Well-Known Member
Personally..a bad drug for me is the one I want but can't find,or the one I ran out
^^^ Ok , I see that point of view, now flip that around and put yourself in the perspective of the dealer that threatened DPR. That dealer was doing business fine and along comes DPR telling the drug dealers what the rules are and how to follow the rules. Drug dealers are losing business because of SR so they have to join. But when they go to join SR they have to follow DPR's rules and pay him money, also risk losing money on the Bitcoin exchange to a unregulated market. You just need to know basic principles of economics to understand why a unregulated market goes corrupt in about 2 seconds flat. DPR was part of that corruption of bitcoin exchange, and YES he extorted money from everyone that every used SR in the name of liberty. So to me he was scum. You had to pay him to get on his "secure" sight and his "system" of protecting buyers from dishonest dealers. HE WAS DISHONEST! This guy thought his shit did not stink and he was a son of liberty fighting for the american dream. He was a fucking scum bag. We need to legalize all drugs, no fucking doubt. But this is not the way. The internet is no place to buy or sell drugs. It is a good place to make friends sometimes. These high level drug dealers are not investing money into politics or increasing our civil rights, they care fuck all about other people.
Imp..I think the point is on the user end is/was safety..order from silk road and the only similarities to street deals is now the cops may roll up on you..but on s.r. you had no dealers seeing your face,your purchase was secure,you got exactly what you payed for,never had to leave the house..on the street you could get robbed,beat then robbed,shot then robbed,sold fake drugs,sold weak drugs,sold drugs that are not the drugs you wanted..
That being said,I was not happy that silk road sold bad drugs like heroin,and coke/ far as the hits put out..well that has yet to be proven in a court and I feel it may be a fabrication by the government..and I gotta say if someone tried to steal half a million from me(extrortion is stealing in my book),I wouldn't kill anyone but I would be violent at that,not that I condone his actions,but every man has a breaking point..
The whole problem with people disagreeing is they are still using the legal status of drugs in a context not pertaining to drugs themselves..did he kill or ask to kill,maybe..did he help distribute bad drugs..def..did he help change peoples lives by offering psychedelics..probably so...I'm not saying he should be exhalted to 'prankster'status,but I'm not saying he should be a modern day hitler either..he probably did help cut down on crime to an extent by keeping a few people from going out to cop on the far as cartels..maybe a little activity but I doubt 400kilos of coke were ever for sale on s.r...hopefully a moral based silk road will pop up,only offering psychedelics,soft drugs,and hugs!
I've allways seen people getting busted around my town in sting..and it allways involves pills,coke,heroin..the feds don't play with that shit..and everyone know,you don't stick your tounge out at the bully in the school yard because you're on the gotta get down the slide eventually.. and the bully is gonna be there..
I think a lot of casual ,honest, morally fortified users feel violated and angry like you at dpr..its like you had a great relationship with a beautiful girl and you catch her blowing your best friend...
and not everyone has connections where they can make a phone call and get a sheet of lsd or an ounce of shrooms..
I can leave unfinished cocaine. I'm sure I wouldn't tear through a sheet but I'd be more likely to redose the Lucy.And I understand that racer,and I feel for those people not motivated enough or lucky enough to go find those drugs they seek out..I took lsd my first time and said 'i will find a way to have this drug when I want it'...and did..bad drugs are an opinion of mine..whereas with lsd I can do it for enjoyment,bad drugs you HAVE to do..put an 8ball of coke on the mirror,do a fat line,and see how long you can hold out before,take a sheet of lsd,eat 3 hits,and put the sheet on the coffee table and compare...that's my point about bad drugs..same with heroin..I have never heard someone say coke or heroin changed their life for the better..all that said,its my opinion,and also my opinion that if you WANT to do those drugs,you should be allowed a safe manner of course..I know that seems hippocritical so ill save ya the trouble of pointing it out..but you,its all relative..the cokehead may hate acid and call it a bad drug also..
As a former heroin user I see that as a GIGANTIC improvement! When I was doing dope I was paying less per mg of actual heroin but I was getting a fair amount of garbage thrown in for free. Except the times it was raw and I'd have died if I didn't have a very high tolerance AND did a small test shot. A lot of people don't because it diminishes the rush when you do the big shot.Yes duck,people are gonna do those drugs,and should have the right to,but honestly do you think they are good for you to do? I feel the only way silk road helped that situation is a heroin user somewhere wasn't shooting makeup! westcoast weed sucks here in va..its all outdoor rejects and its cheap..200-300 an oz..but that's what I see and hear..I myself got that pure afghan..WHOOP!
Did DPR magically shut down every drug corner in the world? Because I've been hearing about lots of people ODing on acetylfentanyl being sold as dope in my area.
People are going to do drugs like crack and meth and heroin, SR made high quality peer reviewed products available to the users of those drugs in retail amounts. That's valuable in any market. I have local friends who used it for heroin and I live in NJ! Prices were usually at a premium over the sellers location but overpriced weed on the West Coast is still a fucking bargain over here!
Well said bro! The point was to get rid of the violence.
And even when you do how many people can choose from a number of vendors based on feedback from other users.
i just flipped the fuck out on someone on fb mre..
girl i know is on methadone posted an article about 5 od's in 2 days in you know where.. than this dude comes in behind and says good, bye bye dirt bags, heroin users are the dregs of society, blah blah blah..
yeah, to say i went off on the dude would be an understatement..
Hey I nodded off on o.c. with my chin on my fist slipped down and I cut off my own blood/oxygen..and did die..but was even pharmacueticle grade drugs in a proper dose can be dangerous..of couse there was the booting it also..but that being said,if someone wanted to try heroin,got pure heroin from s.r. and dosed an amount that most users say was a good dose,comparing it to street dope,it could end in a similar fashion..we need drug reform now..
I honestly don't know where, there's so many fucking spots. Philly, Camden, Newark, all of that urban sprawl around Newark that changes names every half mile, Paterson, NYC. Lots of other cities that would be the dope city in most other states.i just flipped the fuck out on someone on fb mre..
girl i know is on methadone posted an article about 5 od's in 2 days in you know where.. than this dude comes in behind and says good, bye bye dirt bags, heroin users are the dregs of society, blah blah blah..
yeah, to say i went off on the dude would be an understatement..
I've seen reports of acetyl fent as far south as the Newark area. As long as there's some dope in the bag the ME isn't looking for it. It takes awhile for them to figure out why everyone is dropping like flies every time this happens. I think it's hysterical they think not publishing it is going to keep people from rushing that spot. I bet I could figure it out without leaving my computer.i read the article and they're not naming the bag name or where it is being sold in fear of mass rush to that set, and it didn't say anything about it being fent laced, but the thought certainly crossed my mind, except no one has yet died, which kind of steered me from the fent theory ..
damn...well it was great to be a part of this while it lasted. i honestly did not expect this to happen so soon...
Is there a bigger abundance of H around lately? You never saw it around here at all until about a year ago. Now people are ODing pretty often. I guess it was only a matter of time, being the pill state and all.