthusiasm is a good thing, but you bounce around in your stories so much that it makes my bipolar come to a standstill.

Seriously... you are way too uneducated in many aspects of basic common sense to even consider such a thing. For the love of all things good, please don't risk human life, or risk burning down your parents house, golf course, tree house or whatever you want to wire from.


Well Said Spek9! Perhaps I should have taken that approach instead of the way I ended up handling it. I do apologize to everyone for any offense taken by my words. Thank you.
Since when does this site's members and even a moderator condone helping someone rip off someone else? Seriously! What if it was YOUR golf course and YOUR electricity this guy was ripping off? Would you be so willing to help him then? You people need to step back and think about what you are doing. What's next, helping ppl like him wire explosives, rob liquor stores? You need to draw a line ppl! Yes some here may be growing cannabis illegally but is that ripping someone off or just trying to self-medicate because of the stupid cannabis laws we have? I can't believe the help this guy was getting from some of you. And what does it take to become a 'moderator' on this site? Must not be much since he jumped right in to play along while others fear for this guys' safety with electricity. Unbelievable... For all you know he could be pulling that juice from your grandmothers' house or your cousins place of business. Doesn't anyone stop to think? Whoever helped him is also helping him rip someone else off so -rep majorly for those who did. You are no better than he is....

Where did you see me condone anything?
Maybe you missed where I said this idea is bad in so many ways I don't even know where to start??
Where did you see me condone anything?
Maybe you missed where I said this idea is bad in so many ways I don't even know where to start??

My apologies Racer! I got very emotional about the subject matter and should have handled it differently than I did. I had a WTF moment and started typing. My intention was to open peoples eyes not slam them shut as I seem to have done. I am sorry. I will think before speaking if it ever comes to this again. It just seemed like many were joking about this while others were seriously trying to help the guy rob electricity. Again, I am sorry for any offense anyone took from my words. Peace! :peace:
My apologies Racer! I got very emotional about the subject matter and should have handled it differently than I did. I had a WTF moment and started typing. My intention was to open peoples eyes not slam them shut as I seem to have done. I am sorry. I will think before speaking if it ever comes to this again. It just seemed like many were joking about this while others were seriously trying to help the guy rob electricity. Again, I am sorry for any offense anyone took from my words. Peace! :peace:

nah, it's cool m8, being here as long as i have been, i've grown a thick skin, and small things like that tend to roll off like the rain water.. :D
My apologies Racer! I got very emotional about the subject matter and should have handled it differently than I did. I had a WTF moment and started typing. My intention was to open peoples eyes not slam them shut as I seem to have done. I am sorry. I will think before speaking if it ever comes to this again. It just seemed like many were joking about this while others were seriously trying to help the guy rob electricity. Again, I am sorry for any offense anyone took from my words. Peace! :peace:

You are just to stupid to contribute anything worth while, so you start shit posting to get your post count up.
You are just to stupid to contribute anything worth while, so you start shit posting to get your post count up.

Thanks brother. I love you too. It wasn't I who started this but it did put an end to it unless you care to try and help the electricity thief even more than you have. As for posts....pffft. I do not care about silly post numbers but you seem to so just be happy and stop trolling me on other threads where I try to learn about growing. Thank you.
Thanks brother. I love you too. It wasn't I who started this but it did put an end to it unless you care to try and help the electricity thief even more than you have. As for posts....pffft. I do not care about silly post numbers but you seem to so just be happy and stop trolling me on other threads where I try to learn about growing. Thank you.

That's what you think, full specturm G2 par max out, ;;p lolololol
That's what you think, full specturm G2 par max out, ;;p lolololol

I'm sorry Pico, at first I thought you were purposely trying to be mean, but now I see there is actually something wrong with your poor little mind. You have my sympathy little brother. Be well.
i'm sorry pico, at first i thought you were purposely trying to be mean, but now i see there is actually something wrong with your poor little mind. You have my sympathy little brother. Be well.

問題ありません、日本人はとにかく、面白い見ない :p
Ok thought this thread was dead at page 5 but here's a update for anyone who cares

First of all new spot, its up on a hill to help with the water and its withen 100 feet.

I figured out all the wiring. 15 amp breaker with 110v. Its ~1700 max watts and they are only using 560 of them.

I know there's a chance of them catching on to the power change, but this is a big big golf course. Its acutally 6 different courses all on the same land. Ithas hugeee spotlights that run all night, bars, etc all on there power. There are also 6 of these bathrooms over the whole course. And so much other stuff they are cobstantly powering. Would they really be paying attention to the 15w breaker on the bathroom that they never really even maintain? I could see if I surged it but I have it correctly wired and the breaker is still In the correct range I doubt they would have the time or care to investigate it.

Plus before actual set up I'm going to plug something up similar power to what ill be using and see if they notice.

I'm going to run a 15 amp romex 14/2 wire undergroubd to be hooked to a single 110v outlet. That will be connected to gfci (or whatever the acronym is )plug in that I found at lowes. From there a multi plug extension that all my power will go into. I've done all the eleftricty math and it all works together.

First there will be a solid wood 14x12x8 room built in place. I will seal it fully with only holes for the ducting which will be buryed to the center of very very thick brush where they will meet the air. and put up these water resistant sheet type things on the outside and drywall on the inside. Then bring my 10x10x7 grow room and all supplys in and put on a roof with a trapdoor on it. Then it will all be covered back with dirt all will have to dig to reach the door each time
Oh and there's a assload of wasps nests in the attic so that will also deter them from thnking that someone went up there/wanting to go up there. I'm wearing a beekeeper suit wyen I go up there.

Also 1000w hps was a crazy idea. I'm going with 4 150-200w cfls instead
Oh and there's a assload of wasps nests in the attic so that will also deter them from thnking that someone went up there/wanting to go up there. I'm wearing a beekeeper suit wyen I go up there.

Also 1000w hps was a crazy idea. I'm going with 4 150-200w cfls instead

Seriously? You are STILL posting your thieving, underhanded intentions on this open public forum? Your crooked mindset is only surpassed by your stupidity. Do the world a favor and go back to the woods you originally found, dig a hole, hop in and cover yourself with dirt. Maybe something GOOD will sprout out of that mess... STOP TRYING TO STEAL ELECTRICITY!!!!