If he was in another country, there would be another khmer rougei didnt man. I know saying this is old news. but its still unbelievable to me that we have a president like this. I can only imagine if he was the leader of another country doing this. sheesh. I wonder in the future what kind of things the Bush camp did will be uncovered.
Yahoo, here comes Vincent Bugliosi heading the charge. I hope he gets em all.I think that once we know all the facts/charges,someone will take this into there own hands[scope]
Good!!!-------Bush can now pardon my white ass and kiss it!!!
What does this have to do with Iraq?saying bush should be charged with war crimes for kickin terrorists asses is mind boggling to me.
I say stone the puppet and the puppet masters also.Bush's actions have caused thousands of people their lives. War is never the right answer to solve any violent problem. Violence only brings about more violence. The ways in which we interrogated "possible" terrorists were directly against the laws created to keep all people involved a little bit humane. The president is still a citizen of this country and should be treated as such. Bring back public stoning?? It's not like that fuking idiot (C- school ave!!! How the fuck we have a C- ave student as our president is way beyond my understanding!) of a president made any decisions on his own. He was always told exactly what to say and do, like many of our presidents he was no more then a puppet and public figure.